Appointment with Dr Anemone

Appointment with Dr Anemone

It seems that marine-life could hold the key to improving many aspects of human health. Which is fine as long as the creatures we dive to see don’t have to be sacrificed in the process, says LISA COLLINS. They might not have to be

3 mins  |
April 2017
The Wreck Of The Zenobia: Disneyland For Divers

The Wreck Of The Zenobia: Disneyland For Divers

The Zenobia is one of those wrecks most divers have heard of, even if they haven’t dived it, but what is that makes some return to Cyprus year after year to revisit the site? DAVID BAKER, Chairman of Richmond Sub Aqua Club, has been asking around

4 mins  |
January 2018
Well And Truly Tested

Well And Truly Tested

MIKE WARD does the honours as a new Apeks regulator hoves into view – and for the rest, it’s all a matter of shedding light, with new products from Mares and Weefine

4 mins  |
January 2018
Man Jailed For First- Time Diver's Lake Death

Man Jailed For First- Time Diver's Lake Death

THE OWNER OF A WELSH online company that sold golf balls retrieved from lakes has been jailed for 32 months for manslaughter, following the diving death of an employee.

1 min  |
September 2017
God's Pocket

God's Pocket

This coldwater Pacific classic can create dilemmas for photographers, says MARK B HATTER, torn between tiny rockfish and huge ‘GPOs’ in British Columbia.

8 mins  |
September 2017
In The Glassy Ripples

In The Glassy Ripples

Tonga is a place of myths and traditions, and until 1978 whales were welcomed there only as food. Now things have taken a very different turn, as JENNY STOCK, only slightly hampered by her wetsuit, relates.

7 mins  |
September 2017
Baby Diver

Baby Diver

Father-to-be HENLEY SPIERS decided that he needed a better understanding of diving and pregnancy.

4 mins  |
September 2017


It’s alway good to feel that you might be ahead of the pack – we often hear about Bali and Lombok on one hand, and Komodo and Flores on the other, but what lies in between? JOHN LIDDIARD finds out.

9 mins  |
September 2017
Nudi GB

Nudi GB

When you get your eye in you realise that colourful sea-slugs are not confined to the tropics – southeastern Scotland, for example, can also be a happy hunting-ground for macro enthusiasts. RICHARD ASPINALL drops into the Scottish Nudibranch Festival

8 mins  |
September 2017
Early Learning With Alligators-That's So Sick

Early Learning With Alligators-That's So Sick

The arrival of children can change divers’ lives – you don’t know if they will share your passion as they grow up or – inadvertently – stifle yours. So CHARLIE OLDFIELD went through a range of emotions when son Dylan announced that he wanted to dive…

4 mins  |
September 2017
St Stephen Revisited

St Stephen Revisited

The Austrian-Hungarian dreadnought was taken by surprise by the brave crews of two Italian torpedo-boats, and the Szent Istvan became the only WW1 warship the sinking of which was captured on film. VIC VERLINDEN joins a technical-diving team to recover artefacts from the massive, deep-lying Adriatic wreck

4 mins  |
November 2017
Be The Champ!

Be The Champ!

It’s an experience unlike any other in scuba-diving, and needs to be reflected in your photography in all its vertical glory – ALEX MUSTARD takes as his subject this month the giant-kelp forest

4 mins  |
November 2017
Freediver Smashes The British No Limits Record

Freediver Smashes The British No Limits Record

FREEDIVER HARRY CHAMAS has broken by 17m the British No Limits depth record set seven years ago.

1 min  |
November 2017
Aspects Of Etiquette Pt 2

Aspects Of Etiquette Pt 2

There is a right way of doing things when you’re on a dive-boat – and then there’s the other way that draws sideways looks. SIMON PRIDMORE aims to keep us on the straight and narrow

4 mins  |
October 2017
The Secrets Of Sveti Pavao

The Secrets Of Sveti Pavao

Examining the seabed off Croatia, two scuba-divers discovered a well-preserved porcelain vase. Only the richest people, as it turned out, could afford such pottery in the 16th century. 

7 mins  |
October 2017
The Artist Who Likes To Paint In Cold Water

The Artist Who Likes To Paint In Cold Water

His pictures may or may not be your cup of tea, but with his unusual method of painting them, Russian diver Yuri Alekseev certainly isn’t looking for an easy ride. ANDREY NEKRASOV tags along to watch him at work

4 mins  |
October 2017
Sharkdance By Night

Sharkdance By Night

Russian diver IRINA BRITANOVA lives her surreal dream, with photography by ANDREY NEKRASOV

5 mins  |
August 2017
Kimo, Zico And Me, Going Tec In The Red Sea

Kimo, Zico And Me, Going Tec In The Red Sea

Through good times and bad, JAMES L’ESTRANGE has retained his faith in the power and poetry of diving from Sharm and the Gulf of Aqaba, and he makes an annual pilgrimage to Egypt. This August he decided that going tec would help him get fitter, too

5 mins  |
November 2017
Aspects Of Etiquette Pt 3

Aspects Of Etiquette Pt 3

Are you the sort of underwater photographer who gives the pastime a good name? If you’re worried that you might be the other sort, SIMON PRIDMORE has a few tips

4 mins  |
November 2017
When Hunter Becomes Prey

When Hunter Becomes Prey

When great white shark corpses started turning up with their livers missing, it took a while to piece together the story – and now South Africa’s cage-diving operators are living in fear that their golden days are numbered. RICHARD PEIRCE has this exclusive story

4 mins  |
November 2017
How Well-Covered Is Your Liveaboard Trip?

How Well-Covered Is Your Liveaboard Trip?

So you thought the Mystery Diver had retired? Never, not while there are services such as liveaboard-booking/ price-comparison websites to delve into!

7 mins  |
November 2017
Sewage Surfer Sets Sustainability Tone

Sewage Surfer Sets Sustainability Tone

THE FIRST Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2017 finalist images were revealed in September ahead of the announcement of the overall winners on 17 October and the opening on the 20th of the exhibition at the Natural History Museum (NHM) in London.

4 mins  |
November 2017
Divers Asked To Look Out For Gloomy Octopus Cities

Divers Asked To Look Out For Gloomy Octopus Cities

OCTOPUSES ARE USUALLY thought of as solitary, mingling with others only to mate, but social interactions between them could be more widespread than previously recognised, say marine biologists who have been studying them in Australia.

1 min  |
November 2017
Two British Divers Die In Canary Islands In A Week

Two British Divers Die In Canary Islands In A Week

TWO BRITISH DIVERS died on consecutive Saturdays in September while on holiday dives in the Canary Islands.

1 min  |
November 2017
Aspects Of Etiquette Pt 1

Aspects Of Etiquette Pt 1

Most of us like to feel that we’re in the know about the accepted way of doing things – and nobody more so than divers. SIMON PRIDMORE has been looking at ‘doing the done thing’.

4 mins  |
September 2017
Views Of The Volos

Views Of The Volos

Lefteris Reef in Greece has become the graveyard for many ships over millennia, but few can have as intriguing a backstory as the Volos, says ROSS J ROBERTSON, who writes in collaboration with Dimitri Evangelopoulos,  Dimitri Galon and Paris Sofos. So what exactly did Hans Hass find when he filmed the wreck in 1942?

6 mins  |
September 2017
Rum, Reefs & Wrecks

Rum, Reefs & Wrecks

It was a flying visit with three days for diving, so would NICK & CAROLINE ROBERTSON-BROWN get a picture of what Barbados could offer? They were certainly in for a seahorse surprise.

7 mins  |
September 2017
A Tale Of Two Muck Sites

A Tale Of Two Muck Sites

Just when he thought he had seen it all, longtime muck-diver NIGEL MARSH dives two extraordinary sites in the Philippines.

10 mins  |
March 2017
Giants Of The Undead Med

Giants Of The Undead Med

They knew that capturing the first high-quality underwater pictures of ultralong and skittish fin whales would be difficult, but DOUG PERRINE and DANNY KESSLER didn’t realise just how difficult! Find out how they got on, working alongside researchers from the Tethys Research Institute.

10 mins  |
March 2017
Depths Of The City

Depths Of The City

Budapest has one of the largest cave systems to be found beneath any city. The thermal baths of the Hungarian metropolis derive their water from many natural springs, including this Molnár János cave. Want to explore a spectacular kilometre-long European cave without so much as a shiver? TOBIAS FRIEDRICH has dived it and took the pictures

6 mins  |
March 2017

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