Home Is Where The Soul Is
Woman's Era|September 2019
Theres no place like it
Priyanka Chauhan
Home Is Where The Soul Is

When your phone takes wireless signals on its own, private conversations are made without worry, a glass of water is served with love, the backbone enjoys warmth of cushions as legs twirl high up on a sofa, messy hair unabashedly greet everyone while the body breathes in the oldest rugs, it means you are at home.

What else does home stand for? A place which is forever non-judgmental; a peace zone which one returns to at the end of a tiring day. Walls which embrace one’s choices, accepts things, people, situations the way they are. In other words, it is a harbour of dreams to launch a thousand ships which then sail away to chase destiny.

The British newspaper, The Independent carried an article in 2008, Home is where Heart is where a group of writers deliberated on the meaning of home. The “neutral spaces” turn into “theatres of domestic life”, they emphasised. True, the drama of life takes place as much within the boundaries of home as much as outside. Home becomes an unwavering companion observing the unseen, unshared slices of life. Like a mother, it stays both for good and bad, lows and highs, ups and downs, sprawling its arms protecting one from all adversities. Thereby, home provides a solid foundation of unconditional support, understanding and love. It would not be wrong to say then that one’s affair with life begins and ends at home. Engagement with the world, childhood, festivities, moments both grand and solemn, procurement of degrees, jobs, marriage, children, retirement all take place with the home being the central element. Everything is done from home, for home and by home, isn’t it?

Many interpretations but one feeling

この記事は Woman's Era の September 2019 版に掲載されています。

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この記事は Woman's Era の September 2019 版に掲載されています。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トライアルを開始して、何千もの厳選されたプレミアム ストーリー、9,000 以上の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしてください。