詊すGOLD- Free

Young Rider|January - February 2025
Stacy Westfall's orphaned foal thrives by finding a friend.

In March of 2024, Jesse Westfall's champion mare, Lucy, was approaching the end of her first pregnancy. Jesse and his wife, Stacy (whom you probably know from her viral bareback and bridleless riding videos), were excited to meet Lucy's foal.

They wondered what traits she would pass on to her baby. Would it be smart like its mother? Would it be as easy going and sensible? Would it share Lucy's copper coat or dainty little star? They couldn't wait to find out.


But Lucy's foal, a little colt, came early, and the long delivery and difficult birth took a toll on the preemie. His eyes were swollen, his front legs were weak and crooked, and he struggled to nurse. Then he started having seizures, and it seemed like he might not survive.

But Jesse and Stacy refused to give up. They rushed to Abby Stables, the breeding barn where Lucy foaled. Farm owner Maynard Miller and veterinarian Curt Honecker, DVM, were already in her stall. For three days, the team of professionals worked around the clock to save the foal.

Dr. Curt and Maynard wrapped the foal's front legs from hoof to elbow in stiff bandages to support the weak cartilage in his knees. Kneeling in the straw to pet the foal's neck, Stacy noticed a white sock on his back left leg. She asked if the foal's front legs had any markings, and Maynard said his left front leg was also white.

Stacy named him "Lefty."


この蚘事は Young Rider の January - February 2025 版に掲茉されおいたす。

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この蚘事は Young Rider の January - February 2025 版に掲茉されおいたす。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トラむアルを開始しお、䜕千もの厳遞されたプレミアム ストヌリヌ、9,000 以䞊の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしおください。

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