Heal My Aching BONES

If medicinal herbs have won you over by healing skin wounds and curing colds, you might want to explore ways that herbs can help address deeper lingering issues in your body. Perhaps the ailments that take the biggest toll on our health are the ones that affect the musculoskeletal system. When our muscles ache and our bones hurt, it's difficult to live life to its fullest. Luckily, there is a collection of plant medicine eager to help you out.
When it comes to using herbs for bones and muscles, as with any ailment, it's important to remember that you aren't treating symptoms but underlying causes. Aches and pains point to imbalances in the body; they aren't necessarily the problems themselves. Here's a selection of our favorite herbs for treating the bones and muscles. Be aware that some of these herbs can be quite potent and should be used under the supervision of a trained herbalist or health practitioner.
If you have an illness that you can "feel in your bones," turn your eyes to boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum). This herb is best known for releasing a fever during a cold or flu and helping to relax muscles. Herbalists also use it to help calm muscle spasms and alleviate the aches and pains of rheumatism, in addition to any disease that creates inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles or fibrous tissue.
Native Americans have also considered boneset one of the most important herbs for setting bones; it works by stimulating the natural healing process to draw the bones back together into their proper place.
You can find boneset growing in fields and moist areas, such as along stream banks. Its white flowers lay in flat clusters and look similar to other flowers that bloom in the summer. You can distinguish boneset by its opposing pointed, wrinkled leaves that surround the stem to form a diamond shape.
この記事は Hobby Farms の Healing Herbs - 2023 版に掲載されています。
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Making Bucks from Clucks
These five reasons might be why you're losing money on your chickens.

Soil Testing
Whether you are new to farming altogether or you are leasing your farmland to a producer who is unfamiliar with the practice, becoming knowledgeable about the acts of soil testing and them applying recommended soil amendments based on soil test results provides tremendous advantages to the soil, plants, and your pocketbook.

Small-But-Mighty Hot Peppers
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Cut-And-Come Lettuce
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Laying AN EGG
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Keep these 20 things in mind when designing a home for your chickens.

Get LOW in Spring
There comes a time when we all just want to start planting in our gardens again, and a low tunnel provides an earlier-is-better option.

Seed-Starting Soil Temps
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