The Rich Undernourished
Investors India|February 2023
Rich and upper-middle-class people who are blindly copying the western ways of life are spending a lot of money on fast food that has almost zero food value.
- Sri K. K. Bajaj
The Rich Undernourished

These people remain undernourished. It is high time we change our eating habits and switch to healthy food.

America’s war against junk food - The figures of fat people in the USA is frightening. The proportion of Americans who are obese rose from 15% in 1991 to 27% in 1999. Youngsters show the same trend: 10% of them are now obese. Add in the merely overweight and you cover 60% of American adults and 25% of children. David Satcher, who retired as a surgeon general, has estimated that obesity contributes 3,00,000 to the two million deaths each year in America. The treatment of diet-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease cost $117 billion in 2000 in the US alone. The Bush administration launched a $190m advertising campaign aimed at making children more energetic. Many schools moved to ban the sale of soft drinks in their schools. Many states in the USA are pushing for “sin taxes” on burgers and soft drinks. Recently, a New Yorker sued four fast-food chains. He had been eating their food regularly while his weight shot to 272 lbs (123 kg) and he had had two heart attacks. The restaurants, he said, had not warned him that this diet might be harmful.

この蚘事は Investors India の February 2023 版に掲茉されおいたす。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トラむアルを開始しお、䜕千もの厳遞されたプレミアム ストヌリヌ、9,000 以䞊の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしおください。

この蚘事は Investors India の February 2023 版に掲茉されおいたす。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トラむアルを開始しお、䜕千もの厳遞されたプレミアム ストヌリヌ、9,000 以䞊の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしおください。

Indians are Developing Weak Bones
Investors India

Indians are Developing Weak Bones

In India, 1 out of 8 males and 1 out of 3 females suffer from osteoporosis, making India one of the largest affected countries in the world.

5 分  |
December 2024
"The strategy behind the Tata India Innovation Fund centers on identifying companies that are driving transformative or incremental changes through innovation"
Investors India

"The strategy behind the Tata India Innovation Fund centers on identifying companies that are driving transformative or incremental changes through innovation"

Yes, we certainly believe innovation is a powerful theme with immense potential for the coming years, and we are excited to bring it to our investors.

4 分  |
December 2024
What is Hybrid Mutual Fund?
Investors India

What is Hybrid Mutual Fund?

Hybrid Mutual Fund is a combination of more than one type of fund. While they invest in shares of companies listed on the exchange, like equity funds.

4 分  |
December 2024
Should you invest in dynamic bond funds?
Investors India

Should you invest in dynamic bond funds?

Dynamic bond funds have delivered a category average return of 8.68 per cent over the past year, making them the fourth best-performing category, following long-duration funds, constant maturity gilt funds, and gilt funds. With interest rate cuts yet to begin, these funds remain a viable option for investors seeking to benefit from possible rate reductions.

3 分  |
December 2024
The Multicap Solution to India's MultiDimensional Growth
Investors India

The Multicap Solution to India's MultiDimensional Growth

India is entering a transformative era of economic growth, backed by a unique combination of demographic strength, infrastructure development, and rising global prominence.

2 分  |
December 2024
The Long-Term Benefit of Investing in Children's Future
Investors India

The Long-Term Benefit of Investing in Children's Future

A child is the most treasured part of any parent's life, and naturally, we want to give them the best of what the world has to offer. This often means not only ensuring we can meet their needs but also nurturing them to pursue their unique aspirations. Each child has their own dreams and challenges, making the early years critical as they lay the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling future.

2 分  |
December 2024
Investors India


Ques. One of my friends told me that your company provides detailed Retirement plans. I want to know what is the procedure to get my Retirement plan. I will be retiring in March 2025. R.P Gupta, Noida

3 分  |
November 2024
How to Naturally Reverse Fatty Liver Disease
Investors India

How to Naturally Reverse Fatty Liver Disease

The liver, located on the upper-right side of the abdomen, is the body’s largest internal organ and plays a critical role in detoxifying the blood and processing nutrients.

2 分  |
November 2024
Banking sector which has underperformed in the last two years, now offers a favorable risk-reward profile
Investors India

Banking sector which has underperformed in the last two years, now offers a favorable risk-reward profile

Do you think the market is overpriced? Is yes, should investors refrain from investing in index schemes at the current valuation?

5 分  |
November 2024
India will continue to enjoy benefits of a close US relationship and trade will continue to grow
Investors India

India will continue to enjoy benefits of a close US relationship and trade will continue to grow

Q1. The US elections are said to be one of the closest till date, what impact will the election of a Republican / Democratic party have on the US economy and how is that going to affect India in the short as well as the long term?

3 分  |
November 2024