13 Things - Surprising Facts About At-home DNA Tests
If you send your DNA to two different companies to find out your ancestry, you may end up with two different results.

Wish You Were More Creative? Just Pretend!
Thinking you aren’t gifted may be what’s blocking your inner artist

A Healthy Fruit Celebrates Its Holiday
A cranberry like me thinks of itself as the self-sufficient type.

The Life Saver On Dad's Computer Screen
A daughter caring for her aging father finds help—and peace of mind—from a virtual companion named Pony

The Gift Of A Great Neighbor
Passed from one home to the next, a box of ornaments reminds a family of the bonds around them

The Magic Trick That Changed My Life
From The Book Here Is Real Magic

Luck And The Four-Leaf Clover
One woman’s knack for finding good fortune

You Own Every Bullet
In the midst of a tense ambush in Iraq, a soldier recalls his father’s valuable lesson

Real-Life Stories Of Hope
This holiday season, we’d like to share these stories—these gifts—of wonder, faith, and eternal life
Early Diners Are Healthier
A study of more than 4,000 men and women in Spain found that people who ate their evening meal before 9 p.m. or at least two hours before going to bed had a 20 percent lower risk of breast or prostate cancer than those who ate after 10 p.m. or went to bed soon after eating.

Sign The Friendly Skies
CLARA DALY was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight en route from Boston to Los Angeles when a flight attendant asked an urgent question over the loudspeaker: “Does anyone on board know American Sign Language?”

'Breathe For Her'
He was the last person who should have run into a burning building—he has lung disease. But that didn’t stop him.

These seven baffling mysteries have obsessed detectives, scholars, and explorers for years. Are the answers out there?

The True Feeling Of Success
A man reexamines his life and discovers some unappreciated moments of joy.

Animal House
AnnMarie Roberts is the last hope for many a friendless beast.

The Case Of the Facebook Bully
Do rude comments about a high school student qualify as hate speech?

I've Come To Clean Your Shoes
What does someone who has suffered a sudden trauma and grief most need?

Sowing Hope
A church community looks to feed itself with the help of an old foe: the land

The Hunger App
ON HER FIRST DAY tutoring students from low-income families at an after-school program in New York City, Alyssa Kapasi noticed how many kids were lining up for free sandwiches and fruit in the cafeteria.
The Case Of The Wedding Couple Out For Revenge
When they didn’t get their album right away, they trashed the photographer—all over the Internet

News From The World Of Medicine
News From The World Of Medicine
Gadzooks! The Surprising Sources Of Great Sayings
WHEN EXACTLY do “the cows come home”? Who was the first person to “steal someone’s thunder”? English is full of colorful expressions that have lost the connection to their delightful origins. That said, when you learn the checkered past of some of these phrases, you might think twice about using them.

The Great Forgetting
Our first three years are a blur, and we don’t recall much before the age of seven. It turns out those early memories aren’t merely tucked away.

Scientists Share 50 Food Facts Live Longer ((And Lose Weight Too)
Scientists Share 50 Food Facts Live Longer ((And Lose Weight Too)

The Case Of The Ring And The Broken Engagement
A would-be groom cancels the wedding—in a text message.Does that tacky move mean his ex-fiancée can keep her diamond?

Don't Look Away
Melinda Gates explains why she has taken up an especially difficult cause in India, and why hope is her most potent weapon.

Whom Do We Trust?
Americans’ faith in institutions—from banks to Congress to the media—is near its lowest point in three decades, so we asked professionals in the most respected fields what they do to earn people’s confidence.
From Disney disasters to beach flops, your most memorable (i.e., hilarious!) family travel snafus.

High-Wire Act
When a freak accident threatens a skier’s life,his friend takes a daring chance.

The Case Of The Violent Rap Lyrics
Should the menacing music of a performer in legal trouble affect his sentence?