Plant citrus to supplement your income
Farmer's Weekly

Plant citrus to supplement your income

Citrus fruits, which are rich in vitamin C, fetch a good price. Consider starting a co-operative system in your community, planting trees in a number of yards and buying inputs in bulk to save money, says Shane Brody.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Make 2023 your own 'good to great' year
Farmer's Weekly

Make 2023 your own 'good to great' year

There’s no management problem that hasn’t been faced before. Lessons from these issues are at your fingertips on the Internet and in many publications; use them and have your best year yet, says Peter Hughes.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Realising the agricultural potential of rural areas
Farmer's Weekly

Realising the agricultural potential of rural areas

A new approach and collaboration are needed from government and commodity associations to raise the agricultural output of the former homelands, says Dr Sifiso Ntombela.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
The employment contract, and why it's so crucial
Farmer's Weekly

The employment contract, and why it's so crucial

If used effectively, an employment contract is an extremely helpful asset to guide the relationship between employer and employee. Abrie Bronkhorst provides valuable advice on this crucial management tool.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
A garden paradise of the grandest design
Farmer's Weekly

A garden paradise of the grandest design

A stay at Bosjes working farm in the Western Cape brings one closer to heaven, says Brian Berkman.

4 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Blockhouses: symbols of a fearsome war
Farmer's Weekly

Blockhouses: symbols of a fearsome war

The dogged determination of the British to win the Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902 resulted in the construction of thousands of blockhouses across the South African veld, writes Mike Burgess.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Savoury Dutch baby
Farmer's Weekly

Savoury Dutch baby

A Dutch baby is a puffed pancake. It’s delicious with a variety of savoury toppings such as crispy bacon, shaved ham and grated cheese.

1 min  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
What to expect from the S-Presso 2023
Farmer's Weekly

What to expect from the S-Presso 2023

South Africa’s most affordable car has just been given a nip and tuck, says Alex Shahini of CAR magazine about the new Suzuki S-Presso.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Identifying lower-back and treating chronic pain in horses
Farmer's Weekly

Identifying lower-back and treating chronic pain in horses

It is important to be able to recognise the source of back pain in a horse in order to treat and manage it successfully, says Dr Mac.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Minor cucurbit pests
Farmer's Weekly

Minor cucurbit pests

Bill Kerr looks at the leaf miner, cucurbit ladybird beetle and African bollworm, all of which, despite being minor pests, can cause damage.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
ANIMAL HEALTH Beware of hydatid disease
Farmer's Weekly

ANIMAL HEALTH Beware of hydatid disease

Hydatid disease or echinococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by the tapeworm. It affects livestock, dogs and humans, and can be very dangerous to people living in close contact with animals.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
CROPS Going the no-till way: Part 1
Farmer's Weekly

CROPS Going the no-till way: Part 1

Practising no-till farming will ensure better crops and boost your profits. The process starts with improving the quality of your soil, says Bill Kerr.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Preventing and controlling diseases of sunflowers
Farmer's Weekly

Preventing and controlling diseases of sunflowers

Diseases of sunflowers, such as brown rust and head rot, can cause severe economic losses for farmers. Janine Ryan looks at the signs of these and other diseases that can help farmers to identify them, as well as some control and prevention strategies.

5 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
What feedlots expect in the ideal weaner
Farmer's Weekly

What feedlots expect in the ideal weaner

The South African feedlot industry produces about 75% of all beef eaten in the country. Annelie Coleman spoke to Lynette van Rooyen, group director at Sparta Beef, and Charles Mathewson, Sparta’s head of cattle procurement, about their company’s weaner requirements and how farmers can satisfy these.

6 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Shedding light on DDT and the threat it poses to raptor populations
Farmer's Weekly

Shedding light on DDT and the threat it poses to raptor populations

Kailen Padayachee, a doctoral candidate at the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology at the University of Cape Town and a research fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand, Arjun Amar, an associate professor at the institute, and Chevonne Reynolds, a senior lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, write about the threat that the pesticide DDT poses to birds of prey around the world.

4 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Helping women to become part of livestock value chains
Farmer's Weekly

Helping women to become part of livestock value chains

Noluthando Ngcobo and Mamakie Lungwana, intern agricultural economists at the Agricultural Research Council, explore the challenges that women face in the South African livestock value chain.

5 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Insect predators and the upskilling of a rural community in Letsitele
Farmer's Weekly

Insect predators and the upskilling of a rural community in Letsitele

New industries require new expertise, and this gives people a chance to expand their skills. Karel van Heerden, CEO of Insectec, spoke to Lindi Botha about how the niche insect-breeding industry is creating fulfilling employment for the people of a small town in Limpopo, and changing their lives for the better.

4 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
CITRUS Cautious outlook for citrus industry in 2023
Farmer's Weekly

CITRUS Cautious outlook for citrus industry in 2023

There is cautious optimism in South Africa’s citrus industry, but stakeholders are reluctant to commit to any specific predictions for the upcoming season.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
POME AND STONE FRUIT A somewhat better season for SA's fruit industry
Farmer's Weekly

POME AND STONE FRUIT A somewhat better season for SA's fruit industry

Pome and stone fruit farmers see the easing of logistical problems and improved quality offsetting the pressure from rolling blackouts and tight consumer spending.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
WINE Smaller, but healthy wine grape crop forecast
Farmer's Weekly

WINE Smaller, but healthy wine grape crop forecast

South Africa’s wine industry is showing signs of bouncing back from the effects of the COVID- 19-related trade restrictions, but new challenges are looming.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
POULTRY Hopes for poultry sector growth, despite challenges
Farmer's Weekly

POULTRY Hopes for poultry sector growth, despite challenges

Significant investments in South Africa’s poultry sector are expected to accelerate its transformation, thereby creating a significant number of jobs. Susan Marais reports.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
RED MEAT 'Poor economy a threat to SA's red meat producers'
Farmer's Weekly

RED MEAT 'Poor economy a threat to SA's red meat producers'

In addition to the current political volatility and uncertainty in South Africa, high-interest rates and inflation will put pressure on consumer spending.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
Help the youth to gain from agrifood systems
Farmer's Weekly

Help the youth to gain from agrifood systems

When they are given the appropriate support and enabling environment, young people in Africa can take advantage of new opportunities, develop innovative solutions, and contribute to building sustainable and resilient agrifood systems, according to a UN report released in 2022.

5 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 6+13 January 2023
The early days of the Springboks
Farmer's Weekly

The early days of the Springboks

Rugby, it is said, is a hooligan’s game played by gentlemen. The gentlemen of the UK and South Africa helped to build that legend. Whether they were playing on foreign fields or fending off a touring side on home turf, South Africa’s early Tests were truly ‘a prelude to greatness,’ as Graham Jooste writes.

5 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022
Asia Fruit Logistica 2022
Farmer's Weekly

Asia Fruit Logistica 2022

The Asia Fruit Logistica 2022 was held from 2 to 4 November in Bangkok, Thailand. Farmer’s Weekly takes a look at some of the innovative equipment on display at this year’s event.

2 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022
Coffee, chocolate and competition horses
Farmer's Weekly

Coffee, chocolate and competition horses

At equestrian events, urine is tested for controlled and prohibited substances such as caffeine and theobromine, says Dr Mac.

2 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022
The basics of pest and disease control
Farmer's Weekly

The basics of pest and disease control

Unsure of how to spray your crops effectively? Follow these simple guidelines to get the best results and keep your costs down.

5 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022
Catching pumpkin flies: get your timing right
Farmer's Weekly

Catching pumpkin flies: get your timing right

Pumpkin flies can cause serious yield loss in cucurbits They are especially troublesome when the fruit is young and tender, warns Bill Kerr.

2 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022
Winterveldt's cucumber king
Farmer's Weekly

Winterveldt's cucumber king

Planning and forward thinking are important in farming, says Kobela Mokgohloa, the owner of Korema Farm in Winterveldt near Pretoria. He spoke to Magda du Toit about how he grew his cucumber production, as well as his plans for the future.

7 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022
Santa Gertrudis bulls: tested for two decades
Farmer's Weekly

Santa Gertrudis bulls: tested for two decades

Melville Ferreira, senior researcher at the Agricultural Research Council’s Animal Production unit in Vryburg, and Yolanda Venter, breed manager of the Santa Gertrudis Cattle Breeders’ Society in Bloemfontein, reveal the findings of performance testing of Santa Gertrudis bulls over 20 years under intensive conditions.

6 mins  |
December 23 & 30, 2022