The Boathouse
Farmer's Weekly

The Boathouse

Seclusion. Quiet. Natural beauty. There’s plenty of all three at The Boathouse on Boskop Dam, a delightful spot where you can relax, do a bit of fishing, canoeing, and birding, and watch gorgeous sunsets from the waterside deck. Riaan Hattingh reports.

4 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Putting an end to the problem of food waste
Farmer's Weekly

Putting an end to the problem of food waste

In South Africa, about 30% of local agricultural production is wasted every year, which is equivalent to an estimated R60 billion, or around 2% of GDP. In a country where 30% of households are at risk of hunger, 31% experience hunger and 13 million children live in poverty, this waste is unsustainable and needs to change, says James Brand, a senior associate in ENSafrica’s Natural Resources and Environment department.

5 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Crop spraying
Farmer's Weekly

Crop spraying

The knapsack sprayer is ideal for controlling small outbreaks of pests, as it’s economical, can be applied quickly, and is very accurate, says Bill Kerr.

2 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Worthy winners: a robot harvester and an innovative planter
Farmer's Weekly

Worthy winners: a robot harvester and an innovative planter

Of the 16 silver medals awarded by the German Agricultural Society, organiser of the 2022 Agritechnica Innovation Awards, one went to the manufacturers of an autonomous robot for broccoli harvesting, while another recognised an implement that combines sowing and crop residue management.

2 mins  |
January 21, 2022
How to save money in 2022
Farmer's Weekly

How to save money in 2022

With the Christmas tinsel tidied away for another year, it’s time to face the economic realities of 2022. For many farmers, this means focusing on how to ensure a profit in the face of soaring input costs. Susan Marais asked industry experts for their suggestions on how to cut expenses without compromising farming operations.

7 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Protecting the rhino through translocation
Farmer's Weekly

Protecting the rhino through translocation

Due to the demand for rhino horn, populations of this iconic mammal have declined over the years. One solution to this is to introduce rhino species into other environments. Mike Knight, chairperson of the African Rhino Specialist Group at the International Union for Conservation of Nature, describes the process of translocation.

5 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Good weather predicted for summer 2022
Farmer's Weekly

Good weather predicted for summer 2022

Favourable weather patterns have been forecast for the Southern African Development Community countries in 2022. High rainfall, for example, is predicted for South Africa‘s summer grain production region. Annelie Coleman reports.

3 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Balancing risk to build a table grape brand
Farmer's Weekly

Balancing risk to build a table grape brand

When the Beukes brothers expanded their table grape farming operation from the Hex River Valley to Brandwacht near Worcester in the Western Cape, they had no idea of the challenges this would bring. Jacques Beukes shared some of the lessons they learnt with Wouter Kriel.

8 mins  |
January 21, 2022
Are you geared towards these developing trends?
Farmer's Weekly

Are you geared towards these developing trends?

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the rate of digital integration and sped up advances crucial to the future success of many industries, including agriculture. Lindi Botha reports on the main trends that will influence farming this year.

7 mins  |
January 21, 2022
A herd health and production management plan
Farmer's Weekly

A herd health and production management plan

Dr Danie Odendaal, director of the Veterinarian network, spoke to Glenneis Kriel about what to consider when drawing up a herd health and production management plan for sheep and cattle. His advice can be applied to most other livestock.

8 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
Teaching children about the crucial roles of insects in nature
Farmer's Weekly

Teaching children about the crucial roles of insects in nature

Prof Johnnie van den Berg, an entomologist at North-West University, is passionate about insects and their critical contribution they make to the environment by pollinating plants and dispersing seeds. He is equally committed to teaching preschool children about the importance of insects.

5 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
A successful switch from grain to tea tree oil
Farmer's Weekly

A successful switch from grain to tea tree oil

On a quest to diversify away from the crops traditionally cultivated in Mkhondo, Mpumalanga, André de Waal shifted to the production of essential oils. By growing, distilling and marketing these products, he has gained greater control over the value chain, ensuring his business is both viable and sustainable.

8 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
Education and curiosity: crucial to agripreneurship success
Farmer's Weekly

Education and curiosity: crucial to agripreneurship success

As a new producer with no prior knowledge or experience of farming, Vutlhari Chauke of VT Harvest has leaned heavily on her business skills and her willingness to learn. Her approach is paying dividends for her Gauteng-based vegetable and herb farm.

7 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
Poultry industry in for a rough ride in 2022
Farmer's Weekly

Poultry industry in for a rough ride in 2022

With escalating input costs, consumers’ disposable income under pressure and avian influenza still looming, poultry producers will have an uphill battle to rebuild their flocks in 2022.

3 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
Why SA dairy farmers are failing to compete with imports
Farmer's Weekly

Why SA dairy farmers are failing to compete with imports

It is often argued that the ability of the local dairy industry to grow or even survive will depend on the extent to which it can compete with imported dairy products. But can South African dairy farmers succeed when the odds are so clearly stacked against them? Bertus van Heerden, chief economist of the Milk Producers’ Organisation, and Prof Johann Kirsten, director of the Bureau for Economic Research at Stellenbosch University, carried out a price analysis to get some answers.

5 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
Southern African Grain Laboratories excels in crop-protection studies during COVID-19
Farmer's Weekly

Southern African Grain Laboratories excels in crop-protection studies during COVID-19

Amid the COVID-19-related challenges faced over the past year, many agricultural institutions were hard hit and some even had to close their doors. For the Southern African Grain Laboratories, however, it was a year of growth and reaching new heights.

3 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
This cauliflower is exceptional … but not ideal
Farmer's Weekly

This cauliflower is exceptional … but not ideal

To prevent discolouration, the Early Dwarf Erfurt is covered with aluminium foil. FW ARCHIVE

3 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
‘Red meat exports must be prioritised in 2022'
Farmer's Weekly

‘Red meat exports must be prioritised in 2022'

South Africa’s red meat industry benefited from the steady increase in the producer prices of beef, mutton and lamb in 2021, but exports of carcasses and live animals now need to increase.

3 mins  |
January 07 - 14, 2022
Sexed semen: a game changer for Damara stud
Farmer's Weekly

Sexed semen: a game changer for Damara stud

Using sexed semen in an artificial insemination programme carries a 90% assurance that the surrogate animal will deliver offspring of the desired sex. Annelie Coleman spoke to Damara farmer Stan Burger and embryoflushing expert Dr Fanie Steyn about the technical process and how to prepare the surrogate ewes.

5 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Looking forward to 2022
Farmer's Weekly

Looking forward to 2022

The past year has brought with it many challenges, including a significant increase in the prices of agricultural inputs. However, farmers have shown that there is much strength in unity, and they have managed to push through these difficulties to end 2021 on a high, as these agricultural leaders show.

10+ mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Garden project aims to boost food security
Farmer's Weekly

Garden project aims to boost food security

The COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdown measures have exposed huge deficiencies in the food supply networks of the poor and vulnerable. Meyer Conradie of Mosaic Community Developments spoke to Glenneis Kriel about how his organisation is addressing this challenge in various communities.

5 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Top five trends in SA farming in 2021
Farmer's Weekly

Top five trends in SA farming in 2021

Farmer’s Weekly editor Denene Erasmus looks at some of the global and local farming trends that shaped the way producers in South Africa farmed and did business in 2021.

9 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
APPLES: How to deal with bitter pit in apples
Farmer's Weekly

APPLES: How to deal with bitter pit in apples

This condition results from low levels of calcium in the fruit, which can be exacerbated when the apples are large or picked too early.

4 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
The show that uncovers talent on SA's farms
Farmer's Weekly

The show that uncovers talent on SA's farms

Eight years ago, Hortgro launched Agri’s Got Talent to give the world a glimpse of the ‘real’ people who work in the South African fruit industry and create a means of recognising talents other than those associated with farm work. Wouter Kriel reports on the unfolding of the competition over the years.

6 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Road-tripping and birdwatching in SA
Farmer's Weekly

Road-tripping and birdwatching in SA

Long drives across South Africa offer perfect opportunities for birdwatching, says Muller Janse van Rensburg, who lives in Bethlehem in the Free State. Since he and his family discovered the pastime, their annual holiday has become even more exciting and enjoyable. reports.

5 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Commodity boom: have we reached the peak?
Farmer's Weekly

Commodity boom: have we reached the peak?

They have been a boon for some and a burden for others, but no one has been left untouched by the soaring commodity prices of the past year. What does 2022 hold, and who will be the winners and the losers? Lindi Botha spoke to two agricultural market experts to gauge future trends.

8 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Becoming a jockey
Farmer's Weekly

Becoming a jockey

If you have a small body frame, are athletic and enjoy riding, this may the career for you, says Dr Mac.

3 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Alternative crops: subtropical fruit
Farmer's Weekly

Alternative crops: subtropical fruit

Looking for a different crop to grow in the Western Cape? At the Subtropical and Minor Crop Workshop held earlier this year, Glenneis Kriel spoke to a number of experts about the fruits highlighted at the event.

7 mins  |
December 24 - 31, 2021
Preventing theft on your farm during the holidays
Farmer's Weekly

Preventing theft on your farm during the holidays

Are you going away over the festive season? Three leaders in agriculture and security explain how common sense, technology, and good relationships with neighbours can help protect your possessions. Glenneis Kriel reports.

6 mins  |
December 10 - 17, 2021
What China really thinks of South African beef
Farmer's Weekly

What China really thinks of South African beef

The global beef market is highly competitive and difficult to break into. With South Africa’s beef export industry still in its infancy, Susan Marais explores the reasons why Chinese consumers might not be the most willing buyers of our product, and looks at what the local beef industry could learn from its top competitors’ strategies.

7 mins  |
December 10 - 17, 2021