Water stress in lettuce
As a fast-growing crop with shallow roots, lettuce is susceptible to stress, which often shows up as angular midribs on the outer leaves, rather like elbows.
Profit From Responsible Water Use
Variable rate irrigation has demonstrated water-use savings of up to 30%. At the same time, production costs are reduced and profitability increases, says Stehan Cloete.
Is Data The New Soil In Agri?
With today’s rapidly evolving digital technology, farmers have many options, but at a high cost. Discerning between the hype and the useful is therefore crucial to buying the right tools to increase profit. Digital and technology experts Rudie Raath and Stehan Cloete spoke to Lindi Botha.
An App For Every Farming Task
Mobile applications make life more convenient for farmers while enabling them to be more productive. Glenneis Kriel reports on a number of apps that are changing the way farms are run.
Agri Jobs: Why We Need To Be Practical
A lack of experience prevents many qualified young people from finding their first jobs in agriculture. Recruitment specialist Marianne van der Laarse explained the situation to Glenneis Kriel and called for internships and more practical exposure for students.
The convoy that saved Malta
Vice Admiral Edward Syfret’s superb planning and leadership qualities helped save the small but strategically crucial island of Malta during the Second World War, writes Graham Jooste.
NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEMS: making do with less
With dwindling water supplies and a greater emphasis on efficient use of resources, irrigation technology is evolving to make do with less. While the initial capital costs of the latest equipment and software may be high, its increased efficiency, higher yield and reduced water usage cannot be beaten. Lindi Botha spoke to experts about the latest advances in irrigation.
Kyalami '70
It is said that in boxing, one cannot make a successful comeback.
Constitutional amendment won't address poverty issues
Prof Ruth Hall of the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies at UWC says that the call to change Section 25 of the Constitution in an effort to allow for expropriation without compensation will not secure equitable access to land for all South Africans.
Diversification: An Essential Approach In A Tough Economy
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; if you fall, you run the risk of not having breakfast. Farmers should spread their risk by adding a second component to an existing farming operation, or even by investing in industries unrelated to agriculture, says Dawie Maree, head of information and marketing at FNB Agriculture.
Coronavirus In Horses
While coronavirus in horses has not been seen in South Africa, there have been reported cases in other parts of the world
Unlocking the potential of the Merino Landsheep
The Merino Landsheep is rapidly gaining popularity in South Africa due to the breed’s impressive performance in the feedlot as well as its value as a dual-purpose meat and wool sheep. Merino Landsheep stud breeder Ben du Plessis spoke to Annelie Coleman.
Township vegetable garden empowers women
The Siyazama Community Garden in Khayelitsha has changed the lives of a group of women in the township. During a media tour to the garden hosted by Coronation Fund Managers, two of the farmers, Nokwanda Nkqayi and Liziwe Stofile, spoke to Jeandré van der Walt about their organic farming practices and the impact that the garden has had on their lives.
The slow, sure road to sustainable wheat production
Since he started with conservation farming more than 12 years ago, MG Lotter has learnt that there are no quick fixes in grain production. He spoke to Glenneis Kriel about managing his farm in the Overberg.
The basics of dairy farming: Part 1
Modern dairies tend to be large-scale and highly automated. Yet the essence of managing cows and maximising production has not changed.
Preparing a lettuce land
Lettuce grows rapidly and has a relatively shallow root system. This means you have to ensure the crop gets off to a running start. Your initial task is, therefore, to address soil fertility at the soil preparation stage.
More intensive banana production
50YEARS AGO With the emphasis on improved production, these Mpumalanga banana growers had to adapt and innovate.
South Africa’s wine industry has the potential to boost sales to the local market, especially those consumers who are in the emerging middle class. At the recent Vinpro Information Day, Brandon de Kock, director of storytelling at consumer insights agency Whyfive, outlined the changing consumer landscape in the country and its opportunities. Jeandré van der Walt reports.
Heat stress in competing horses
Heat stress can lead to organ failure and death, and should not be underestimated by horse riders or owners, warns Dr Mac.
Automation for dairy cowsheds
A large selection of new technology for dairy farming was on display at this year’s Fieragricola, which took place in Verona, Italy, earlier this year.
Empowering Smallholders To Access The Supply Chain
Black smallholder farmers are often excluded from the supply chain due to high barriers of entry. A fund established by Tiger Brands is now trying to address this problem. Mary-Jane Morifi, chief corporate affairs and sustainability officer at Tiger Brands, spoke to Jeandré van der Walt about the company’s plans to empower these farmers, as well as black suppliers and distributors.
Higher Temperatures Increase Risk Of Apple Scab Infection
The dramatic increase in South Africa’s average winter temperature over the past 40 years has altered the susceptibility of apples to fungal disease, with fungi showing a much faster adaptation rate to changing temperatures than apples, writes Dr Julia Meitz-Hopkins, a researcher in the Department of Plant Pathology at Stellenbosch University.
The importance of building trust throughout the red meat value chain
One of South Africa’s many socio-economic problems is the general lack of trust between stakeholders in the country’s agricultural value chain and consumers. Dr Pieter Vervoort, managing director of the National Animal Health Forum, says that a national traceability system is one method through which trust can be rebuilt.
Steering a combine with a joystick
The recently launched Fendt IDEALDrive joystick steering system for combine harvesters eliminates the steering wheel in the brand’s IDEAL Combine series. The joystick steering solution promises to deliver greater visibility for less operator fatigue.
Small steps to progress
Kleiheuwel Trust, based in Bredasdorp, recently achieved one of the top 10 best prices in the history of South African wool sales, and the highest price so far during this season’s BKB wool auctions. Pam and André Christie-Smith spoke to Glenneis Kriel about their production approach.
Diligent crop protection is crucial
Several methods are available to help farmers protect their crops from weeds, diseases and pests, says Dr Benard Ngwene, the agricultural advisory manager for AGCO Africa.
Choosing The Best Time To Breed Your Mare
There are pros and cons to breeding your mare at different times of the year, says Dr Mac.
Feeding pigs: Part 1
Pigs cannot thrive on leftover scraps from the kitchen. To ensure healthy, productive and profitable pigs, feed them nutritious, balanced rations.
Eastern Cape mohair producer Paul Webber has twice won the prestigious Daidoh Trophy Competition for the highest average price for a summer kid clip. Mike Burgess visited him recently on his farm to better understand his mohair production system.
Private Jackie Baboon's war
During the First World War, the pet baboon of Private Albert Marr followed the soldiers of the 3rd South African Infantry Regiment into the heat and horror of battle