China Boating | 中华宝艇- All Issues
《中华宝艇》作为中国迄今为止最具影响力的全中文豪华游艇生活方式类杂志,今年已迎来了其10周年。成立至今,《中华宝艇》见证了中国游艇业的萌芽及发展,并始终坚持向金字塔顶尖的读者群输送最为权威、全面的游艇产业动态资讯、国内外游艇展及帆船赛赛事报道、业内观点、人物访谈及世界范围内顶级游艇品牌资讯、游艇所到目的地介绍等,启蒙并引领了中国的豪华游艇生活方式。作为业内最具参考价值的媒体,《中华宝艇》在专业编辑人员的持续努力下,始终坚持与国际顶级游艇品牌及其代理商的密切合作,紧跟游艇业的全球走势,并因此拥有日益庞大的读者群。目前,该杂志一年发行8期,总发行量近50万,读者群包括游艇业高级从业人员、国内外游艇品牌负责人、游艇船东、国内外奢侈品品牌掌门人、银行家、企业主等。其精美的包装和精彩纷呈的内容得到业内人士及船东的一致首肯。 《中华宝艇》内容共分为五大板块: 信息资讯:提供最新的游艇信息、中国及亚太地区游艇业重大事件报道、最新下水的游艇介绍、最新船只展示及海运业发展动态 热点聚焦:引领读者走进船厂,近距离了解及体验下水游艇及最新游艇模型。每篇报道均配有高质量的图片,以直观形式对游艇内部设计、外观、款式及性能进行详解。同时我们还会带领读者纵横中国及世界各个水域及最适合巡航的地区,为游艇船东选购和使用游艇提供向导。 独家专访:就业内热点新闻及事件,邀请业内权威人物、顶级设计师进行一对一深度探讨。 风尚前沿:介绍能够使您的游艇之旅更为舒适愉悦的小器具、小发明及必需的重要装备 时尚专题:水岸奢华生活方式介绍 China Boating, China’s most influential luxury yacht magazine, is backed by an 9-year history. Since its establishment, China Boating has witnessed the emergence and development of China's yacht industry, and has sought to bring the most authoritative, comprehensive boating industry news and dynamic content to its audience of high net worth individuals. Reporting domestic and international events such as boat shows and regattas, China Boating offers insight into the industry via interviews and articles that keep readers abreast of worldwide brand information, introductions to the hottest destinations, and enlightening sneak peeks into China’s luxury boating lifestyle. As a the industry's most highly valued media source, the sustained efforts of China Boating’s professional editorial staff always cooperates closely with top international yacht brands and their agents to help readers keep up with global trends in the boating industry, which has brought an increasingly large audience to the publication. At present, the magazine produces eight issues per year, with a total circulation of nearly 500,000 readers, amongst whom are many senior employees in the boating industry, domestic and international yacht brands, luxury yacht owners and operators, executives in both domestic and international luxury brands, bankers, CEOs, and so on. Its attractive packaging and colorful content meets with unanimous approval from industry professionals and boat owners.