Receive 3 free months of Magzter GOLD
As a Microsoft Rewards member, you can use your points to auto-redeem for a Magzter GOLD subscription. Your first 3 months are free—get access to over 9,000 magazines and newspapers.*
Terms and conditions:
Microsoft Rewards members and new or existing Magzter customers can receive three months of Magzter GOLD for free when they enroll to auto-redeem their Microsoft Rewards points for a monthly Magzter GOLD subscription. While supplies last. After the trial period ends, your Magzter GOLD subscription will auto-renew each month by deducting 2,200 points from your Microsoft Rewards account. Insufficient points will result in subscription cancellation. Limit 1 per person/account. Cancel anytime through your Magzter dashboard. Offer may be changed or canceled at any time.
Get started with Microsoft Rewards Auto-Redeem and Magzter
Easy sign up
Sign in and sign up for auto-redeem to get started with your Magzter GOLD subscription
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Redeem points
Visit the Redeem page to use points toward subscriptions, gift cards, and more
Earn and read
Earn 2,200 Rewards points each month to unlock your subscription