Springfield Scene Magazine- All Issues

Welcome to Springfield Scene Magazine Unique to Central Illinois, Springfield Scene Magazine is an attention-getting publication. It features news about fund raising events and the community’s charitable and philanthropic people as well as showcasing the Arts and the people who bring it to Springfield. It features beautiful full-color printing, fantastic photographs taken by accomplished photographers and photojournalists. From an advertising standpoint, SSM’s most alluring feature is it’s saturation of a highly desirable demographic. By targeting selected distribution areas, we reach readers with the highest levels of discretionary spending. They receive our magazine at their homes where many are in the area’s most affluent neighborhoods. They read our magazine in fine restaurants, hospitals, doctors’ offices, spas, etc. They seek out premium products and services – for themselves and their family members. Our magazine celebrates the upscale standard of living that Springfield residents enjoy. Prosperous homeowners with great financial freedom, active spending habits and ties to the community, reading a glossy, colorful magazine featuring the people, places and lifestyle they cherish. It’s an excellent way to advertise!