Spies And Mistries
A ripping journalistic tale about a Soviet double agent leaves an ex-SAS man’s yarn for dead.
Watching Over You
Apple’s new watch has heart-health and fall detectors and a hefty price tag.
We Are Not Amused
Country folk are too busy training for the Sheep Olympics to worry about gumboot throwing.
Brave New World
A new HBO series stars two women in repressed, male-chauvinist Naples and is filmed in Neapolitan.
Do As I Say
Politicians like to pretend their words don’t influence others’ actions, but if that’s so, why utter them?
Making America Grate
The weird ways the US runs elections and airlines leave plenty of room for greater greatness.
Memory Lane
The appalling toll of World War I on a generation of young men resulted in a lonely existence for many women.
All In A Day's Work
A play about a company of furniture movers examines stereotypes of age, race and class.
No-Exit Street
History always repeats on Coro St, even if some characters seem never to age.
The Dying Art Of The Qashqai
A documentary celebrates the nomadic rug makers of Iran amidst reminiscences from a famous knight.
Stadium Redux
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, let alone a 50,000-seat sports venue.
Living Dangerously
With his three local classic films, outspoken director Geoff Murphy became a leading pioneer of New Zealand cinema before reluctantly becoming a Hollywood gun-for-hire.
Christmas Cake Off
To complete the fantasy of being a farmer’s wife, it’s necessary to be a seasonal baker.
Where The Back Stops
Britain lacks a getout-of-jail-free card for its vote on the Brexit deal.
How To Make A Coin Disappear
Governments use every trick in the book to blow taxpayers’ money.
Revenge Of The Words
Self-described word nerd Mark Broatch is on a mission to untangle the English language.
Prostate Progress
Early detection may be tricky but it’s over to men to insist on regular checks before symptoms appear.
When Little Dragon Was On Fire
A comprehensive biography of Bruce Lee offers a new explanation for his untimely death.
Learning Curve
Up to 75,000 New Zealanders could be on the autism spectrum and diagnoses are increasing.
Huawei Unplugged
As politicians grapple with the question of whether to let the world’s biggest mobile-phone technology provider, Huawei, be involved in our 5G network, Peter Griffin investigates how the company has landed in the proverbial.
Too Much Of A Good Thing
The shocking outcomes of two studies into beta-carotene show that supplements can’t easily mimic nature.
Spycraft's First Cumming
Espionage nerd David Jason takes us inside the world of secret agents, including the inaugural MI6 boss’ car.
Playing By The Hymn Book
Australian legends celebrate a timeless album but without the signature shirts.
Read All About It
In the midst of the All Blacks’ loss autopsies, a great cricketing win went almost unremarked.
Give Us A Break
To all the other fantasists planning an early exit from paid work: get ready for endless toil.
Three Waters To Rule Them All
In new episodes of life imitating art, the Government sends in the giants.
Let Them Bake Cake
“Mr Christmas” and other cake-makers deploy a whole lot of love and brandy to bring us sweet escapism.
To Absent Friends
As allergies become more prevalent, worms – or their lack – are being blamed.
Portrait Of The Artist In Plain Words
Japanese master Haruki Murakami paints a far-fetched but serene picture of the act of creation.
The Age Of Invisibility
Unachievable resolutions are out, embracing middle age is in … not that anyone notices.