詊すGOLD- Free

Discussing the changing trends in the Indian luxury mobility segment with Naveen Soni, President, Lexus India
- Naveen Soni

A year now at the helm of Lexus India, how has the experience been, moving from the mass market end of things at Toyota to the luxury end?

Luxury is a very personal concept for me, and so far, it has been an exciting journey in this space. Lexus has a clear vision of establishing itself as a luxury lifestyle brand and I feel content that we are in the right direction. We are growing as an economy and the taste of Indian luxe customer is evolving. I am thrilled that I am a part of this wave and at the crest of it, crafting experiences for the new India.

What are the biggest challenges you see for the growth of the luxury car industry in India?

Although the luxury segment has enjoyed growth, the biggest challenge that lurks is the global supply fluctuations - lack of enough critical mass in the country makes it difficult to make in India and hence cost even escalates further.

How important is India as a market for Lexus on the global map?

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この蚘事は TURBOCHARGED の July 2023 版に掲茉されおいたす。

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