Low Winter Rainfall Under Discussion At Nampo Cape
A difficult harvest awaits Western Cape grain producers due to low winter rainfall in some areas.
'Syria's Wheat Crop Improves But Food Security Still A Challenge'
Food security in Syria remains a challenge despite improved wheat and barley crops this year due to favourable rainfall and better overall security in the country.
Exchange Rate Remains Biggest Macroeconomic Risk – Economist
While South Africa’s economy remains sluggish due to expectations of continued pressure on the exchange rate of the rand, it is hoped that the situation could start improving early next year.
Violence Takes A Toll On Farmers – Agri Associations
Agri SA and the African Farmers’ Association of South Africa (AFASA) have called on government to step up action against the escalating violence currently evident across South Africa.
Wanted: Entrepreneurial Farmers To Transform The Subtropical Fruit Industry
With high start-up costs and a long wait for a return on investment, the subtropical fruit industry faces a major challenge in trying to include more commercial black farmers. Lindi Botha spoke to Derek Donkin, CEO of Subtrop, about the progress made with transformation in the industry.
Traditional Remedy Launches Entrepreneurial Career
Mazoyi Mixture was developed by Lwazi Marawu’s family in the Eastern Cape, and its recipe has been passed down the generations. In recent years, Marawu has taken distribution of this well-regarded remedy to the next level, supplying it to over 400 stores countrywide.
Save Money On Chemicals
Farmers often ask for pest control programmes for their crops. They see them as a form of insurance.
Mpumalanga Show Focuses On Economic Growth
Now in its third year, the annual Mpumalanga Show, held in Mbombela, continues in its efforts to enhance economic opportunities for the central industries within the province, most notably agriculture, tourism, wildlife, forestry and mining.
Mini-infrared Camera System Promises Better Irrigation
A new camera system that combines a regular digital camera with a miniature infrared camera could provide a cost-effective way to monitor crop temperatures and help irrigate crops.
Free State Breeders Use Strict Selection To Produce Top Bulls
Dr Enslin Coetzee and Issie Liebenberg, the owners of the ZEC Angus stud, breed for efficiency and functionality. They produced the bull Match, which took top honours at the Interbreed Bull Growth Test Class 2019 at the Bloem Show. Annelie Coleman reports.
Don't Let Ascaris Eat Up Your Profits
These small intestinal roundworms can easily infect pigs, resulting in weight loss, breathing difficulties, liver damage and other serious problems.
Fat Kills Dogs Too
40years ago As dogs get older, they tend to gain weight, and excess weight is your dog’s greatest enemy, according to this article.
Advanced Production Practices Gaining Ground
In response to ever-more consumers demanding ethically produced food, Butt Farming, a large commercial pig operation in KwaZulu-Natal, is incorporating improved animal welfare practices into its processes while maximising productivity. Lloyd Phillips spoke to Stephen Butt.
'Court Judgments Generate More Questions Than Answers'
Organised agriculture, as well as a land rights organisation, have raised questions about two recent court judgments on land reform.
Rewards And Pitfalls Of Communal Wool Production
Volumes of formally marketed communal wool in the Eastern Cape have increased from 222 610kg in the 1997/1998 season to more than five million kilograms in 2017/2018. Mike Burgess spoke to communal wool farmer Xolisa Bomela about the ups and downs of sheep farming in the Ntseshe region of the former Transkei.
Igloos In The Great Karoo
When trekboers entered the treeless Great Karoo in the early 1800s, they built dome-shaped houses out of stone. Some survive to this day. Mike Burgess explores these remarkable homes.
Growing Daisies For Seed
31 YEARS AGO One of South Africa’s favourite wild veld flowers, the Namaqualand daisy, can be a valuable alternative winter crop for smallholders and farmers if the flowers are used for seed production.
Getting Water To Your Crop
Hydroponic operations can be run with one of several irrigation systems. This article examines micro-tubing, drip irrigation and gravitational flow.
FMD: We're Paying The Cost Of Complacency
The chances of South Africa suffering future foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks are high. Without the implementation of better management and control measures, including a traceability system, the red meat industry will continue to be at risk of suffering huge losses.
Feed And Water Requirements For Horses
You need to plan your horse’s diet during the dry months to prevent digestion issues, says Dr Mac.
Earthworms Make Light Work Of Soil Regeneration
With sugar cane being a perennial crop that is ploughed out and replanted only after a number of years, the soil in which it grows can suffer as a result of monocropping. KwaZulu-Natal sugar cane farmer Chloe Clegg has engaged earthworms to improve the health, productivity and sustainability of the soil on her family farm. Lloyd Phillips visited her operation near Harding.
CITES Votes To End Removal Of Elephants From The Wild
A vote was recently passed to end the movement of live African elephants from nature to captivity at the 18th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Geneva, Switzerland.
Agriculture A Vital Part Of The Solution To Land Degradation
The world’s drylands are becoming hotter and drier. Expanding commercial agriculture and investing in sustainable land management practices are two ways in which governments can mitigate this form of land degradation, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Trade War: No Pain, No Gain
The trade war between the US and China has hit many industries. Meat and grains are amongst them, with supply of these commodities high and prices at a low. Lindi Botha spoke to Robert Preska and Jack Shao, executive members of the US Meat Export Federation, about the situation.
The Crucial Nitrogen-humus Link
Humus contains approximately 10% nitrogen, and thus acts as a storage facility in the soil for this element.
Ronderib Afrikaner
One of the larger breeds of indigenous sheep, the Ronderib Afrikaner does well in arid to semidesert grassland.
Understand Cattle Behaviour To Achieve Low-stress Handling
Stress in cattle can cause these animals and their handlers numerous problems, and ultimately lose money for the cattle farming business. Dr Johan Cloete, a ruminant technical veterinarian with MSD Animal Health, says it is essential for handlers to understand cattle behaviour in order to achieve reduced stress.
Try Honey For Money
30YEARS AGO While beekeeping can be a lucrative hobby or occupation, it is a difficult and time-consuming venture.
SA Exports Its First Major Consignment Of Gold Kiwi Fruit
South Africa’s gold kiwi fruit production sector, which is only 10 years old, recently concluded its first-ever major exporting season.
Running Two Engines
Escalating production and marketing regulations will hit smaller farmers the hardest, warns Roelof Bezuidenhout. Are you ready to meet these challenges?