
Idaho Bill

Hollywood's Six-gun Fakery
“Movie magic” tricks saved time, training and production costs, helping filmmakers keep the action fast and furious.

Grand Canyon's Grand Meals
Don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy fine dining at the historic El Tovar and Bright Angel Lodge on the South Rim.

Grand Tradition
The Prix de West at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum still rides high.

Franco Nero
The once and future “Django” is still a star 55 years after being cast in his first Western role.

Fire Engulfs Paramount Western Ranch
Despite the terrible loss to movie and television history, local agencies and studios have pledged to rebuild.

Erroneous Ellsworth

Abilene's Man With A Star
Explore the Great Plains from Wyoming to Kansas and discover the truth behind the stories of legendary Western lawman “Bear River” Tom Smith.

A Prisoner Of Good Fortune
Zebulon Pike used Spanish incarceration to the U.S. advantage.

A Match Made In Paris

Are You A Watch Guy?
Irrelevant. Old-fashioned. Obsolete.

As any thoughtful shooter knows, our sport is full of deep questions, from ethics to “hard” science. One such question is whether the performance gap between the .25-06 Remington and .270 Winchester amounts to anything.

6.5 Winchester Short Magnum
There are so many different rifle cartridges that there is no tangible reason to add expense and trouble by working with a wildcat, but the intangibles attract us.

6.5 Short Action Ultra Magnum
We will never know for certain who was first to neck down the 7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Mag case for .264-inch bullets, but George Gardner of GA Precision is the person who put the wildcat on the map. In addition to being a serious participant in Precision Rifle Series competition, he is one of its strongest supporters as well.

6.5 Precision Rifle Cartridge
The popularity of 6.5mm (.264) cartridges in the U.S. has wavered for more than 60 years.

6.5 Creedmoor
About the time shooters start imagining that every gap among commercial rifle cartridges has been filled, another round fills a crack so small most of us didn’t know it existed. Among the recent crack-fillers is a Hornady creation called the 6.5 Creedmoor.

6.5 Japanese And Italian
A fact little recognized among many students of World War II history is that most major combatant nations used infantry rifles and cartridges designed in the nineteenth century.

.260 Remington
It may sound like sacrilege to hunters and shooters who preach cartridge ballistics like bible verse, but any suitable bullet at a half way decent velocity that punches a hole through the ribs and lungs of game animals promptly results in dead game, regardless of the cartridge.

5 Best Herbs For Men
Which herbs are best suited for men’s troubles and to help prevent their occurrence? These five herbs are suitable for all men over the age of 35, when testosterone levels start dropping and the first issues with sex or the prostate may begin to emerge.

Tasman Treasures
Cruising in the ‘Roaring Forties’ proves rewarding for Janneke Kuysters as she braves the bass strait to explore Tasmania.

Sydney Hobart Tragedy
Helpless crew can do nothing except watch as one of their own, swept overboard during a capsize, drifts away in a storm.

Special Report
Susan Glenny on what to do during a dismasting.

The Size Game
Muscular Development is proud to feature this new column from IFBB pro- Luke Sandoe, the U.K.’s newest rising star. Luke has the type of thick, rugged density of other incredibly strong bodybuilders like Branch, Dorian and Ronnie, with pleasing shape and balance to go along with it. Many bodybuilding fans hold an extra level of appreciation for champions who are as strong as they look, and Luke fits that bill to a T.

Josh Wade - Man Who Never Gives Up
Meet ‘relentless’ Josh Wade, the man who never gives up

NSAID Drug - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
If you’ve spent enough time in the gym lifting weights with great intensity, then you’re probably familiar with the muscle soreness that comes along with the territory.

Mahmoud Al Durrah Egyptian Muscle! - A New Pyramid Rises In The 212 Division
Everyone knows that ancient Egypt was one of the first advanced civilizations on earth, enduring for over 30 centuries and leaving behind incredible architecture and monuments such as the great Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, the Luxor Temple and the temple of Karnak.

Old School Still Rules!
Timeless Training and Nutrition Strategies

The Glorious Steve Laureus
Done for 2019, But Already Training to Win the 2020 Arnold Classic

Caffeine Safety And Toxicity
Up to 90 percent of us consume caffeine on a daily basis. Caffeine is quite possibly the most consistently used drug in the world. With the ability to abolish fatigue and increase wakefulness, caffeine makes the world go ‘round. I would argue that if caffeine were to go into shortage, it could become more valuable than gold and global markets would crash from the lack of productivity. Everyone from truck drivers, airline pilots, soldiers, or even surgeons get by on caffeine at some point.

Arash Rahbar - The Man Who Would Be King Of Classic!
Unless you’re the reigning Olympia champion in your division, sometimes it can be a bad idea to take an entire year off between contests.