I reached rock bottom and then lost 13 stone
Daily Mirror UK|June 27, 2024
Mum out of puff climbing stairs ..now she's climbing mountains
I reached rock bottom and then lost 13 stone

A SUPPORT worker who feared she would not live to see her children grow up has lost an incredible 13st 4lb, more than half her body weight.

Mum-of-three Lisa Eden, 46, was scared she would die in her sleep as she struggled to breathe at night.

She also found out she had type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Her GP gave her three months to make lifestyle changes, or face going on medication.

Lisa, who lives with her husband and three daughters, says: "I was at rock bottom, both physically and mentally.

"I wanted to see my children grow up, and not leave them without a mum. I knew I wanted and needed to make a change, but I just didn't know how.

هذه القصة مأخوذة من طبعة June 27, 2024 من Daily Mirror UK.

ابدأ النسخة التجريبية المجانية من Magzter GOLD لمدة 7 أيام للوصول إلى آلاف القصص المتميزة المنسقة وأكثر من 9,000 مجلة وصحيفة.

هذه القصة مأخوذة من طبعة June 27, 2024 من Daily Mirror UK.

ابدأ النسخة التجريبية المجانية من Magzter GOLD لمدة 7 أيام للوصول إلى آلاف القصص المتميزة المنسقة وأكثر من 9,000 مجلة وصحيفة.