
Bearing With a Sore Head
What hurts in your skull - and why

Octopuses on Parade
With three hearts, blue blood, eight bendy arms, and intelligence that outsmarts other spineless animals, there's nothing quite like an octopus. Join us on a dive into their weird world...

More Chocolate! More Tea!
Flavonoids, which are found in foods like chocolate, berries, and tea, play a key role in heart health

Palates and Perambulations
Outside of the major resorts, there are myriad activities worth investing in for a day out in Mauritius

Skull From Ancient Human Ancestor Unearthed
The 250,000-year-old remains of a Homo naledi were found in the remote depths of the Rising Star cave system in Johannesburg

Only in Your Wildest Dreams
Even today, scientists don't know why we dream. But now, psychologists have found a way to communicate with lucid dreamers - people who can take control of their dreams – in the hope that they might help us explore what goes on with our brains at night

The First Black Holes
Since just after the Big Bang, ancient black holes may have been shaping the universe as we know it. Now, scientists are tantalizingly close to glimpsing these mysterious objects for the first time

Your Mysterious Brain
Science has mapped the surface of Mars and translated the code for life. By comparison, we know next to nothing about what's between our ears. Over the next few pages, we ask leading scientists to answer some of the most important questions about our brains...

Beethoven's Unfinished 10th Symphony Completed by an AI
Computer scientists teamed up with historians, musicologists, and composers to teach artificial intelligence how to compose like Beethoven
Better out than in
The Mediterranean diet will increase flatulence, but it has benefits for you and the planet
What's it like to fly to the edge of space?
Dave Mackay, Virgin Galactic's chief pilot, reveals what it's like to ride a rocket ship to the stars...
Bizarre 'alien simulation' study shows how COVID panic-buying was a natural response
New research from the University of New South Wales has demonstrated how people react differently to change

Rise in childhood short-sightedness linked to increase in screen time and time spent indoors during COVID-19 lockdowns
More time spent indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic may have caused a significant rise in childhood short-sightedness, according to a new Hong Kong study.

Are we becoming more narcissistic? And is social media behind the seemingly growing ‘me crowd?
Regularly drinking coffee may help to protect your heart
Researchers at the Heart and Vascular Centre, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, have found that drinking up to three cups of coffee a day may help protect your cardiovascular system.
Young or old, rich or poor, many of us will experience a longing for social contact at some point in our lives. But loneliness doesn't have to be inevitable...
Every culture on Earth, and even some groups of animals, have traditions and rituals for sharing knowledge vital for survival
The risk of developing a genetic disease drops off as we age
It's widely known that as we age, our immune systems become weaker and slower to respond to infection, leaving us at a greater risk of becoming ill. But when it comes to developing genetic diseases, the risk of us getting ill actually wanes with age, a study carried out at the University of Oxford has found.

Wider World Of Glow-In-The-Dark Life Forms
A few years ago, scientists believed only a tiny band of creatures could emit light. But a string of new discoveries has illuminated a wider world of glow-in-the-dark life forms

Locked And Loaded
A 100-year legacy has left people with things to protect – including themselves – feeling safer

Conquering The Underground Everest
The Dark Star cave system in a remote corner of Uzbekistan might one day be crowned the ‘world’s deepest cave’. Hidden inside the subterranean labyrinth lie geological time capsules that hold the secret to Earth’s past and future climate…

Hope For Deaf People Struggling With Mask-Wearing During The Pandemic
See-through solution offers hope for deaf people struggling with mask-wearing during the pandemic

Will My Dog Get Lonely When I Go Back To The Office After Lockdown?
With lockdown turning us into constant companions for our canines, how are they likely to react when we start leaving them home alone for most of the day?

Why Do Some People Experience More Vaccine Side Effects Than Others?
Amelia Calderbank, Runcorn

Hungry All The Time? It Could Be In Your Blood…
Researchers working on the largest in-depth nutrition study in the world have found that some of us experience big dips in blood sugar levels after eating, and it makes us hungrier, sooner

How Many Face Masks Should I Wear To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19?
Gail Bala, Pretoria

Nature's Weirdest Creatures
The tarsier

From reality-enhancing implants to brain-controlled exoskeletons, breakthroughs in biotech have fuelled a new fusion of machinery and organic matter. We speak to the cyborgs who are helping humanity transcend its biological limits, one device at a time

The Truth Is Out There
Bellingcat’s founder Eliot Higgins talks about why people need an intelligence agency, how internet investigations work and how we can fight misinformation

Know Your Heart Rate
With a few simple calculations, you can easily figure out how healthy your heart is