Reflections and Resolutions
Our airgun student considers his year and decides where the next one will be going.
Blown Away
Phil Hardman seeks the shelter of the farmyard for a nocturnal rat hunt.
Mind Over Matter
Our student is thinking his way to shooting success.
Perennial Pistol!
Tim finley revisits one of the landmark airguns of his youth – the webley tempest.
smock the difference
phill price reports on jack pyke’s new argyle smock.
Well Up to the Mark!
Tim Finely discovers a break - barrel pistol for the next generation.
History In The Making
The editor gets first go with the latest Daystate supergun – the Saxon LE.
Playing The Long Game!
Gary Wain takes an extended view of the perfect pellet conundrum.
Buzzin' Dozen!
The editor gets an exciting exclusive on Webley’s re-vamped 12-shot Raider Classic.
Lottery Winners!
Airgunner, matt brooks, and his virtual clubmates raise funds for a great cause.
Getting Away
Gary Wain weighs up the technical factors involved in testing the heftier .22 pellets.
spot-on photon!
si and davy are out after rats with some nifty new nv gear.
Taken On Spec
Tim Finley tries an eye-catching break-barrel.
Sting Like A B!
Phill Price asks is this one of the most important airguns in the UK?
That's The Spirit!
Tim Finley explains the overall importance of shooting on the level.
Rites Of Spring
Terry relights his springer fire, courtesy of a weihrauch HW97K.
Down But Not Out!
Martin Calpin responds to having a bad day at the FT office.
Same Difference!
Gary Wain continues his unswerving quest to find that perfectly performing pellet.
Take A New Stance!
Naylor ball is determined to improve his standing technique - by changing it completely.
Tiers Of Happiness!
Roger Lait and the HFT Masters crew try to whippet into shape at the Greyhound.