Three months ago, Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai! actor Deepesh Bhan passed away suddenly due to a brain haemorrhage. He tied the knot in 2019 and had a one-and-half-year-old baby. He also had a loan on a flat that he had to repay, which amounted to `59 lakhs. Understandably, it was a very difficult period for his family. That’s when actress Saumya Tandon stepped in and shared this on social media. She started a fund and appealed to people to contribute so that Deepesh’s family could pay off his loan.
Bu hikaye The Times of India Hyderabad dergisinin October 27, 2022 sayısından alınmıştır.
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Bu hikaye The Times of India Hyderabad dergisinin October 27, 2022 sayısından alınmıştır.
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