Go for Green
Birds & Blooms

Go for Green

To find this vibrant, bold-patterned jay, you'll have to head way south

2 mins  |
August/September 2023
Ask the Experts
Birds & Blooms

Ask the Experts

Pros offer tips to help struggling plants, protect baby birds and more

5 mins  |
August/September 2023
In the Details
Birds & Blooms

In the Details

Easy ways to differentiate between male, female and immature hummingbirds

2 mins  |
August/September 2023
Birds & Blooms


Everyone feels pain as we age, but CBD can help you deal with it

3 mins  |
August/September 2023
Bad Neighbors
Mother Jones

Bad Neighbors

Tightly packed poultry and pig farms could be incubating the next deadly flu.

3 mins  |
July/August 2023
Growing Up Western
Horse and Rider

Growing Up Western

It's never easy saying goodbye to a horse, whether it's because you had to sell them, or retire them after a career-ending injury. But each horse prepares you for the next horse that will come into your life

3 mins  |
Summer 2023
Return to Exercise Slowly
Horse and Rider

Return to Exercise Slowly

If you’ve been turned out to pasture for a while, as the result of injury or just a busy life, return to exercise in a safe and steady way

2 mins  |
Summer 2023
An Empty Stall
Horse and Rider

An Empty Stall

The loss of a horse leads to a new landscape of managing emotions and moving forward

2 mins  |
Summer 2023
Ranch Riding Mares
Horse and Rider

Ranch Riding Mares

Evaluate and place these performance mares. Then see how your choices compare to our expert judge's.

3 mins  |
Summer 2023
Horse and Rider


Horses have both flight and investigative behaviors but not at the same time. Learn how to help your horse switch to curiosity when his flight instincts kick in, and how to put the brakes on when he's already gone

8 mins  |
Summer 2023
A Horseback High
Horse and Rider

A Horseback High

Riding vacations can be found around the world, and here are five bucket list rides in the United States

7 mins  |
Summer 2023
Strengthen Your Mental Game
Horse and Rider

Strengthen Your Mental Game

Prepare your mind for peak performances with your horse by implementing these tips from reining trainer Shane Brown

4 mins  |
Summer 2023
Burning Off the Fresh
Horse and Rider

Burning Off the Fresh

Whether your horse has gone unridden due to a health problem, the weather, or your schedule, a thoughtful process can keep everyone safe during his return to work

4 mins  |
Summer 2023
Help Is (Sometimes) Only a Phone Call Away!
Horse and Rider

Help Is (Sometimes) Only a Phone Call Away!

Do you depend on over-the-phone advice from your veterinarian? Here's what you need to know about telehealth to help you understand what you can, and can't, expect

8 mins  |
Summer 2023
Horse and Rider


Riding clubs of all forms can be found across the country. What should you look for when choosing—or starting—a club of your own? We asked three club leaders to share their insights

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
Ground Tying for Ranch Trail
Horse and Rider

Ground Tying for Ranch Trail

There are many reasons to teach your horse how to safely ground tie

3 mins  |
Summer 2023
What's In a Name?
Cat Talk

What's In a Name?

A Look Behind Cattery Names

3 mins  |
June 2023
Dressing For Success (You Not the Cat)
Cat Talk

Dressing For Success (You Not the Cat)

Your Appearance Speaks Volumes. True yesterday...

10+ mins  |
June 2023
Preventive Maintenance for a Smooth-Running Show
Cat Talk

Preventive Maintenance for a Smooth-Running Show

There are many things that can cause a cat show to experience interruptions or problems. However, many issues can also be nipped in the bud, before they become larger problems, by hands-on, proactive show management. This is, by no means, a complete list, but I hope it will be of great help.

4 mins  |
June 2023
Fashion and other Faux Paws AT THE CFA ANNUAL
Cat Talk

Fashion and other Faux Paws AT THE CFA ANNUAL

As much as we would love to deny it, our wardrobe and ideas of haute couture have not always turned out the way they appeared in our dreams. Zippers either broke or got stuck in the sequins of the dress; heels on dress shoes decided to give up the ghost as we head out the door of the hotel room; the dress that was the perfect size last weekend when tried on suddenly needs a shoehorn to step into it. Arrgh! And then there's the makeup and hair challenge! Add missing accessories, and the list of potential formal dress disasters is endless!

5 mins  |
June 2023
Finding Kittens the Perfect Homes
Cat Talk

Finding Kittens the Perfect Homes

Part Two - In our last issue, the criteria breeders should consider to find a perfect home for kittens were reviewed. Although there are many different thoughts on how to find that perfect home, readers contributed a great many similar suggestions. In this follow-up, I have edited some of those ideas to avoid repetition. It seems we all agree screening of buyers is critical and takes time. Most breeders emphasized that they would not sell kittens at shows to people they had not screened previously. They certainly would deliver at a show and get final paperwork signed there.

10+ mins  |
June 2023
The Hows and Whys of Kitty Costume Contests
Cat Talk

The Hows and Whys of Kitty Costume Contests

Videos of pets run rampant on social media. Most of us who are online regularly are not strangers to playing a video and seeing a canine decked out in the latest fashions or dressed to match their doting pet parents.

4 mins  |
June 2023
Decorating Your Show Hall On a Shoestring
Cat Talk

Decorating Your Show Hall On a Shoestring

Show budgets often come to a halt when it's time to consider decorations. We all know of shows that outdo themselves year after year (Cotton States comes to mind), but most shows do not have a lot of money to allocate to dressing up the show hall.

3 mins  |
June 2023
What You Don't Know About Lykoi
Cat Talk

What You Don't Know About Lykoi

Full Moon or Not, the \"Werewolf\" Cat is Coming On Strong!

10 mins  |
June 2023
Saddle Thrombus (Blood Clots) in Cats
Cat Talk

Saddle Thrombus (Blood Clots) in Cats

For those of you who have never heard of an “aortic thromboembolism,” sometimes called a “saddle thrombus,” it occurs “when a blood clot is dislodged and travels through the aorta, becoming lodged in a distant location.”1

2 mins  |
June 2023
Feline Lymphoma, Part 2
Cat Talk

Feline Lymphoma, Part 2

It is now three and a half years since my beloved Siamese, Polar, was diagnosed with renal lymphoma. After 15 months of treatments, countless trips back and forth from Long Island to the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital in Philadelphia, endless ultrasounds and follow-up visits, my warrior boy was declared not just in remission, but miraculously \"cured.\"

5 mins  |
June 2023
It's What's Left That Counts Amputation in Cats
Cat Talk

It's What's Left That Counts Amputation in Cats

Many years ago, amputation for cats was never done, because people thought it was cruel“ said Dr. Bridget Brooke, VMD, owner/ senior veterinarian at My Pet’s Vet, Huntington, NY. “Now, it’s done all the time, because the cats do so well.” Brooke, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School who has been practicing for over 30 years, has performed countless amputations with excellent results.

6 mins  |
June 2023
Paws for Royalty
Cat Talk

Paws for Royalty

As the world watched the first coronation of a British monarch in 70 years, royal historians, journalists, and casual observers alike were writing about the events. We cat fanciers are just as interested, as royal pets, past and present, have been documented and photographed.

3 mins  |
June 2023
Groomed to Purr-fection
Cat Talk

Groomed to Purr-fection

The Professional Approach to Getting Cats CLEAN

10+ mins  |
June 2023
75 Years With the Grande Old Breed
Hobby Farms

75 Years With the Grande Old Breed

It’s one of the oldest breeds in the world, but Highland cattle have become one of the new favorites with today’s hobby farmers.

5 mins  |
July-August 2023