Save on all your healthcare costs!
Woman's World

Save on all your healthcare costs!

Last year, the average American household paid a whopping $5,177 for medical visits, tests and medications-a cost expected to rise by another 6% this year. Here, pros share how to save a bundle without sacrificing care

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
My mother, my angel
Woman's World

My mother, my angel

When Woman's World reader Richenda Janeen Hershey was grieving her mother, she was inspired to write a poem that brought her peace. She writes:

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
Taste bud trick to 100% healthy
Woman's World

Taste bud trick to 100% healthy

Sure, broccoli, fish and kale are good for you. But if you can't stand the flavor, you may be a supertaster. Supertasters have extra taste buds and taste foods more strongly. They're especially sensitive to bitter foods, thanks to a gene that ups bitterness perception. Fortunately, you can make all foods taste delicious!

1 min  |
September 25, 2023
This loving nurse adopted a teen mom and her triplets!
Woman's World

This loving nurse adopted a teen mom and her triplets!

When 14-year-old Shariya Small delivered triplets, she was terrified. Her family life wasn’t good—she was on her own. Then she met NICU nurse Katrina Mullen, whose love and support changed all their lives

4 mins  |
September 18, 2023
Safeguard your heart and your mood!
Woman's World

Safeguard your heart and your mood!

Keeping blood vessels flexible boosts circulation to cut heart trouble risk by 66%. But by delivering oxygen-rich blood to tissues, removing wastes and increasing levels of happiness-boosting brain chemicals, supple vessels also safeguard your mood.

2 mins  |
September 18, 2023
Natural ways to reverse gum disease
Woman's World

Natural ways to reverse gum disease

Sure, healthy gums mean better breath and fewer cavities. But research suggests reversing gum disease (harmful plaque buildup that can cause red, swollen gums and bleeding) cuts stroke risk by 57% and lowers dementia risk by 70%. To tamp down troublemaking plaque, just…

1 min  |
September 18, 2023
Sidestep falls the easy way!
Woman's World

Sidestep falls the easy way!

Up to 60% of us worry about falls. What helps? Better balance. In fact, Brazilian research suggests people with good balance outlive their peers. To stay steady, just...

1 min  |
September 18, 2023
Shortcuts to 100% healthy!
Woman's World

Shortcuts to 100% healthy!

No need to overhaul your lifestyle when you’d rather be enjoying fall fun. These ‘health hacks’ deliver the same benefits!

3 mins  |
September 18, 2023
"Don't stop challenging yourself"!
Woman's World

"Don't stop challenging yourself"!

Actress and singer Ann-Margret has been entertaining millions for almost 60 years. While she has enjoyed the bright lights of fame since her first hit movie Bye Bye Birdie in 1963, the 82-year-old has also faced struggles and darkness in life-like losing her husband of 50 years. Here, how faith, love and laughter keep her forging joyfully on

3 mins  |
September 18, 2023
"Dance helps people with Parkinson's stay strong!"
Woman's World

"Dance helps people with Parkinson's stay strong!"

When Beth Hochstein was diagnosed with youngonset Parkinson's disease, she turned to dance to stay active. It helped so much, she started classes for others with the same illness, sparking fun and hope!

2 mins  |
September 18, 2023
An angel's protection
Woman's World

An angel's protection

When Woman’s World reader Paulina Miazek found herself in a dangerous situation, an angel appeared to comfort and protect her. She writes:

2 mins  |
September 18, 2023
A sweet deal
Woman's World

A sweet deal

When Caroline borrows her brother’s dirty truck to haul furniture, she’s in for a handsome surprise at the car wash

3 mins  |
September 18, 2023
Erase post-summer skin damage naturally
Woman's World

Erase post-summer skin damage naturally

These remedies work wonders to reverse skin bothers caused by sun exposure so you look younger and more radiant in no time

1 min  |
September 18, 2023
Scents that heal-found!
Woman's World

Scents that heal-found!

An Indiana University study found that fragrance compounds called terpenes can boost health. When inhaled, they telegraph signals along the olfactory nerve directly to the brain, where they nudge it to improve mood, sleep and more

1 min  |
September 18, 2023
"I make $27,000 a year from my handmade crowns!"
Woman's World

"I make $27,000 a year from my handmade crowns!"

Marelle Couture is profiting off her passion for the unique headpieces that she makes herself! Here’s how she does it

1 min  |
September 18, 2023
Secrets to getting bigger store bargains!
Woman's World

Secrets to getting bigger store bargains!

Love finding low prices at your favorite discount stores? Our savings pros reveal their easy tips for saving even more…

3 mins  |
September 18, 2023
"Journaling cured my migraines!"
Woman's World

"Journaling cured my migraines!"

For more than 10 years, frequent blinding headaches interfered with Anna Holtzman's work, life and sanity...until she discovered a simple self-care trick that put an end to her pain

2 mins  |
September 18, 2023
"Help! No one listens to me!"
Woman's World

"Help! No one listens to me!"

Our experts share simple ways to ensure your voice is heard—and the specific words that will persuade others to see your point of view

2 mins  |
September 18, 2023
Save BIG at the pharmacy!
First for Women

Save BIG at the pharmacy!

Even with insurance, Americans are paying more for medication than ever before. Here, how to save cash on prescriptions, over-the-counter meds and more

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
Wow with this color!
First for Women

Wow with this color!

The hair hue making a splash and erasing years for celebrities this fall? Champagne! Just grab a box (like Excellence by L'Oreal Vanilla Champagne Hair Color, $11, and read on to learn 3 ways it can make you look younger

1 min  |
September 25, 2023
smart PET solutions
First for Women

smart PET solutions

Quick tips that help keep pets happy and healthy

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
A fresh-picked mix to bring on bliss
First for Women

A fresh-picked mix to bring on bliss

Flower power

1 min  |
September 25, 2023
First for Women


Nobel Prize-winning discovery hints at how drinking water at this temperature and alkalinity can boost cellular metabolism by 2,900%, making it effortless to lose weight

8 mins  |
September 25, 2023
VIRAL HACKS TO a home that's organized
First for Women

VIRAL HACKS TO a home that's organized

From TikTok to YouTube, organizing 'influencers' are posting new, easy clutter-busting tricks. We rounded up the hottest strategies to help inspire you!

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
Found: Safe bone builders that work
First for Women

Found: Safe bone builders that work

Top doctors share easy, drug-free strategies bones-without to ensure strong, healthy the side effects of osteoporosis drugs

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
100% healthy in a flash
First for Women

100% healthy in a flash

Outsmart everyday health bothers with these easy, fast-acting moves

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023
5 stories that will make you smile
First for Women

5 stories that will make you smile

Fun with Animals

1 min  |
September 25, 2023
smart FOOD solutions
First for Women

smart FOOD solutions

Quick tips to help make cooking stress-free

1 min  |
September 25, 2023
smart HOME solutions
First for Women

smart HOME solutions

Quick tips that save time and money

3 mins  |
September 25, 2023
smart YOU solutions
First for Women

smart YOU solutions

Quick tips that keep you looking & feeling great

2 mins  |
September 25, 2023