Pipeline Magazine - Issue - 30

Pipeline Magazine Description:
Publisher: Double Pipe Publishers Limited
Category: Art
Language: Chinese - Traditional
Frequency: 45 Days
Pipeline杂 志是供艺术家、艺术研究者、策展人和艺术爱好者头脑风暴的平台。我们集思广益、开诚布公,致力于严肃艺术但不限于精英份子。在某几期刊物中, 我们为艺术家 和试验型项目提供了一个游乐场,而在每一期我们都旨在将当代艺术中分门别类、跨越地域的艺术实践联系起来,其中包括众多美术馆、展览以及非营 利性艺术空 间。Pipeline由香港Double Pipe出版社主办,每年出版六期。作为一本独立艺术杂志,Pipeline内容面向国际题材同时提供当地美术馆指 南。
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In this issue
The Summer issue of Pipeline is all about the fun. In Recess, Hong Kong artist, Yokky Wong, presents a ceramic game of noughts and crosses. In our Summer Fun Capsule we highlight works by several artists - including Paul Saint from Australia; Feng Mengbo from China; Yong Kwan Kim from Korea; Rashaad Newsome from Indonesia; and Richard Ho from Hong Kong - along with some of the statements they have made about utilising "the playful" in their works.
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