Nuyou Singapore Magazine - November 2024

Nuyou Singapore Magazine - November 2024

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In this issue
11月份,呼应KEEP IT TOGETHER主题,要你感觉幸福感加倍!《女友》特别邀请在本月底举办婚宴的艺人情侣档——Shawn Thia和Xenia Tan分享筹备婚礼期间,如何约法三章不“火花四射”。 除了携手走入婚姻,在人生旅途中也有很多相互扶持的篇章。先后加入由父亲创办的EDL室内设计材料公司任职的林家三姐妹,血浓于水的牵绊,更利于打拼?又或者,以夫妻档身份创立Edith Patisserie蛋糕品牌的Shaun和Ethel,更多甜还是苦?当然,除了有亲人关系,还有些人是因为共同兴趣、相同理念,甚至是使命感驱使而“同在一起”的,例如因“垃圾问题”而聚合的Kindred Community,目标就是希望能号召5%的国人更爱环境。因书本而聚会的The Saturday Book Club,有人还因此收获了爱情!除了精彩人物专访,TOGETHER的彩妆,怎么玩?而经典风衣、黑色腕表、必备的黑皮靴,以及珍珠项链如何与你的造型相配合?最后,The Millennial Talk三位女友——主持人Jade Seah谈创业、新加坡环球小姐的跨性别佳丽Qatrisha谈多元化美丽,是脊椎矫正医师也是YouTuber的Dr. Jenny Li,继续与你精彩对话。
Nuyou Singapore Magazine Description:
Publisher: SPH Media Limited
Category: Fashion
Language: Chinese - Simplified
Frequency: 11 Issues/Year
Nuyou Singapore Magazine is a monthly bilingual (English and Chinese) fashion and beauty magazine published by SPH Media Limited in Singapore. It is one of the most popular women's magazines in the country.
Nuyou is known for its coverage of the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, celebrity gossip, and relationship advice. It also features articles on travel, food, and culture.
Nuyou is a popular read among women in Singapore who are interested in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the Singaporean fashion and lifestyle scene.
Here are some of the benefits of subscribing to Nuyou Singapore Magazine:
* Stay informed about the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, celebrity gossip, and relationship advice.
* Discover new and emerging fashion brands and designers.
* Get tips on how to dress for different occasions and seasons.
* Learn about the latest beauty products and treatments.
* Get inspired by the latest celebrity fashion and beauty trends.
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