Is Bitching Good For You?
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Is Bitching Good For You?

We all love a bit of goss – but we often tend to feel a bit guilty afterwards. Time to relax, says Jaime Waddington – psychologists are claiming that having a bit of a rant is actually good for us!

5 mins  |
December 2018
‘My Boyfriend Had A Twisted Secret Life'
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

‘My Boyfriend Had A Twisted Secret Life'

After Paul died suddenly in a car accident, his pregnant girlfriend made a shocking discovery: he had been involved with at least six other women. Three of them reveal the disturbing details – and warn you how to spot a master manipulator

7 mins  |
December 2018
Curious About Keto?
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Curious About Keto?

Low-carb diets Just. Keep. Coming. Back. The latest version is the hella-strict keto (or ketogenic) plan, first used to treat epilepsy successfully in the ’20s. Modern fans include Vanessa Hudgens and Kourtney Kardashian, who swear by it for weight loss, energy and mental clarity. Regular peeps are into it too. Google searches for keto have soared during the past year. Read on to see what’s behind the buzz and whether you should dig in.

2 mins  |
Jan/Feb 2019
How FOMO Sucks Your Cash
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

How FOMO Sucks Your Cash

Your Besties want to go all out Saturday night. then bae suggests you two splurge on rugby tickets because the Boks are playing at home. and next weekend, your cousins are throwing a major family dinner at that new Italian restaurant. too bad that by the time the bill for the pasta comes around, your wallet will have fallen victim to serious FOMO spending.

3 mins  |
Jan/Feb 2019
Slow Vs Fast
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Slow Vs Fast

Find the Right Love Speed for You

3 mins  |
Jan/Feb 2019
The Success Paradox
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

The Success Paradox

What happens when you discover you’re pregnant just as your career is taking off?JENNIFER SAVIN experiences the true cost of ‘ leaning in’ for young women

8 mins  |
July 2019
15 Moves To Make Sex Hella Romantic
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

15 Moves To Make Sex Hella Romantic

No doubt about it: Fast, hot, rip-your-clothes-off sex can add plenty of excitement to a relationship.

4 mins  |
April 2019
Gynae Report ‘My Doctor Assaulted Me'
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Gynae Report ‘My Doctor Assaulted Me'

Daniella Mohazab will never forget how, while watching her undress from the waist down, her gynaecologist smiled.

3 mins  |
April 2019
Party At Bonang's House!
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Party At Bonang's House!

Queen B is our ultimate mo’ghel and she’s fast taking over the world – from New York to Nigeria and everywhere in between. The boss babe invited COSMO into her Johannesburg home for a rare and exclusive all-access pass. Read on to find out how she’s rewriting the rules for South African women. This is her superstar moment and she’s ready to seize it. Buckle up for the ride!

8 mins  |
April 2019
The Radical Sabbatical
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

The Radical Sabbatical

What do you do when you don’t know what you want to do? Emma Rosen road-tested 25 jobs in a year. here’s what she learnt

6 mins  |
April 2019
Which Royal Are You?
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Which Royal Are You?


2 mins  |
April 2019
Start A Beauty Side Hustle
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Start A Beauty Side Hustle

Turn your obsession into a bankaccount booster. Here are three ways to cash in!

2 mins  |
April 2019
Tips To Channel Single-Babe Energy
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Tips To Channel Single-Babe Energy

By now, you’ve likely heard of bigdick energy – the viral catchphrase for the undeniable air of confidence that some guys seem to exude.

2 mins  |
April 2019
Take Your Face To The Gym!
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Take Your Face To The Gym!

Just 10 minutes a day – that’s all you need to tone your face with these fun exercises. It’s like a nonsurgical face lift!

3 mins  |
September 2018
Meet The Witches Of Instagram
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Meet The Witches Of Instagram

Forget broomsticks and potions: the new-age witch is socially conscious and super-stylish, and she’s taking the Internet by storm. Morgan Reardon investigates the sorceresses of social media

6 mins  |
September 2018
Dating + Social Media: The New Rules
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Dating + Social Media: The New Rules

Showing your romantic interest without looking too thirsty is a difficult balance to strike, especially on social media. After you’ve ‘researched’ your new crush online and gone on a few dates, when do you add them on Snapchat? Is it cool to like their Facebook status? How soon can you post an Instagram pic together? Don’t be fooled: these moves matter.

3 mins  |
September 2018
Don't Hate Morning People – Be One!
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Don't Hate Morning People – Be One!

Getting out of bed in the dark dead of winter truly sucks – but it might be a key part of your overall wellbeing.

3 mins  |
July 2018
Mila Kunis - Mystery Woman
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Mila Kunis - Mystery Woman

Over the years, the versatile actress and producer has remained an enigma. Yeah, we know she married AshtonKutcherand they have kids but thats about where ourintelends. And we want details! So COSMO askedSNLs KateMcKinnon, her friend and co-star in the comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me, to chat her up and deliver the goods. Let the revelations begin

6 mins  |
October 2018
Saggy Boobs Matter
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Saggy Boobs Matter

ChideraEggerue, better known as @theslumflower, is a pioneer for social change and her #SaggyBoobsMattermovement is inspiring others to love themselves, flaws n all.

5 mins  |
October 2018
Why We Need To Start Living A 'F*ck Yes!' Life
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Why We Need To Start Living A 'F*ck Yes!' Life

Forget doing things half-baked: its time to ditch thegreymatter and embrace your f*ckingfeelings.

4 mins  |
October 2018
Why C-Section Rates Are Crazy High
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Why C-Section Rates Are Crazy High

The average South African woman has her first kid at 22 (according to a report by Chartmix), and up to one in three of those infants emerges not from the birth canal but from a lower-abdominal incision.

4 mins  |
October 2018
Smart Phone, Dumber You
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Smart Phone, Dumber You

Its the first thing you grab when you wake up and the last thing you touch at night (even after bae). You reach for it countless times in between, and panic if you leave it at home. You can become psychologically addicted to almost anything including, and perhaps especially, your phone, says Earl Miller, a professor of neuroscience at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT.

2 mins  |
October 2018
Sex Q+A
Cosmopolitan - South Africa

Sex Q+A

Honest answers to your most private questions.

3 mins  |
October 2018
master small talk
cosmopolitan - south africa

master small talk

awkward high-school reunions and ott relatives can make parties more scary than fun. our chat-up-anyone cheat sheet takes the stress out of mingling. do this when…

2 mins  |
feb 2017
this is what a millennial sangoma looks like
cosmopolitan - south africa

this is what a millennial sangoma looks like

almost 60% of south africans consult sangomas, and it’s estimated that there are eight times more traditional healers than westerntrained doctors in south africa. but what does this ancient practice look like in 2017? it’s taken a decidedly digital turn…

4 mins  |
feb 2017

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