The Gardener


We have a saying in our office, “You can plant in just abut anything as long as it has drainage.” The reason why drainage is important is that most plants don’t like their roots to sit in water, and without drainage, water build-up in containers is likely.

3 mins  |
June 2022
The Gardener


Serruria florida, also known as the pride of Franschhoek, is a delicate member of the fynbos family that has become critically endangered in the wild due to alien invasive species and too-frequent fires not giving the veld plants enough chance to mature and to set seed to build up a seedbank, although fire is ironically needed to aid the seed germination.

1 min  |
June 2022
Cups of Gold Stoic and Tenacious!
The Gardener

Cups of Gold Stoic and Tenacious!

If you can get your hands on some seed packets of the California poppy and show the picture of the golden, cup-shaped flowers on them to a kid, chances are great that the answer would be a positive ‘yes!’, and in two ticks you will have happy and excited company in the garden to help you to sow the seed.

3 mins  |
May 2022
Pure and Simple Apple Cider
The Gardener

Pure and Simple Apple Cider

An apple tree in a garden is one of the delights of growing your own food. There may come a time, though, when there are too many apples for one family and the neighbours to eat, and they need to be preserved to use through winter. By the end of May, all the apples on a tree should be harvested before the colder weather comes along.

3 mins  |
May 2022
Variegation Explained
The Gardener

Variegation Explained

Any plant lovers who have spent time on the internet recently will have come across swathes of variegated plants on their social media feeds. Whether it’s the incredibly popular variegated Monstera, the collectable cultivars of the Epipremnum aureum species, or even outdoor ornamental foliage plants, variegation is taking centre stage this year.

2 mins  |
May 2022
Afro Zen
The Gardener

Afro Zen

Fusing the mediative Zen school with the vibrant pulse of Africa.

1 min  |
May 2022
Get More Kalanchoes
The Gardener

Get More Kalanchoes

Many (or most) succulents can be swiftly propagated via stem cuttings, including all the prettiest kalanchoes, so in just a few steps you can have a lot of new plants for free. Regularly taking cuttings is also a form of pruning that curbs the natural etiolated growth they tend to produce after a few growth seasons.

2 mins  |
May 2022
A Sunsational Garden
The Gardener

A Sunsational Garden

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

3 mins  |
May 2022
A New Style of Border
The Gardener

A New Style of Border

Over the years, the very ornamental herbaceous border drifted away from the functional cottage-garden-style borders, where edibles like fruit, herbs and vegetables were mixed with garden flowers in no particular order. It became instead a symbol of prestige in English country gardens, and was designed and planted up by master gardeners flaunting their ultimate gardening skill in creating masterpieces of shapes, colours and textures on a large scale.

7 mins  |
May 2022
6 Flowering Low Hedges
The Gardener

6 Flowering Low Hedges

Low hedges, where a number of the same plants are used repeatedly in a row to form a pattern or barrier are strong design elements, but do they have to be the traditional and formally clipped green box or golden duranta hedges? The answer is no!

5 mins  |
May 2022
5 Reasons Why We Need to Harvest Rainwater
The Gardener

5 Reasons Why We Need to Harvest Rainwater

People often choose to harvest rainwater for economic and environmental reasons, but there are other reasons too. Here are some of the benefits of rainwater harvesting:

3 mins  |
May 2022
Velvet Daisies
The Gardener

Velvet Daisies

They are relatively slow-growing plants that are easy to grow and can withstand harsh conditions, with their adaptative leaves most certainly aiding as sun protection.

1 min  |
April 2022
Absolutely Abelia!
The Gardener

Absolutely Abelia!

Long-living shrubs that manage to maintain the look of their pretty foliage in all seasons are a strong framework against which seasonal plants can play their temporary roles in a well-planned garden. Modern abelia hybrids are part of the stalwart list to plant.

3 mins  |
April 2022
5 Tall Evergreen Hedges
The Gardener

5 Tall Evergreen Hedges

Surrounding your garden with an imposing hedge is like planting a 'neighbour' you have chosen yourself and like a lot!

8 mins  |
April 2022
Growing fynbos at Madibri
The Gardener

Growing fynbos at Madibri

Many gardeners are apprehensive about growing fynbos outside of its natural habitat, believing it to be difficult and too much effort. Nico Thuynsma has proven otherwise, spending the last 25 years illustrating just how easy it is to grow these wonderful plants both in South Africa and around the world.

3 mins  |
May 2022
Go Gourmet With Autumn and Winter Veggies
The Gardener

Go Gourmet With Autumn and Winter Veggies

Google the term 'gourmet' and the general consensus is that it refers to any food that is nicer, more unusual, of better quality or more sophisticated than its ordinary counterparts.

6 mins  |
April 2022
Timeless Elegance
The Gardener

Timeless Elegance

Plant the look that South African gardeners will never tire off...

2 mins  |
April 2022
Why Leaves Change Colour in Autumn
The Gardener

Why Leaves Change Colour in Autumn

Have you ever wondered why certain trees change leaf colour in autumn, and why some leaves are more red or yellow than others? Let's explore this interesting topic.

2 mins  |
April 2022
10 Houseplants For 2022
The Gardener

10 Houseplants For 2022

Plant feature

4 mins  |
April 2022
Using hyacinths as indoor décor
The Gardener

Using hyacinths as indoor décor

Some of the most popular spring bulbs to grow indoors are hyacinths. They provide a wonderful fragrance to the home and can be styled in so many ways to complement your décor. The best part is that they can be forced to flower in winter to give you that springvibe before spring actually arrives.

2 mins  |
April 2022
To DIY or not to DIY
The Gardener

To DIY or not to DIY

Before you break out the tools and get started on a DIY garden project, honestly gauge your skills versus the difficulty of what you're about to undertake. Here are some points to help you with the decision.

5 mins  |
April 2022
Savvy storage
The Gardener

Savvy storage

There is always room for more storage, and what better way to pack away the hosepipe, wellies and half a bag of potting soil than in a neat and functional planter with storage underneath. It's easy to make and will be ready to use in no time.

1 min  |
April 2022
Modern nesting box
The Gardener

Modern nesting box

This nesting box uses 30° angles for a modern twist on a classic.

2 mins  |
March 2022
Resilient Rose Garden
The Gardener

Resilient Rose Garden

Like all other sectors in the garden industry, rose growers have been working towards a poison-free garden, and the moment seems to have arrived.

7 mins  |
March 2022
The Gardener


Oregano is a zesty, savoury herb for slowcooked winter feasts, which means that you should get it going now for a good supply of leaves from June onward. Fortunately, it is frost hardy.

2 mins  |
March 2022
The Basics of Biophilic Design
The Gardener

The Basics of Biophilic Design

As we continue to fill our homes with screens and gadgets, and our cities with concrete and paved roads, we begin to lose sight – literally – of the natural world around us. In an effort to combat this transformation, architects are adopting a concept known as biophilia – “an innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world.”

3 mins  |
March 2022
Slicing, Seedless, Pickling Cucumbers
The Gardener

Slicing, Seedless, Pickling Cucumbers

Plant a cucumber seed in spring or summer, and in around 50 - 90 days you can begin harvesting off the vine.

3 mins  |
March 2022
Take Fuchsia Cuttings
The Gardener

Take Fuchsia Cuttings

Fuchsias are perfect for hanging baskets and pots, and add bright colour to a summer garden.

1 min  |
March 2022
Growing Edibles Is Cool!
The Gardener

Growing Edibles Is Cool!

So, it seems that one of the positive spinoffs of Covid is that more ‘under 35s’ are growing their own edibles, and finding that it’s a great way to de-stress.

5 mins  |
March 2022
Time's Up!
The Gardener

Time's Up!

Nothing reveals the dark side of yourself, your besties and your dearly beloveds better than a game of 30 Seconds!

5 mins  |
March 2022