States Are Depriving Innocent People Of Their Second Amendment Rights
“Red Flag” laws leave gun owners defenseless.
Will Justin Amash Run for President as a Libertarian in 2020?
Freedomfest, a largely libertarian gath ering in Las Vegas with a significant con servative presence, has been tacking in a noticeably Trumpian direction since the future president spoke there in 2015.
Hells Angels Meet Housewives on Harleys
How bikers turned into their parents and turned off their kids
Bernie Sanders Leads the Anti–charter School Charge
“I believe in public education, and I believe in public charter schools,” explained Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) at a CNN town hall in March. What the can didate for the Democratic presidential nomination doesn’t believe in, he said, are “privately controlled charter schools.”
Neal Stephens Wants to Tell Big Stories
An Economist and a Science Fiction Author Discuss Cryogenics, Mythology, Philanthropy, Fragmentation, and Simulation.
Hard Lessons From the Russian Civil War
The official 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, which birthed the world’s first Communist state, came and went two years ago.
Don't Just Do Something
“I don't know what the answer is,” Kacey Musgraves shouted during her set at Lol lapalooza on August 7, “but obviously something has to be fucking done.”
The New Trustbusters Are Coming for Big Tech
The companies that make your life better are under attack from left and right.
Jonathan Kaiman: ‘I'M Radioactive'
Journalist Jonathan Kaiman is one of the least famous, least powerful men to be brought down by the #metoo movement. A year later, the fallout continues.
The Joyful Contrarianism of Gordon Tullock
Meet the Economist who understood Nascar Crashes, the Sale of Indulgences, and the Feeding Habits of Coal Tits.
Elizabeth Warren's Plans Don't Add Up
The Warren Worldview of Ill-founded Economic Pessimism is Both Bloodless and Moralizing.
Booze, Profit & Prayer
When Europe’s beer-brewing, liquor-distilling monks combine catholicism and capitalism, the results are delicious.
Can Algorithms Run Things Better Than Humans?
Welcome to the rise of the algocracy.
America Needs More Dentists
Too bad we won’t let them come here from overseas.
Gorsuch Challenges Blank Check For The U.S. Attorney General
In October, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in an important case that asks whether Congress violated Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution by delegating its lawmaking authority to the executive branch.
Can't Afford A Vacation? Blame The State!
With temperatures rising, your sweet summer getaway is just around the corner—if you can afford one.
Why Are Cops Putting Kids In Cuffs?
Federal funding, zero tolerance, and lack of choice encourage the creeping criminalization of student misbehavior.
Trump Cracks Down On Refugees In Nashville's Little Kurdistan
Trump Cracks Down On Refugees In Nashville’s Little Kurdistan
Mississippi's Jump-Out Boys
The police punish people for living in a bad neighborhood.
An Expensive Experiment With Singlepayer Health Care
An Expensive Experiment With Singlepayer Health Care
Breaking Addicts In Order To Fix Them
How Synanon revolutionized drug treatment and poisoned the politics of prohibition.
Health Care Costs Are The Reason You’Re Not Getting A Raise
From Washington To Wisconsin, States Are Punishing Dissent
From Washington To Wisconsin, States Are Punishing Dissent
The Gambia May Beat America To Ending The Death Penalty
The Gambia May Beat America To Ending The Death Penalty
In The U.S., There Are 219,000 Women Behind Bars
In The U.S., There Are 219,000 Women Behind Bars
Good Neighbors Can Make Good Fences
But when it comes to Mexico, the United States isn’t being very neighborly.
Will Florida Ban Fracking?
NIMBYism in the Sunshine State
P.J.O' Rourke: Things Are Going To Be Fine
But There's Going To Be Some Trouble Getting To The Fine Part.
The Dangerous Toys Of Christmas Past
Hungry Cabbage Patch Kids, loose bear eyeballs, hot Creepy Crawlers, and more
Trump Takes On Obamacare
Trump Takes On Obamacare