
The Magic Beaks Of Stone Birds
Discovering an ancient avian superpower
Madagascar What's So Special?
A typical person knows nothing about Madagascar beyond an awareness of the animated movies of that name and a resulting conviction that the country gives refuge to penguins. Africans do slightly better.

Hidden Treasure Verreaux's Eagle-Owl
Despite being the largest owl species in the region and sporting characteristic bright pink eyelids, Verreaux’s Eagle-Owls Bubo lacteus can be surprisingly difficult to find in the wild. It was a colleague of mine, Callum Evans, who first pointed out an eagle-owl nest to me on 1 August 2020 in Mawana Game Reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal. I had seen an adult and a sub-adult in the vicinity a few days before and had thought there might be a nest somewhere, but I hadn’t been able to locate it.
true reflection
Canon’s R6 and R5 camera bodies

FORCE of nature
During the past five or so years, Cape-based photographer Peter Chadwick has focused his conservation work on supporting counter-poaching efforts, developing conservation and re-introduction strategies for high-risk and endangered species and cultivating marine and terrestrial conservation teams. While doing this work throughout the African continent and the Western Indian Ocean, Peter has used his conservation photojournalism to raise awareness and garner support for the various causes he works on. A multiaward-winning cameraman, he is a Senior Fellow and Executive Member of the International League of Conservation Photographers.

coral frenzy
Coral trees (Erythrina species) are found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world, including in southern Africa where nine species occur.

Founded in February 2020, the South Africa Listers’ Club is a community of birders who have recorded 300 or more species within the borders of South Africa. As a protector of the country’s birds, BirdLife South Africa is enthusiastic about encouraging a #ProudlySouthAfrican approach to birding.

close quarters
Accipiters and Cape Buzzards breeding on the Cape Peninsula

Where Kalahari Meets Congo
For many people, the far north-west of Zambia is both the source of the mighty Zambezi and the ‘land of pineapples’. For the country’s own naturalists this region is important for tens of other reasons – reasons that give them goosebumps and set them drooling. The districts of Mwinilunga and Ikelenge, for example, were known to be incredibly biodiverse, yet for years were barely visited on account of their extreme remoteness. A recent renaissance in exploration is confirming that there is still much to be discovered about the wealth of this little-known paradise.

Do Not Disturb
The stealth factor in photographing birds

Sex & The Single Plover
Life on earth managed without sex for more than two billion years, but it was only after sex evolved some 1.2 billion years ago that we saw the rapid diversification of life forms.

A Finger On The Pulse Of Penguins
Marine ecosystems are highly dynamic and frequently experience changes resulting from natural and human-induced processes. Some of the most productive ones are the four upwelling systems situated at the eastern edges of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

And Breathe... Rocherpan Nature Reserve
After the pandemic’s catastrophic impact on travel and finances, everyone has been constrained to look closer to home for their much-needed breakaways. Fortunately for South Africa’s birders, there are several local spots that are easily accessible, affordable and well worth a visit. One such oasis is Rocherpan Nature Reserve on the Cape’s West Coast. Managed by CapeNature, the reserve is 25 kilometres north of Velddrif and just two hours’ drive from Cape Town.

Cape Town-based Trevor Hardaker is one of South Africa’s most active birders. He runs a highly regarded rare bird alert system and is a regular contributor to African Birdlife, compiling the rarities report for each issue. When we chatted to Trevor, it became clear that his birding transcends being a hobby and is more of a lifestyle.

garden BIRDS
THE LONG & THE SHORT OF IT Abnormal weaver nest attachments

sightings IN THE SUBREGION - Mid-September to mid-November 2020
As spring became early summer, local birders were finally given plenty to keep them entertained. It was a welcome relief, as most had endured a serious lack of birding during lockdown and as many people headed out into the field again, a number of reports of good birds began to filter through.

old baldy
Mite infestation in birds

ON THE menu
ON THE menu

Tree Of Life
There are not many benefits to sitting 1500 kilometres away from the Cape when seemingly everyone on your social media platforms is watching the best wild flower season in a decade and you are not able to be there to witness this splendour of spring flowers and their pollinators.

Sightings In The Subregion- Mid -July To Mid September 2020
Mid -July to mid-September 2020 . Midwinter to early spring was uncharacteristically quiet in terms of rarities being reported. This was probably more a reflection of the lack of birder coverage as a result of the various lockdown measures for the Covid-19 pandemic than that there weren’t any good birds around to be found.

Look Beyond
The power of photography

Better & Better
Zeiss SF 10x32 binoculars

A Black & White Answer
Bird fatalities at wind farms

The Strangeness Of Ostriches
Strangeness and the Common Os-trich Struthio camelus go back all the way to the big bird’s beginnings some 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs shrank and miraculously metamorphosed into birds.

Colourful, Charismatic & Competitive
Rose-ringed Parakeets in South Africa

The Battle For Survival
Numbers of the Southern Ground-Hornbill have de-creased throughout its range.

Gauteng-based Karen Seidel began photography as a hobby some 10 years ago and soon realised that her passion lay in capturing images of wildlife and nature.

Birding Amboseli, Kenya
Zululand Zenith
It was the penultimate day of five weeks of the strict lockdown in South Africa.
Littorally Speaking
The Shorebirds Of Hermanus