Finding Refuge
Spirituality & Health

Finding Refuge

Heart Work for Healing Collective Grief

1 min  |
July/August 2021
Leave Society
Spirituality & Health

Leave Society

A Novel

1 min  |
July/August 2021
Embracing the New Samaria
Spirituality & Health

Embracing the New Samaria

Opening Our Eyes to Our Multiethnic Future

1 min  |
July/August 2021
Stories and Objects
Heartfulness eMagazine

Stories and Objects

During my initial years in Baroda, I observed the city with excitement and curiosity, noticing multiple mundane and routine activities.

1 min  |
July 2021
Heartfulness eMagazine



2 mins  |
July 2021
Heartfulness Sport – PART 3
Heartfulness eMagazine

Heartfulness Sport – PART 3

PAOLO LEZZELLE draws simple parallels between the Heartfulness system and sport, in this article focusing primarily on authenticity and creativity.

5 mins  |
July 2021
Heartfulness eMagazine


DAAJI continues his series on refining habits, in the light of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga and current scientific and yogic principles and practices. Last month, he explored the final Yama, the virtue of aparigraha, which means the removal of possessiveness, greed, and focus on material gain. This month he moves to the Niyamas – those positive habits that are worth cultivating in order to live a contented life, starting with the first Niyama of purity or shaucha.

9 mins  |
July 2021
The Magic of PAUSING
Heartfulness eMagazine

The Magic of PAUSING

SARAH NAYLOR shares her personal emotional journey from poor self-esteem and negativity to love, confidence, clarity and purpose in life. The wonderful thing is the ease with which it has happened.

3 mins  |
July 2021
Neuro-development in Children- Part 2
Heartfulness eMagazine

Neuro-development in Children- Part 2

DR. ELISABETH BOUDERLIQUE and DR. BIRGIT DÜRR have specialized in behavioral disorders in children from a neurodevelopmental perspective. They were interviewed by PURNIMA RAMAKRISHNA for World Mental Health Day, October 2020, and in part 2 they explore reflexes, the brain hemispheres, and creating rhythm in the brain.

7 mins  |
July 2021
How we know- PART 2
Heartfulness eMagazine

How we know- PART 2

TOBIN HART is a humanistic transpersonal psychologist, professor in the University of West Georgia’s Humanistic, Transpersonal and Critical Psychology program, and co-founder of the ChildSpirit Institute. In this three-part series, he is interviewed by VICTOR KANNAN, Director of the Heartfulness Institute USA, and in part 2 they focus on Tobin’s book, as well as presence, wisdom and the heart.

10 mins  |
July 2021
Heartfulness eMagazine


Disruptive Innovation through Inner Transformation. In the previous articles, RAVI VENKATESAN outlined 4 key aspects of the “inner state” that we want to fine tune to become Heartful Innovators. He explored the roles of the Intellect, Ego, Mind, and Awareness, and their transformation in enabling innovation. He also explored ways to overcome fear, uncertainty, and doubt, collectively known as FUD, which form the main barriers to innovation. In this article we’ll explore stress, another major barrier to innovation, and methods to counter it.

2 mins  |
July 2021
Heartfulness eMagazine

The Pandemic of the Separate Self – PART 1

DAN SIEGEL is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and executive director of the Mindsight Institute. Here he speaks to UDAY KUMAR about creating a kinder, more compassionate world, the lyrics of Leonard Cohen, and the other pandemics that are worthy of our attention right now during Covid times.

9 mins  |
July 2021
Heartfulness eMagazine

HOW TO MANAGE FEELINGS: Form-Function Interdependence

DR. ICHAK ADIZES explores the relationship between feelings and breath, and feelings and posture. He looks at their interdependence, and how to use this awareness to improve our state of being and our level of happiness, as well as the analogous functionality of organizations.

3 mins  |
July 2021
White Wing Messenger


Like everyone else this past year, many of the ministries of Global Missions were challenged with the effects of the pandemic.

4 mins  |
June 2021
The Essentials Ephesians 6:11
White Wing Messenger

The Essentials Ephesians 6:11

When you’re headed out the door, you grab the essentials: shoes, jacket, backpack, armor … wait, armor? Yes, that’s right! The Bible instructs us to put on a full set of armor every day.

2 mins  |
June 2021
The Person and Work of the Holy Ghost
White Wing Messenger

The Person and Work of the Holy Ghost

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8).

10+ mins  |
June 2021
Prepare for Invasion
White Wing Messenger

Prepare for Invasion

Bishop Fred S. Fisher. Sr., served as the fourth general overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy as well as an evangelist, state overseer, general presbyter, and pastor. He has a B.A. in History and Religion and a Masters Degree in Public Counseling. He lives in South Carolina with his wife, Betty.

4 mins  |
June 2021
Disciplined Discernment
White Wing Messenger

Disciplined Discernment

Dr. Wallace Pratt is the regional overseer for the Church of God of Prophecy in the COGOP IOU Navajo Nation region. He was born into a Church of God of Prophecy family and has been a Christian and a member of the Church from an early age. He serves the Lord and the Church as an administrator, teacher, evangelist, and a pastor to the pastors in his region. He is married to Judy Pratt and has two daughters and five grandchildren.

6 mins  |
June 2021
DISCIPLESHIP: Every Believer's Call
White Wing Messenger

DISCIPLESHIP: Every Believer's Call

Kathy Creasy served as the International Children’s Ministry Director of the Church of God of Prophecy from 1992 until 2017 when she was appointed COGOP Executive Director of Leadership Development and Discipleship. She earned a Master of Science in Early Childhood Education. She also has a certificate in Children’s Ministry from Lancaster Bible University. Kathy’s passion is to work with God in developing leaders.

9 mins  |
June 2021
Discipleship, Spiritual Formation, and the Spiritual Disciplines
White Wing Messenger

Discipleship, Spiritual Formation, and the Spiritual Disciplines

In Matthew 28:19, 20, Jesus instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations.

5 mins  |
June 2021
A Different Spirit
White Wing Messenger

A Different Spirit

Simon Rock ministers in the COGOP in Erlangen, Germany and is academic dean of THS, a theological school that is passionate about equipping the next generation of leaders. He holds a MA in Biblical Studies from Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. He is married to Mutave Rock and has two daughters, Cara and Talitha. He is passionate about leading people deeper into the things of God.

5 mins  |
June 2021
White Wing Messenger


Bishop Adrian L. Varlack, Sr. became a committed follower of Jesus Christ at age 14 in an island-wide revival in his native Anegada, British Virgin Islands. He has been an ordained bishop since 1972 and has spent 48 years in international missions promotions, church administration, preaching, teaching, and writing for The Church of God of Prophecy, including three years as overseer of Canada, where he supervised 40 pastors. He has traveled and ministered in over 90 nations and territories. September 1999, Varlack joined International Leadership Development and Discipleship Ministries as a member of the faculty of the Center for Biblical Leadership and served as an instructor for 19 years. At the 2006 International Assembly, he was also appointed church historian, and in September 2018, consultant to the general overseer. He lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, with his wife of 54 years, Janice Smith Varlack, also of the British Virgin Islands. They have seven children, 25 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

9 mins  |
June 2021
The Power in Loving Your Church
White Wing Messenger

The Power in Loving Your Church

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. The power of love enabled Jesus to lay down His life for the church. In Ephesians, Paul said that Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. If Jesus so loved the church, so should we. There is power in loving your church. The future of your church depends on you walking and serving in the power of that love. If you love your church, you will do all you can to see it succeed. It will cause you to do something tangible to help your church in its time of need. But love has a cost.

2 mins  |
May 2021
Wonder-Working Vessels of Grace
White Wing Messenger

Wonder-Working Vessels of Grace

Dr. Cathy Payne coordinates Global Missions Ministries for the Church of God of Prophecy internationally, where Cathy has ministered in more than 100 nations. Cathy obtained a Masters of Divinity from Pentecostal Theological Seminary and is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Ministry program with Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. She is also working toward a Doctor of Philosophy degree with Bangor University in South Wales, UK. Cathy and John have one son and five grandchildren.

5 mins  |
May 2021
Her Price Above Rubies
White Wing Messenger

Her Price Above Rubies

Lillie Duggar was born on April 8, 1896 and passed from this life on May 15, 1980. The years in between these two dates tell an extraordinary story of a woman’s dedication to the Lord and commitment to serving others. On February 17, 1919, after traveling from Harriman, Tennessee, Lillie arrived in Cleveland to start working at the world headquarters for the Church of God. She came to serve as a bookkeeper and subscription clerk.

2 mins  |
May 2021
White Wing Messenger


Have you ever been in a room talking or teaching and suddenly your audience, family, or friends look at you with a puzzled look on their faces because of something you said? The word “sanctification” can cause quite a bit of questioning and confusion, not only to children but to adults; it is, after all, a pretty big, unusual word. Sanctification is a significant part of our vocabulary as believers, and our children should be introduced to this term from a young age so their understanding and experiences can work hand in hand. A child’s understanding grows and develops over time. As you teach kids about sanctification, it is important to remember that they too are growing spiritually and repetition, reinforcement, and grace are all necessary tools that you need as you instruct.

4 mins  |
May 2021
Things to Do for Mother's Day
White Wing Messenger

Things to Do for Mother's Day

No one knows you quite like your mom. She’s seen you at your worst, your best, and everything in between—and she still loves you! Moms across the globe work around the clock to provide for and nurture their families, often with little recognition or a “Thanks, Mom!”

2 mins  |
May 2021
A Mother's Pain
White Wing Messenger

A Mother's Pain

Jessica McCaleb Oldham is originally from Tennessee. She has been married to her husband, Van, for 14 years, and together they have four daughters. She homeschools and works part time as a nurse anesthetist in Nashville.

4 mins  |
May 2021
Preaching to Kids
White Wing Messenger

Preaching to Kids

Melissa Minter is the children’s pastor at Central Community Church in Chatsworth, Georgia. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Math and Science from Lee University and a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Lincoln Memorial University. Melissa and her husband Scott serve on the International Children’s Ministry Task Force. She is the proud homeschooling mom of Laura, age 8, and Leah, age 7.

5 mins  |
July 2021
Resurrected Hospitality Luke 24:13–4 8
White Wing Messenger

Resurrected Hospitality Luke 24:13–4 8

Caleb Rackard is an ordained minister in the Church of God of Prophecy. He serves as the senior pastor of Boaz COGOP and the associate pastor at Harvest Center COGOP in Collinsville, Alabama. He is currently enrolled at Spirit and Life Seminary, pursuing a Diploma in Wesleyan-Pentecostal Ministry. He lives in Collinsville, Alabama, with his wife Hannah, who serves with him in ministry, and their daughter, Suzannah.

7 mins  |
July 2021