الصفحة الرئيسية

Your wildlife month
December is a time for reflection in the garden. What worked for wildlife in 2023 and what didn't? How could you do more? Looking at the bones of the garden now, is there space for more plants? Are your fences bare? Are there enough berries and hips? You have until March to plant bare-root trees and shrubs. What would look good? What would better serve wildlife?

The Full Monty
I can, and occasionally do, manufacture jobs in a kind of gung-ho, boy-scout spirit

Expert's choice
Smaller variegated ivies still pack a big punch all year round, says Graham Rice

Frances Tophill explains what to cut back now, including grapevines and hardy shrubs

Hardwood cuttings
It's the zero-fuss way to make free new shrubs - just follow our guide from Nick Bailey

Hassle-free harvests
While veg-plot activities slow down in winter, there is still plenty to do, from planting fruit trees, and harvesting sprouts and salads to taking stock of your growing year so you can plan next year's crops, says Jack Wallington

The happy house plant guide
In the first of a seven-part series, Jane Perrone shares expert advice on how to give your house plants the best start to a long and healthy life in your home

The science of soil
Healthy soil is teeming with life - Becky Searle delves below the surface to explore how this fascinating system works and how it can benefit our plants

'It's like another lung - like having oxygen on tap. It makes you breathe in a different way'
Helen Maxwell's garden in rural Carmarthenshire surrounds the house that her husband (who's an architect) designed.

Festive treats
The calm of the veg plot is the perfect antidote to frantic festivities - and the bounty it provides is the highlight of every meal, says Monty

Make a lasting impression
This year's festive centrepiece could be your best ever with Alan Titchmarsh's essential guide to choosing, preparing and looking after your Christmas tree

Christmas garden makes
Welcome guests to your home this festive season with sustainable decorations and gifts that won't break the bank. Rich Heathcote shows how to use the bounty your garden provides

Tales from Titchmarsh
Sunday is a day for enjoying the garden in peace and quiet, says Alan, without the buzz, hum and drone of power tools

Frances Tophill shows you how to get greenery in shape ahead of the colder winter months

Leaf-vein cuttings
Make new plants from leaf-vein cuttings with Nick Bailey's essential guide

Small space big flavour
Homegrown squash are an early-autumn crop, full of delicious culinary potential. Rukmini Iyer teams them with baked gnocchi and goat's cheese

Hassle-free harvests
October may signify the end of the growing year, but there is still plenty of joy to be had, from harvests and glorious colour changes to planting overwintering crops for next year

Your wildlife month
Many gardeners extend their season of colour by growing late-flowering Verbena bonariensis, rudbeckias, Michaelmas daisies and sedums.

Winter greenhouse bounty Plant up winter veg
Keep your greenhouse fully stocked up with tasty salads and veg. In the second of our three-part series, Lucy Chamberlain reveals the crops to grow now

Tender plants
A cold snap can wreak havoc in the garden if you don't protect frost-tender and borderline-hardy plants. Alan Titchmarsh explains how to do it

Autumn made easy
Ensure your garden is in great shape for the colder months ahead - and next year's growing season - with Sue Kent's guide to hassle-free autumn preparation

Heavenly hedges
Evergreen or deciduous, large or small, hedges are the perfect way to bring structure to your garden - and now is the best time of year to plant one

Keep summer-fruiting raspberries productive and healthy with Frances Tophill's guide

Dividing your plants
Split big clumps into vigorous new plants with Nick Bailey's essential guide

Small space big flavour
With her aubergines and peppers cropping well, Rukmini Iyer offers the ideal recipe to enjoy them to the full, along with tips on compact crops to sow now

Hassle-free harvests
September is when our focus shifts to harvest time and there's plenty to enjoy now and store for winter, even if you're not a natural pickle-maker, says Jack Wallington

Winter greenhouse bounty Sowing hardy edibles
Don't let your greenhouse go to waste this winter - in the first of a new three-part series, Lucy Chamberlain shows you how to enjoy indoor harvests for months on end

Get set for springtime
Bulbs are amazing little packages containing almost everything they need for a fabulous spring display - all you need to do is get planting, says Alan Titchmarsh

Topiary for all
Clipped, characterful topiary doesn't have to be formal, costly or twee - in fact, it's a fun and easy way to transform almost any style of garden, says Adam

Tabletop treats
Take a new approach to container gardening with Sue Kent's tabletop guide - the perfect way to create an easy-to-manage display that's full of impact