The Future Of Philosophy Is CYBORG
Phil Torres imagines a biotech way of solving intractable philosophical problems.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Siobhain Lash argues that you can sometimes be to blame even when you couldn’t have done differently.
Determinism Versus Determinism
Nurana Rajabova is determined to sort it out.
On Casuistry
Jason Morgan advocates justice without legislation.
To Be Is To Persist
Dustin Gray finds out that continuing to exist isn’t as simple as you might think.
Free Will & The Brain
Kevin Loughran wonders what scientific experiments really tell us about free will.
Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)
Morgan Sloan studies a Spanish philosopher and public intellectual who wanted to use philosophy to help society.
Homo informaticus
Luc de Brabandere lets us sail with him along the two great rivers of thought that have flowed down the centuries from ancient philosophy into modern computer science, from Plato and Aristotle to Alan Turing and Claude Shannon.
Hedonism in Ancient India & Greece
Nick Gutierrez wonders if pleasure seeking is underrated as a virtue.
Hegel, ‘The Father of Art History'?
Michael Squire scrutinises Hegel’s historical ideas about aesthetics.
Mary Midgley (1919-2018)
Nat Dyer looks at the humanity of a philosopher who tried to make philosophy more human.
G.W.F. Hegel: An Introduction
Matt Qvortrup observes the watcher of the world spirit.
Memory & Time
Marla Morris considers both by philosophically remembering her teacher’s lectures, and his torn, yellowed lecture notes.
Jack Murphy sees society’s morals faltering in a family feud.
Hegel Walks Into A Bar...
James V. Mead overhears Hegel mansplaining #MeToo.
Drugs & Harm
Frederik Kaufman analyses the illegality of drugs.
Bear-Faced in Bombay
Seán Moran philosophically ponders plumptiousness.
Pascal's Artificial Intelligence Wager
Derek Leben computes the risks of general AI.
Robot Rules!
Brett Wilson judges the case for laws for robots.
Neoliberalism & Social Control
Arianna Marchetti looks at how the Continental philosophers Michel Foucault and Byung-Chul Han view free-market politics.
Leo Tolstoy and The Silent Universe
Frank Martela relates how science destroyed the meaning of life, but helps us find meaning in life.
Iris Murdoch (1919-1999)
Gary Browning tells us why Iris Murdoch stands out as a twentieth-century thinker.
The Meaning of Death
Laszlo Makay, George Marosan Jr. and David Vatai consider whether death destroys meaning or creates it.
The Singularity of the Human Hive Mind
James Sirois gives us a strong warning about overusing the net.
Virtual Reality as a Catalyst for Thought
Joakim Vindenes says VR could be a useful addition to the philosopher’s toolkit.
Terri Murray gets to the core of ethics with Socrates and Woody Allen [CONTAINS PLOT SPOILERS!].
A Survival Guide for Living in the Simulation
Harry Whitnall considers how best to react if you find out that the world isn’t real.
Christianity & Homosexuality
Rick Aaron argues that religious recommendations are sometimes unrealistic.
The Plague & The Plague
Dylan Daniel finds many contemporary resonances in Albert Camus’ novel.
John Locke (1632-1704)
John P. Irish goes into full Locke-down with a titan of philosophy.