Biofuel Economy Significant To India In The Coming Decade
Biofuel Economy Significant To India In The Coming Decade
Green Buildings and Sustainable Habitats
Developing a Perfect Accord in Homebuilding and Sustainable Environment.
Griha for Green Buildings in India Moving Ahead with the Nation
Since the year 2008, when the national green building rating system ‘GRIHA’ was officially launched, continuous changes and improvements have been taking place in the system. In this article, DEVS Kiran Kumar provides an overview of the advancements of the system towards enabling a stronger and wider implication of green building design, construction, and operation practices in the country.
Microgrids - A Perspective On Technology To Bring Utility Electricity Delivery Systems
The few thousand people living in Dharanai—a small village in Bihar, India—still remember the night when the electric bulbs flickered and lit the village homes for the first time. A 100 kW solar-powered microgrid brought electric power to 450 homes, 60 street lights, and a few busi- nesses in the village. In another part of the world, a row of solar panels and a wind turbine attached to a hybrid microgrid (an inverter and a storage battery that is normally found in an electric car) enabled Olos- ho-Oibo—a small Kenyan hamlet—to experience the power of electricity. The small hybrid grid supplied enough electric power to run a dispensary serving 8000 plus people in and around the village, a school, and a church. Jyothi Mahalingam shows how the dependable microgrids are slowly changing the lives of the rural people globally.
India's Place In The Sun - The International Solar Alliance
The COP21 held in Paris, in December 2015, adopted the first-ever universal, legally-binding global climate deal with 195 countries ratifying it. The agreement sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to combat climate change by limiting global warming. During the global summit, the International Solar Alliance was launched, jointly by India and France, with more than 120 countries to boost solar power in developing nations. It was then formally inaugurated in India by the French President, His Excellency Francois Hollande together with India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in January 2016 at Gurugram, Haryana. Om Prakash Nangia, through this article, presents an overview of the ISA and its India connection.
Solpad™ The Future Of Sustainable Personalized Energy
The Future Of Sustainable Personalized Energy
Solar Energy In India
Challenges with Policies for Off-Grid Installations
Towards A Renewable Energy Boom In India!
Solar and wind energy to hold the front.
petrotech-2016—the 12th international oil & gas conference & exhibition—was hosted by the ministry of petroleum and natural gas, government of india, in new delhi from december 5–7, 2016. the petrotech series of international oil and gas conference and exhibition provides a platform for national and international experts in the oil and gas industry to exchange views and share knowledge, expertise, and experiences. the theme of this year’s conference was ‘hydrocarbons to fuel the future— choices & challenges’.
Enhancing the Market Demand for Energy-efficient Materials and Technologies Through National Green Building Rating System
In this article, Ar. Namrata Kaur Mahal and Ar. Aditi Phansalkar emphasize the need of having context-specific architecture solutions instead of current contemporary design solutions which give less or no attention to the carrying capacity of the land, availability of basic resources, such as water and energy, embodied energy of the materials selected for construction, and so on. These modern designs are highly energy and resource intensive. However, since issues related to water, energy, and environment have taken precedence, it comes as a relief that the green building concepts and principles have been rediscovered in the form of a rating system. Keep reading to know more…
Exploring Clean Energy Options for Improved Agri-Food Value Chain in India
The history of agriculture in India dates back to the Rigveda. Despite being an agricultural-based economy, the agriculture sector still remains less explored in India. Each component of the agri-food value chain provides immense opportunities for research and innovation through inclusive and interactive approach. In this article, Radhika Sharma and Astha Gupta present an overview of the existing barriers as well as opportunities for clean energy applications in the agriculture sector.
Smart Grid - The Future Of Electricity
In the modern age, electricity is perhaps the most widely used form of energy and its demand—domestic and global—is growing continuously at a fast pace.
Aim To Empower Off-Grid Families With Clean Energy
The London-based Ashden charity works in the field of sustainability. Since 2001, the charity has been organizing Awards to recognize different aspects of sustainable living and development. In 2016, two organizations— Frontier Markets and Greenlight Planet—working in India won the prestigious award. Sapna Gopal speaks to the winners to winners to learn about their success story, targets, and what it means to win the Ashden
Energy Key for SDGs' Success
This September of 2017, it would be three years since the world embarked on the journey to accomplish Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). World over countries are working towards achieving these ambitious SDGs, and within these 17 goals, considerable efforts have been undertaken by nations. However, mammoth efforts are still awaited to be ensured in many aspects of SDGs. On July 19, 2017, India presented its first voluntary national report on the implementation of SDGs at the United Nations. Currently, India ranks at 116 out of 157 nations on the global index that assesses performance of countries towards achieving the ambitious SDGs. In this article, Monika Paliwal talks about energy as the connecting thread among all SDGs and as essential for meeting the goals.
Renewable Energy Technology Development
Renewable Energy Technology Development
8th World Renewable Energy Technology Congress & Expo 2017
8th World Renewable Energy Technology Congress & Expo 2017