Coming of age: the rise of English whisky
The Field

Coming of age: the rise of English whisky

Once seen as a novelty, whisky made south of the border is finally getting the recognition it deserves thanks to a growing band of dedicated distillers

7 mins  |
July 2023
Top of the props
The Field

Top of the props

Crafting everything from willow baskets and pots to intricate military regalia for Stage and screen, Britain’s artisans are playing their supporting role to perfection

7 mins  |
July 2023
Courts of appeal
The Field

Courts of appeal

The ancient pastime of real tennis is enjoying a renaissance, with devotees drawn not only by the sport itself but also by the distinctive buildings that house it

7 mins  |
July 2023
Running up that hill
The Field

Running up that hill

Hillclimbing may be one of the simplest forms of motorsport but it is also among the most thrilling, delivering daring feats of speed in spectacular rural settings

7 mins  |
July 2023
Going underground
The Field

Going underground

Heading up to town? Our guide to the Fieldiest destinations on the London tube map and their natural inhabitants

3 mins  |
July 2023
HT SHERINGHAM: 'The angler might travel very much farther and fare very much worse'
The Field

HT SHERINGHAM: 'The angler might travel very much farther and fare very much worse'

Tracing the footsteps of fishing writer and Field angling editor HT Sheringham, whose works capture the moments of sunshine and shadow in a fisherman's life

6 mins  |
July 2023
The hunt for inspiration
The Field

The hunt for inspiration

There has been, and always will be, something about hunting, the horses, the hounds and the landscapes that inspires great art and great artists

7 mins  |
July 2023
A gundog for the 21st century
The Field

A gundog for the 21st century

Graceful, intelligent and with incredible sporting instinct, the English setter is the perfect field companion in the age of sustainability

7 mins  |
July 2023
A load off your mind
The Field

A load off your mind

Good loaders can make all the difference to a day in the field and many are pursuing a professional qualification to deepen their knowledge

7 mins  |
July 2023
Clay shooting for game shots
The Field

Clay shooting for game shots

Everything the fieldsportsman needs to know about clay shooting, from gun choice, technique and stance to how to tackle specific targets

10 mins  |
July 2023
The Field


A look back over the history of The Field, from its origins as a weekly newspaper to the monthly countryside must-read it has become

7 mins  |
July 2023
Why The Game Fair is beyond compare
The Field

Why The Game Fair is beyond compare

Since 1958, The Game Fair has been a stirring annual celebration of fieldsports and country life, and this year the event is marking its 65th anniversary

6 mins  |
July 2023
Delicacies from the deep
The Field

Delicacies from the deep

Whether it is a bumper bag of prawns foraged from a summer rock pool or a hard-fighting bass played to perfection, the fruits of the ocean never fail to delight Neil and Serena Cross

3 mins  |
July 2023
The Countess Bathurst
The Field

The Countess Bathurst

The indomitable chatelaine of Cirencester Park in Gloucestershire talks about pensions for police dogs and her deep love of shooting and the countryside

4 mins  |
July 2023
RSPB lays blame for raptor deaths
The Field

RSPB lays blame for raptor deaths

The RSPB believes illegal killing is the major cause of death in hen harriers, and grouse shooting is the main reason for the majority of these deaths.

1 min  |
July 2023
Packham role will alienate RSPCA supporters, says CA
The Field

Packham role will alienate RSPCA supporters, says CA

\"The organisation has done so much to rebuild its reputation over recent years,\" he pointed out.

1 min  |
July 2023
Curlew to be extinct in Wales as snare ban heads for assent
The Field

Curlew to be extinct in Wales as snare ban heads for assent

The Welsh government has now passed the Agriculture (Wales) Bill prohibiting the use of any snare - including licensed use or other humane cable restraint (HCR).

1 min  |
July 2023
Smolt project on track
The Field

Smolt project on track

The West Coast Tracking Project, started by the Atlantic Salmon Trust in partnership with Fisheries Management Scotland and Marine Scotland Science, has entered its third year.

1 min  |
July 2023
The Field's 170th anniversary
The Field

The Field's 170th anniversary

Generations have passed since this magazine was founded in 1853 but its ethos remains the same, keeping sport at its soul and country life at its heart, says Editor Alexandra Henton

3 mins  |
July 2023
Given the cold shoulder
The Field

Given the cold shoulder

Smart motorways were designed to ease congestion but significant safety concerns prompted the Government to apply the brakes a move that has now been made permanent

2 mins  |
June 2023
Things are looking rosy
The Field

Things are looking rosy

For those cursed with clay soil, roses are the perfect garden addition. Colourful, richly fragrant, adaptable and almost endless in variety, they define the word summer’

3 mins  |
June 2023
Art in the field
The Field

Art in the field

David Williams-Ellis’ sculptures of fish and fishing celebrate the past but he hopes they will also help change the future

3 mins  |
June 2023
Minority report
The Field

Minority report

A sensible approach to outcrossing is essential if our vulnerable native spaniel breeds are to have a future. But it appears that, for some, purity is more important than survival

4 mins  |
June 2023
Knights of the long knives
The Field

Knights of the long knives

The mock battles that kept men at arms amused during a siege or quiet period morphed into extravagant festivals with often deadly outcomes

7 mins  |
June 2023
Deserving of a bigger buzz
The Field

Deserving of a bigger buzz

Solitary bees are often ignored in favour of their honey-producing brethren, but their incredible importance as pollinators cannot be overestimated

7 mins  |
June 2023
Welcome to picnic season
The Field

Welcome to picnic season

Eat your way through the summer months with panache as only the British can

7 mins  |
June 2023
Where the river is still king
The Field

Where the river is still king

Multi-lane lakes may level the playing field for top rowers but in Britain, when regatta season rolls around, rivers reign supreme

7 mins  |
June 2023
From batting whites to trusty tweeds
The Field

From batting whites to trusty tweeds

The connection between cricket and game shooting goes beyond dress codes and conviviality: these seasonal pastimes are two sides of the same sporting coin

6 mins  |
June 2023
In the field with father
The Field

In the field with father

We celebrate the role-model hunting heroes who are passing on their love of the sport to their children

8 mins  |
June 2023
The European eel: a life extraordinary
The Field

The European eel: a life extraordinary

Its migration is among the most incredible feats of the natural world but this once-prolific eel is now critically endangered and needs our help

5 mins  |
June 2023