Healthier Holiday Snacks
So You Can Party Guilt-Free
Healing Together
The Gift of Family Recovery.
It Starts With You
How our vitamin D-deficient country can turn its health around.
The Birth Of Babo
How Kate Solomon Pioneered Green Beauty.
Perfecting Perfectionism- One Entrepreneur's Story Of Introspection
Once I was willing to face down my ego and admit that my vision of self-sufficiency was a delusion and a trap, my business took a quantum leap forward, and revenue doubled. Little change, big difference.
I'll Drink to That!
Have you ever had a beauty drink? If not, that will likely change.
Venturing into Vegan Territory
Acclaimed vegan chef, Mark Reinfeld, has called plant-based diets “the future of food,” because of their low carbon footprint and lowered impact on the planet.
The Vitamin You May Be Missing
Vitamin K2 Naturally Builds Stronger, Healthier Bones.
The Genius of Ginger
Turmeric and its bioactive component, curcumin, have gained much notoriety in recent years.
Mind Over Mortar
4 ways to take your workout outside.
Dress With Kindness
How sustainable fashion can make a difference.
Kid Food Fallacies
6 Reasons To Stop Feeding Tots to Your Tot.
Holistic Treatment For Infertility
Infertility affects one in six couples. These numbers are continuing to rise as sperm counts drop worldwide and undiagnosed thyroid problems increase—so you are not alone.
Willkommen To Fredericksburg,Texasi
“Oxen can’t walk backwards.” This is the kind of information, southern drawl and all, that greets you as you journey to Fredericksburg, Texas. After a short drive through the rolling terrain of Texas Hill Country, this fun fact was followed by an explanation. “Oxen can’t walk backwards, so the original German settlers of Fredericksburg made the main street wide enough for a team of oxen to turn around completely without any traffic jams.”
Unleash Your Zen
Your Guide to a Balanced Pregnancy.
Nothing Fishy About It
Why you should take omega-3s, and the plantbased source that tops them all.
Soothe Your Sore Throat
Most sore throats are actually caused by viruses, not bacteria. In most cases, that means riding out the discomfort while letting your immune system do its thing.
Foods For Glowing Skin
Through Fall and Winter
The Perfect Holiday Turkey
The best way to have the perfect Holiday Turkey? Go to a friend’s house and enjoy their turkey! If you do tackle turkey prep yourself, here are some best practices.
6 Tips To Get Kids To Eat Healthy
In today’s junk-food-obsessed and fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever for children to have a healthy balanced diet.
Can Food Reverse Age-related Muscle Loss?
I can’t imagine any all-American pastime greater than baseball.
Heart Matters
13 Simple Ways to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
All American Quinoa
The skyward seed that descended from the Andes.
Sunscreen Sanity
How to choose clean, effective protection for your skin.
Protecting Your Baby's Microbiome
Things to consider before and during your pregnancy.
Testing Omega-3s
One step forward in personalizing nutrition.
Safe Hormone Replacement?
Blunt the negative effects of hormone therapy by going bioidentical.
Live Your Happy
Why happiness is a change that comes from within.
Every Girl's Guide To Gut Health
When your belly feels uncomfortable in the morning, it can affect what you eat and drink the entire day. Feeling bloated may also change what you wear and may even cause you to second-guess going on that hot date.
Sugar Shout-Out
New changes to Nutrition Labels betray added sugar content.