Taking Opening-up to a Higher Level
China Today (English)

Taking Opening-up to a Higher Level

IN a highly interconnected world, an open economy can greatly benefit a country by taking advantage of the globalized value and supply chains.

6 mins  |
June 2020
Putting People First
China Today (English)

Putting People First

PEOPLE’S livelihood is always the top priority for the Chinese government.

7 mins  |
June 2020
From Slave to Master of the Country
China Today (English)

From Slave to Master of the Country

CERINGPE was born in 1942 in Damxung County, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region. Both of her parents were serfs of the local magistrate, and her first employment, at the age of eight, was also for the magistrate.

3 mins  |
June 2020
Resilient Manufacturing Bolsters Up Economic Revival
China Today (English)

Resilient Manufacturing Bolsters Up Economic Revival

“To relieve the impact of COVID-19, our company is active in communication with upstream enterprises of the industrial chain, timely informing them of users’ needs,” said Zhao Xiaoyang, general manager of Shanghai Fargo Supply Chain Management (Group) Co., Ltd.

7 mins  |
June 2020
Baseless American Judicialization of COVID-19 Pandemic
China Today (English)

Baseless American Judicialization of COVID-19 Pandemic

A recent U.S. attack against China, fueled by President Donald Trump’s belligerent rhetoric, uses the law as a weapon.

5 mins  |
June 2020
Green Assets
China Today (English)

Green Assets

GOLOG Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in northwest China’s Qinghai Province is home to China’s forest farm with the highest elevation, Ma’ke River Forest Farm.

4 mins  |
June 2020
Backing Employment amid Epidemic
China Today (English)

Backing Employment amid Epidemic

“ Zhang Enze, a graduating student from the Wuhan-based China University of Geosciences (CUG), experienced great relief when he secured three job offers in early March thanks to an online job fair.

5 mins  |
June 2020
All Hands on Deck: Winning the Battle Against Poverty
China Today (English)

All Hands on Deck: Winning the Battle Against Poverty

ON the morning of May 18, Zheng Chuanjiu, a deputy of Guizhou Province to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), left his hometown Zheng’an County in Zunyi City for Guiyang, the provincial capital, where he joined up with the province’s delegation who were leaving for Beijing to participate in the annual “Two Sessions” (the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress and the third session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference).

8 mins  |
June 2020
A Year for China, a Decade for Any Other Nation!
China Today (English)

A Year for China, a Decade for Any Other Nation!

AS I reviewed Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s Report on the Work of the Government to the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress in Beijing, it was hard to believe that this report was only the highlights of the government’s work for just one year! Such a diversity of goals and priorities could not be achieved by other nations even in a decade! The most obvious example is how China has handled COVID-19 pandemic.

4 mins  |
June 2020
Traditional Hot Pot in Chongqing
China Today (English)

Traditional Hot Pot in Chongqing


3 mins  |
May 2020
Watershed Moment in Sino-Pakistan Relations
China Today (English)

Watershed Moment in Sino-Pakistan Relations

The connotation of the bilateral friendship can be encapsulated through the two leaders’ genial handshakes.

5 mins  |
May 2020
Employees Sharing: A Bonus for All
China Today (English)

Employees Sharing: A Bonus for All

China’s economy, despite the impact of the epidemic, is holding up to behold rays of hope.

5 mins  |
May 2020
Shanghai's Yangpu District: A Magnet for Global Talent
China Today (English)

Shanghai's Yangpu District: A Magnet for Global Talent

AS night falls, the egg-shaped architecture in the heart of the Wujiaochang commercial circle in Shanghai’s Yangpu District displays a unique charm as it is lit up, attracting passersby to take out their smartphones and cameras to snap pictures of the mesmerizing sight.

9 mins  |
May 2020
Life Lessons from China's Response to the Coronavirus
China Today (English)

Life Lessons from China's Response to the Coronavirus

TODAY, I ’d like to share some ideas about important life lessons we can learn from China’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, along with some encouraging insights from foreigners who lived in China over a century ago.

4 mins  |
May 2020
The Story of a Rural Vlogger
China Today (English)

The Story of a Rural Vlogger

Young rural residents are leveraging short video and live streaming platforms to boost sales of farm produce as China is fighting the final part of the battle against poverty.

6 mins  |
May 2020
Partnership in the Face of Global Challenges
China Today (English)

Partnership in the Face of Global Challenges

Forty-five years of EU-China diplomatic relations have created a comprehensive strategic partnership between the EU and China to jointly cope with global challenges and support each other.

4 mins  |
May 2020
Jasmine Tea, A Never-Fading Charm to Beijingers
China Today (English)

Jasmine Tea, A Never-Fading Charm to Beijingers

TEA drinking is a national pastime in China, where the habit has prevailed for millennia and is firmly embedded in people’s daily life. But unknown to many foreigners, different regions in China enjoy different varieties of the leafy brew.

6 mins  |
May 2020
Italy and China: A Mapped-out Route for Collaboration
China Today (English)

Italy and China: A Mapped-out Route for Collaboration

Overview of the one year since Italy’s endorsement of the Belt and Road Initiative.

6 mins  |
May 2020
China's Response to COVID-19: Turning Crisis into an Opportunity
China Today (English)

China's Response to COVID-19: Turning Crisis into an Opportunity

ON April 13, the number of the accumulated confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide surpassed 1.8 million, with over 110,000 deaths, according to the COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

5 mins  |
May 2020
Open, Rule-Of-Law Thinking Reshapes Chinese Economy
China Today (English)

Open, Rule-Of-Law Thinking Reshapes Chinese Economy

The fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee convened at a critical moment in the process of China’s national rejuvenation, in the year of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and at the confluence of the country’s two Centenary Goals. It therefore has great historical significance.

6 mins  |
April 2020
Mitigating Epidemic Fallout
China Today (English)

Mitigating Epidemic Fallout

China has introduced policies to boost small and medium-sized firms, which have borne the brunt of the epidemic.

6 mins  |
April 2020
Merits of China's Unique Political Party System
China Today (English)

Merits of China's Unique Political Party System

THE Decision on Some Major Issues Concerning How to Uphold and Improve the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Advance the Modernization of China’s System and Capacity for Governance adopted by the fourth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) puts forward the strategic plan on adhering to and improving the multi-party cooperation system and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) under the CPC’s leadership.

5 mins  |
April 2020
How Dongchuan in Yunnan Shook off Poverty
China Today (English)

How Dongchuan in Yunnan Shook off Poverty

DONGCHUAN District in the northernmost part of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, is famous for its magnificent red soil. It is yet a deeply impoverished region due to the fragility of its ecosystems and exhaustion of resources. Nevertheless, the district successfully got rid of poverty in 2019, a remarkable achievement for the local people. Incidence of poverty there dropped from 52.88 percent in 2013 to zero in 2019.

4 mins  |
April 2020
Silver Ornaments and Embroideries of the Miao Traditional Clothing
China Today (English)

Silver Ornaments and Embroideries of the Miao Traditional Clothing

China’s Miao ethnic group boasts a long history and an amazing costume culture. Their magnificent silver ornaments and exquisite embroideries form the core of their beautiful traditional clothing. With its artistry, diversity and profound historical and cultural meanings, Miao clothing has been hailed as reflecting the wisdom of this ethnic group and is seen as a manifestation of their history worn on human form.

4 mins  |
April 2020
Why Is Western-style Capitalism Not Suitable for China?
China Today (English)

Why Is Western-style Capitalism Not Suitable for China?

IN the course of striving for prosperity and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, China has experienced the modification of feudalistic systems and has drawn multiple references from capitalism. However, all of those attempts were in vain. Why did the social systems that function well in the West fail in China? We can analyze it from the traditions and characteristics of the Chinese civilization.

5 mins  |
April 2020
Governance with Chinese Wisdom
China Today (English)

Governance with Chinese Wisdom

DUE to the novel coronavirus outbreak, China has announced the postponement of this year’s “Two Sessions,” the major annual political meetings generally scheduled for March.

7 mins  |
April 2020
A Stabilizing Force in International Order
China Today (English)

A Stabilizing Force in International Order

ON October 31, 2019, the fourth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) voted and approved the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Some Major Issues Concerning How to Uphold and Improve the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Advance the Modernization of China’s System and Capacity for Governance” (hereinafter referred to as the Decision).

7 mins  |
April 2020
Tiding Over Adversity
China Today (English)

Tiding Over Adversity

China’s economy, despite the impact of the epidemic, is holding up to behold rays of hope.

4 mins  |
April 2020
China Faces Up To COVID-19
China Today (English)

China Faces Up To COVID-19

The novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan has tested China’s state governance system and capacity. In the face of extreme challenges, Chinese President Xi Jinping has commanded and deployed the battle against the epidemic, and the whole country has been mobilized to take the most comprehensive and rigorous prevention and control measures. Medical teams from other provinces have been quickly organized and dispatched to Wuhan in succession; emergency hospitals were swiftly set up to ensure all patients can receive medical treatment; and researchers across the country have been organized to carry out R&D of drugs and vaccines.

7 mins  |
March 2020
Epidemiological Investigators on the Frontline
China Today (English)

Epidemiological Investigators on the Frontline

Only by having a deeper understanding of the situation and conducting painstaking investigation, can the true nature of the virus be exposed.

5 mins  |
March 2020

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