
Being able to respond to unexpected accidents on the smallholding is crucial
Hugh & Fiona Osborne describe how they have responded to a major setback to their smallholder plans. It may help you plan your response, should the worst happen.

How can we ensure that Britain keeps farming?
Agricultural journalist, smallholder and Editor of the Ferguson Heritage Magazine Jane Brooks, joins us for her regular look at the world of agricultural machinery.

Keeping Things Together
Claire Waring discusses methods of swarm control

All about Asparagus
Lee Senior has some surprising facts about this delicious plant that you can grow in your veg patch

I'll talk, you listen
Paul Donovan investigates the importance of vocalisation in chickens, and how it conveys a bird's feelings, and state of health

Home is where the hen is
Chickens are an \"absolute necessity in anyone's life,\" says Cara Wheeldon It's no yolk! from healing properties to happiness, here's why poultry make the best pets

The spring is a good time to think about getting some hens
What you need to know about adopting hens from the BHWT

Poultry leg rings are an invaluable tool for poultry keepers
There are a vast array of types of leg rings on the market and they can be used in many ways. Fiona & Hugh Osborne guide you through the choices and applications.

Broody Hen Disasters
Hatching chicks the natural way doesn't always go smoothly. Grant Brereton, author of The Broody Hen Hand Book, reveals some of the past challenges with broody hens that inspired his publication...

Watching the goats on the Watchlist
Rare Breeds Survival Trust Conservation Adviser Andrea Parry Jones looks at how we can help our native breed goat

Breed Focus: Angora Rabbits
Helen Babbs finds out about these easy-to-keep rabbits with their luxury fibre

Meeting the people keeping British sheep breeds alive and well
David Cummins-Egan speaks to three smallholders who believe their breed will survive and thrive into the future

Choosing a Spinning Wheel
Claire Boley considers what you need to look for when investing in a new wheel

Medicinal plants formally known as weeds!
Mel Thomas says start small to make a difference in your garden

Fly tipping is not a victimless crime
Country Land and Business Association (CLA) President Victoria Vyvyan says \"Report, report, report to highlight the extent of the crime\"

These structurally beautiful shrubs and trees can provide shelter and privacy for your house
Jo Carter of English Woodlands looks at some options

Agricultural vehicle users being urged to comply with lighting rules
Agricultural journalist, smallholder and Editor of the Ferguson Heritage Magazine Jane Brooks, joins us for her regular look at the world of agricultural machinery.

A new way with spring lamb for Easter and rhubarb fool
Henrietta Balcon makes the most of seasonal spring produce

How a forced change of direction flowered into an income - and a passion
This month we meet Dawn Pearse whose need to avoid sunlight due to developing Lupus) led to a quite different way of managing her smallholding...

The National Poultry Show is back!!
Grant Brereton says save the date for a magical day out for all poultry owners

Five tips for merging flocks
The BHWT says respect the social groups hens form and work with their natural behaviour

How a farmer followed his dream to rewilding his acres
Susie Kearley talks to a man who delights in his new lifestyle and explains how it is sustainable in every sense of the word

The tasty tomato, simple to grow if you protect them from frost
Lee Senior says getting an early start to growing this rewarding crop is easier than you think

What you need to know about Schmallenberg Virus (also known as SBV)
Dr Ami Sawran BVSc CertAVP CP) PGCertVPS PhD MRCVS from Westpoint vets shares the advice given to worried owners

Vet Attestations for livestock owners
New rules came into force in Great Britain on the 13th of December regarding exports of meat and some animal by-products to the EU. The British Pig Association offers advice on your next steps

Exceptional growth in organic poultry feed from company dating back to 1675
HJ Lea Oakes is one of the longest established independent animal feed manufacturers in Britain with a history dating back to 1675. Centuries later, they are still independent, family run and extremely proud to be part of the country’s rich agricultural heritage.

Balancing Pellets, Treats and Nutrition
Most of us with chickens aren’t experts in nutritional needs for ourselves, let alone for our chickens. Fiona and Hugh Osborne explain how they balance the nutritional needs of their breeding flock of Orpingtons.

Profile:Buttercups Goat Sanctuary
Helen Babbs visits the UK’s only goat rescue centre

Farmers urged to beware, take action and be vigilant for new strain of Bluetongue virus
Following reports of a new strain of bluetongue virus (BTV-3) emerging and spreading rapidly in the Netherlands, there is increasing concern about the situation and its proximity to the UK.

UK study finds some species of seabirds are showing signs of developing immunity to avian influenza
The eight-strong FluMap consortium, headed by the world-leading research team at the Animal Plant Health Agency (APHA), has developed laboratory tools that can dissect the immune response in birds that have been exposed to avian influenza viruses in their lifetime.