
Ravi Shankar Prasad advises India industry to actively engage with ICANN in building ‘Internet of the Future'
The country of 50 political par ties and 22 regional official languages, India needs to just as actively participate and engage with the global ICANN community.

Jammu, Srinagar set for Smart Transportation System – MRTS
J&K metro projects would be taken up in Srinagar and Jammu under multilateral funding from Japanese Official Developmental Assistance (JODA) as a part of rapid transit system. The decision has been taken to go ahead for a metro length of 45 km in Kashmir and 30 km in Jammu.

Robust authentication, a must for railway transformation
For the travel industry to successfully transform, the solution lies in our pockets. Multi-factor authentication is the best way to protect customer data and using our mobile phones to do so ensures a smooth service for everyone

Technology Trends: Clouds Is Calling
The network storage landscape has been disrupted irreversibly by cloud service providers who are there to stay and co-exist with incumbents.

Less Wire Is Not No Wire
The fundamentals haven’t changed yet — a well-considered mix of mobile, wireline and satellite technologies still forms the core of a robust connectivity strategy.

Adaptability Is Paramount
Investment strategies need to ensure that enterprise networks stay geared to support the growing cloud and mobility needs.

Our First 5G Capable Radio Is A Showcase Of Cost Efficient Evolution To 5G: Christian Hedelin, Ericsson
Christian Hedelin, VP & Head of Strategy, Network Products at Ericsson shares his views on 5G, how they will make their way in India’s mobile networks, and what are some of the network innovations that Ericsson is working on.

VNO's –Glass Half-Full Or Half-Empty?
When RJio announced the launch of its ser-vices last year, Siva-kumar Kuppusamy, Founder and CEO, Aerovoyce, had sleepless nights. Not only Kuppusamy, who launched the first VNO (Virtual Network Operator) in the country, but many others like him were of the belief that the future of their business is going to be in doldrums.

AwakeY Transforms Smartphones To Digital Key
AwakeY’s lock accessory works on Bluetooth, and is accessed by your smartphone

Thrust On Data
CarbonData gives data storage solution that enables single sets of information to keep running on numerous big data applications

Let's Differentiate Between Broadband And Ultra Broadband
We are unfair with broadband in India. Mere > 512 KBPS is broadband in the country. While we are looking at leading digitally evolved countries as our role models, why do we have sorry to say, third world country benchmark for defining broadband?

Google's Boost
Planning to assist billion people online and make web more helpful, Google pulls down the language barrier

The New Normal
Laptops and desktops now the preferred device for watching TV

Pune Police Deploys Workapps Chat
Pune Police goes paperless; chats for communication

What Next After The Smartphone Revolution?
Rise of an ecosystem era marks the beginning of the next technological revolution.

RJio Set To Usher In Digital Life In 2017
Jio Digital Home and JioCarConnect, the two game changing offerings from RJio, are set to hit market in 2017.

At Xius, we've an integrated offering ready to enable VNOs
With over two decades of IT and telecom industry experience behind him, GV Kumar, the founder and CEO of Xius, a telecom technology product company, has come up with an innovative consortium approach to enable the companies applying for Virtual Network Operator (VNO) license in India, after the sector was thrown open earlier in 2016 to fast track Digital India mission. At the Xius Global Delivery Center in Hyderabad, Telangana, in an interview with Voice&Data, Kumar elaborates on how Xius is enabling VNO aspirants and contributing to the VNO ecosystem in India.

Telecom Indurstry Deserves Lower Tax Rate Under GST Regime: TAIPA
Higher tax rate of 18% and non-availability of input tax credit will lead to more burden on the overall telecom sector ultimately impacting the tower infrastructure roll out and thereby advance technologies too.

Foundational IT Projects From Yore - ERNET Powering
With UNDP grant of more than $10mn and Turing Award winner Dr. Vint Cerf (Co-inventor of TCP/ IP, currently with Google) as an Adviser, ERNET project brought computer networking and Internet to India.

'We Will Continue To Invest In Communications And Networking Portfloio'
Pierre Samson: ALE operating under the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise brand has formed four regional sales organizations to better serve its partners, customers and their markets. By placing a focus on specific market segments for growth and accelerating the shift to new business models, each of the four regions have their own dedicated sales staff supporting their defined industry-specific sales strategy, cloud sales strategy and channel strategy, with a complementary sales enablement and services delivery.

PurpleHealth Bridges Doctor-Patient Gap The Digital Way
Led by CEO and Co-founder Vikram Nair, PurpleHealth aims to build a collaborative healthcare platform through integrated technology that connects the diverse constituents in the healthcare space.

Why Jio Will Find It Difficult To Scale Scale Subscribers & Revenue?
Jio from technology point of view is a disruptor in the market by bring-ing in not only some of the latest technologies in the country but also attempting to make data take precedence over voice.

India Broadband Highway
As Bharatnet rolls in phase II Voice&data talks to 5 industry leaders to take stock of the project

One Million WiFi Hotspots Needed
Indian tower companies see a huge opportunity in fibre as less than 25 percent of telecom towers carry fiber optic cables in India.

Public WiFi Is Game Changer
RailTel’s retail broadband initiative - Railwire model, in collaboration with local entrepreneurs, is solving the issue of last mile connectivity and also creating livelihood opportunities for locals.

Broadband Speed Counts
Technology powered by speed of high speed internet gives Indian firms the opportunity to leapfrog and transform into trailblazers.
15,000 Farmers Are Using Mobitech Wireless Solutions
Spearheaded by Salem-Based S P Raja Kumaran, Mobitech has developed and offered products for farmers who can — through the cell phone —know the level of huge water tanks; the location of farmer vehicles; switch on/off diesel generators; and the level of water received from Government water supply schemes

A Stellar Experience at All Touch Points Is Needed
Alok Kumar, an engineer from IIT Kharagpur, has been instrumental in laying the foundations of Service Delivery organization for leading telecom operators in India – both in the mobile / fixed line & data services.

Security of digital payments, wallets needs attention
Post demonetization, there has been a monumental surge in digital transactions in India. As per report, wallet payments have soared by 300% after November 8, 2016 and some of the transactions statistics are an eye opener.

Mind Your Fleet Unites Local Cab Rental Companie With A Unified App
Malvinder Singh Rikhy and Jitender Arora co-founded Mind Your Fleet to provide a SaaS-based service, enabling the customer to access a wide variety of car and bike rental companies through a single platform – taking on Uber, Ola in the process