Come Together
SOMETIMES IT’S EASY to get bogged down in negativity, especially coming out of 2020. We’re going through a pandemic, many of us haven’t seen our families in almost a year, and all the fun activities we used to do (horse related or not) have been rescheduled, canceled, or set aside for the time being.
Welcome to the Herd
A tiny equine with big ears is just what this family needed.
Making a Diagnosis
Is your horse lame? Learn why it’s important to do what it takes to make an accurate diagnosis before you treat.
Groundwork for Yourself
You practice groundwork with your horse, but here you’ll learn how you can apply the same principles to yourself to become a more confident, effective rider in the saddle.
Horse-Powered Reading
At Rise Canyon Ranch, horses are helping children learn to love reading.
Secrets to Correct a Sticky Backup
If your horse isn’t responsive in his feet when you ask him to back up, Bud Lyon’s insights can help.
Establish Communication Through the Lead Rope
Is your horse pushy on the ground? Improve your communication with him and relieve his anxiety when you’re handling him.
Basics of the Rundown
In order to fix your stop, you need to take a few steps back and focus on making sure your horse is soft, relaxed, and responsive to your hand and leg when you’re in the rundown.
“Take Two Kittens and Call Me In the Morning”
Can Cats Help Humans Be Healthier?
What You Don't Know About Somalis
Ablaze with color, aglow with love!
Using Advanced Technologies: Within a Breeding Program
Most dedicated animal breeders have more than a passing knowledge of basic genetics and will carefully screen their breeding stock for genetic defects and phenotypic traits.
Up Close and Purr-sonal
Welcome to the new Cat Talk series "Up Close and Purr-sonal." While we might know what someone breeds and shows, we often have no idea about what their life and interests are outside of the show hall. And we are surprised at what we are learning about them as well! Do you have a recommendation for someone to interview? Let us know! Email Teresa Keiger at
The Way We Were–2020
I thought that with the mandatory slowing-down-of-life, stay-home-time, my cats would be and stay perfectly groomed.
State Breeder Laws Every Resident Fancier Should Know!
CFA State Breeder Law Series, Part 5 – U.S. States of Region 6: Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
My Special Cat
Most of us have had that special cat—a heart cat with whom we had a deep connection. It may have been the cat we had as a child, or the one that saw us through a troubled time, or one with whom we bonded as we exhibited at cat shows. Whether the cat found us or we sought it out, those connections cannot be denied. These are the stories of some of those special cats and what they mean or meant to us.
Names. Oh, what an important choice in the life of cat! It is how a cat will be known in the show rings and in daily life. A name can alternate between words of delight or new forms of cursing (especially in this case!). Each name tells a story and this is the story of Toxicate Holy $#&@*
Notes for new breeders
Experienced breeders will tell you that there are a number of things they wish someone had told them before they had their first litter. This article will share a few of those items with you in the hope that it will encourage you to read more and ask more questions.
How We ‘Talk' to Our Pets
Did you ever wonder how you can look in your pet’s eyes and know if he or she is sad, mad or glad or wants attention and they can do the same for you? How can that be when there are no spoken words between you? The answer is neuroscience, and you don’t have to be Dr. Doolittle to “talk” with the animals. We sometimes forget humans are part of the animal kingdom, too, with much the same physical organs and emotions.
Animal House
Ensure your space is safe for furry roommates with these smart tips for pet-proofing your home.
NO cone No shame just use your noodle
Here is a tip that could save you the “cone-charge” from your vet bill. These cones were obviously designed for long-nosed dogs!
Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021!
A writing “round robin” by Cat Talk staffers Teresa Keiger, Jean Aldrich, Lucy Drury, and Iris Zinck
What You Don't Know About...Bombays Meet the “Parlor Panthers”
Editor’s Notes: A HUGE shout out to the Bombay family of breeders and pet owners without whom there would have been no article! Jeri Zottoli, breed council secretary, provided so much invaluable information and opened doors so I could get wonderful pictures and stories about the Bombay cat. Thank you as well to those who provided information through e-interviews: Cheryl Boyer, Deborah Curtis, Ellyn Honey, Phebe Low, Anne Mathis, Wendy Heidt and Rhona Wene.
My Special Cat
Most of us have had that special cat—a heart cat with whom we had a deep connection. It may have been the cat we had as a child, or the one that saw us through a troubled time, or one with whom we bonded as we exhibited at cat shows. Whether the cat found us or we sought it out, those connections cannot be denied. These are the stories of some of those special cats and what they mean or meant to us.
Names. Oh, what an important choice in the life of cat! It is how a cat will be known in the show rings and in daily life.
Watering Made Easy
Keep houseplants satisfied with systems that do the work for you.
Voice of the Northwest
A haunting call and fancy feathers make this thrush stand out.
Seasonal Snacking
Watch birds change their eating habits as colder weather rolls in.
Houseplant Rescue
Help is here! The Birds & Blooms garden pro offers solutions to the most common indoor plant problems.
Bonding Through Birds
Kindness spreads through this Kentucky nursing facility, but it starts with feathered friends at a window.