Bishop Tim McCaleb, general presbyter for Asia, Australia, and Oceania, became a licensed minister in the COGOP in 1980. He held pastoral positions throughout Tennessee and Illinois before his appointment as state overseer of Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Texas. During that time, he also participated in Assembly committees such as the Bible Doctrine and Polity committee and was Servant Partners Director for the International Offices. He holds a Master of Theological Studies from Vanderbilt University and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Houston Graduate School of Theology. He is married to Sheena and they have four children and many grandchildren.
Desde sus inicios, servir a la humanidad es la misión y el valor central adoptado por la gran comisión de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía de Rongai-Tuala, Kenia.
Orando por el pasado, presente y futuro de la iglesia Colaborador: Shaun McKinley
MENSAJES Cosas que Dios jamás olvidará
Ninis al servicio de sus iglesias locales
Michelle Brooks-Young forma parte del personal de la oficina estatal de Tenesí como la coordinadora de Missions Connection (Conexión misionera), supliendo necesidades a través de fondos y apoyando el valor de las misiones a nivel estatal y mundial. Ha viajado internacionalmente por más de 20 años propagando el Evangelio por diferentes medios. Michelle asiste a la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Restoration Fellowship en Murfreesboro, Tenesí.
Maduremos en nuestro diezmar
MINISTERIO DE MAYORDOMIA Paul Holt Director ejecutivo de Finanzas y Administración
Una vez en la escuela, traté de escribir un reporte sobre el libro Rebelión en la granja, pero sin haberlo leído.
Dejados atras
Roxanne Corbett nació en las Islas Vírgenes Norteamericanas. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Administración de Salud en el 2011. Es ministra ordenada en la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía. Actualmente, sirve como la directora del Ministerio de Damas de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía en el estado de Tenesí. Junto a su esposo, Nathan, tienen cinco hijas y tres nietas.
DEEPAK CHOPRA speaks with DAAJI about the role Yoga has to play in bringing about world peace. This is an excerpt from their conversation broadcast on International Day of Peace, September 21, 2020. That documentary is available at
Create the habit of meditation
CHIRAG KULKARNI, Co-Founder and CMO of Medly Pharmacies in the USA, speaks with RISHIKA SHARMA about creating a regular meditation practice, so as to make it a habit. He also shares how meditation has benefited both his personal and professional life.
Remembrance & a Sacred Earth
LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN-LEE mourns our forgetting of our connection with the Earth, inviting us once more to remember, reconnect and rekindle the sacredness of that relationship in our lives.
Children's Sleep: The Good Night Guide
DR. GARIMA GARG SETH is a pediatrician with a mission to help children learn good sleep habits. Here she explains to us what that means, and how as parents we can provide the best possible environment for children to develop a healthy sleep lifestyle.
Holotropic Breathing Ignites Boundless Joy
I’ve tried all sorts of breathwork practices, from the Wim Hof Method to three-part breath, but Holotropic breathing—a pattern of inhalations and exhalations designed to help practitioners access higher states of consciousness—was new to me.
Grace Cathedral Fosters Inclusivity and Healing through Yoga
Before Covid-19 shuttered the city, on any given Tuesday in downtown San Francisco, hundreds of mat-toting yogis streamed up Nob Hill in droves to converge at the historic Grace Cathedral, a midcentury Episcopalian church the size of a football field where, in 1965, nearly 5,000 people gathered—spilling out into the streets—to hear a sermon from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Come On Get Higher
Best-selling author and wellness educator Lalah Delia on raising your vibration to find your highest Self
Could my husband’s recent retirement explain his behavior?
Sewing Hope
It wasn’t in my power to mend a broken heart, but I sent needle and thread, with chocolates for good measure
Problems? She Can Relate
Meet New Jersey’s Own Black Fairy Godmother
Valentine Angels
Straight from heaven—with love
The Humility Sisters
What would two nuns know about taking care of a baby?
Sophie's Secret
How could a dog know just what so many people needed?
Built by Angels
My mother called to ask if I knew the story of the 11 churches carved from single stones in Ethiopia
Its message helped me shake the blues
Clutter, Be Gone!
Fifteen minutes a day keeps the mess away
A housewarming gift
My husband seemed to be in every room— even though I knew he was in heaven
The Most American Religion
Perpetual outsiders, Mormons spent 200 years assimilating to a certain national ideal—only to find their country in an identity crisis. What will the third century of the faith look like?
The Role Of Laughter IN A MARRIAGE
DR. ICHAK ADIZES explores the qualities of a successful marriage, especially the vital roles of laughter and humor.
REJOINING THE GREAT CONVERSATION: Reconnecting with the Soul of the World
LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN-LEE delivers a heartfelt plea to all of us to open our hearts and care for our Mother Earth, value her sacredness, and reconnect with her soul.
NEALE DONALD WALSCH addresses the underlying cause of our global dysfunctions today and challenges us all to solve them, together, through one single decision. Are we ready for this?
Roots of Empathy
MARY GORDON was interviewed by JUDITH NELSON at the Spirit of Humanity Forum in Iceland in 2019. In this excerpt, she shares her worldview on the importance of empathy in human relationships and how it forms the foundation for the program she runs in schools on developing empathy in schoolchildren, called Roots of Empathy.
ALANDA GREENE explores the topic of perception, through her experience of picking raspberries in the garden, and understanding the importance of looking at life and situations from different angles.