Australia's Arks
Australian Geographic Magazine

Australia's Arks

Fenced reserves and captive breeding programs can bring treasured species back from the brink, but there are limitations.

10 mins  |
July - August 2019
Skiing The Back Country
Australian Geographic Magazine

Skiing The Back Country

Leave behind the manicured slopes used by most skiers and head for the valleys and peaks of Main Range in Kosciuszko National Park for an exhilarating three-day off-piste adventure.

6 mins  |
May - June 2019
Fabled Fortune
Australian Geographic Magazine

Fabled Fortune

Since its purported discovery more than 120 years ago, Lasseter’s Reef, a fabled gold-rich outback quartz vein, has eluded both fortune-hunters and researchers.

9 mins  |
May - June 2019
Spice Of Life
Australian Geographic Magazine

Spice Of Life

Follow the heady scent of nutmeg and cloves north of Australia and west of New Guinea to explore the exotic Maluku Islands of Indonesia.

9 mins  |
May - June 2019
Symbol Of The Kimberley
Australian Geographic Magazine

Symbol Of The Kimberley

What are the origins of Western Australia’s iconic boab tree, whose only living relatives survive far away in Africa?

6 mins  |
May - June 2019
The Duke Of Ed Marches On
Australian Geographic Magazine

The Duke Of Ed Marches On

After six decades Down Under, this adventure program continues to rise.

5 mins  |
May - June 2019
Finding Flinders
Australian Geographic Magazine

Finding Flinders

Archaeologists solve a 200-year mystery in central London by uncovering the remains of revered explorer Matthew Flinders, who led the first known circumnavigation of Australia.

10+ mins  |
May - June 2019
Creating A Super-Park
Australian Geographic Magazine

Creating A Super-Park

The forests of Victoria’s Central Highlands are a picturesque greenbelt crucial to Melbourne’s water supply and could soon be included in a huge new national park.

10+ mins  |
May - June 2019
Banjo, Revisited
Australian Geographic Magazine

Banjo, Revisited

AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC’S launch cover image has been reimagined as a symbol of conservation for our 150th celebration issue by contemporary Australian conservation wildlife artist Nathan Ferlazzo.

2 mins  |
May - June 2019
The Rise Of Eco-Grief
ELLE Australia

The Rise Of Eco-Grief

Worry about climate change is so common, it’s sparked a new mental-health epidemic: ecological grief. But there are two groups of people proving hope is another option.

7 mins  |
August 2019
Southern Exposure
Australian Geographic Magazine

Southern Exposure

The 2017 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year, Justin Gilligan, turns his creative eye to the uniqueicy world of beauty and contrast that he found at the end of the Earth on an expedition to East Antarctica.

4 mins  |
January/February 2019
The Last Muster
Australian Geographic Magazine

The Last Muster

The end of an era was perfectly captured by Grenville Turner on a classic outback cattle station.

2 mins  |
January/February 2019
For The Love Of Frogs
Australian Geographic Magazine

For The Love Of Frogs

Two new research tools are supporting a groundswell of public interest that could make a difference to the future of Australian frogs, which are facing tough times.

6 mins  |
January/February 2019
Impressions Of The Past
Australian Geographic Magazine

Impressions Of The Past

Australian scientists studying the smallest known dinosaur footprints, left by a creature the size of a sparrow, also discovered the largest, left by a dinosaur 700,000 times as heavy.

2 mins  |
January/February 2019
City-Slicker Dragons
Australian Geographic Magazine

City-Slicker Dragons

Australia’s water dragons are being changed by urban life.

4 mins  |
January/February 2019
Sparkling Seas Explained
Australian Geographic Magazine

Sparkling Seas Explained

A sinister truth lies behind the rise of beautiful night-time blooms of bioluminescent plankton.

2 mins  |
November - December 2018
Top End Beginnings
Australian Geographic Magazine

Top End Beginnings

It can take a while to really get under the skin of the tropical Northern Territory, but you can make a good start with a few carefully planned days spent within cooee of Darwin.

9 mins  |
November - December 2018
From The Lowest To The Highest
Australian Geographic Magazine

From The Lowest To The Highest

“The brakes are smoking!” I shouted to Duncan over the noise of screaming disc brakes as I tried to control a 75km/h speed wobble on the Alpine Way above Khancoban, near the New South Wales–Victoria border. I was doing my best to hold the tandem-trike steady with my one functioning hand while trying to let my blind stoker (the rear cyclist on a tandem bike) know what was going on. I was his eyes, he was my legs and we were more than 2000km into an adaptive human-powered journey that would take us from the continent’s lowest point to its highest.

5 mins  |
November - December 2018
Under The Canopy
Australian Geographic Magazine

Under The Canopy

A conservation initiative dedicated in the name of The Queen harnesses the global power of the Commonwealth to arrest the decline of the world’s native forests.

6 mins  |
November - December 2018
Silence, Please!
Australian Geographic Magazine

Silence, Please!

Our wide, open and very radio-quiet outback is radioastronomy heaven.

1 min  |
November - December 2018
Against The Odds
Australian Geographic Magazine

Against The Odds

The world’s smallest penguin has made one of Australia’s largest cities its home.

7 mins  |
November - December 2018
A Profound Life Of Icy Wonder
Australian Geographic Magazine

A Profound Life Of Icy Wonder

Our planet’s most inhospitable continent is dotted with landmarks bearing Syd Kirkby’s name.

5 mins  |
November - December 2018
Space Junk: A Catastrophe On The Horizon
Cosmos Magazine

Space Junk: A Catastrophe On The Horizon

More and more junk is cluttering space, threatening our satellites and rockets.

10 mins  |
August-September 2015
National Geographic en Español


En 1945, un par de pastores egipcios excavaba cerca del pueblo de Nag Hammadi cuando descubrieron una jarra de barro antigua. Contenía una colección secreta de textos antiguos que ha arrojado luz sobre un grupo misterioso de cristianos primitivos que interpretaron a Dios y las historias sobre Jesús de forma muy distinta a la de los cristianos del Nuevo Testamento.

2 mins  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas
National Geographic en Español


El culto al dios persa Mitra comenzó a propagarse a toda velocidad por todo el Imperio Romano a principios del siglo II d.C., gracias a la enorme popularidad que gozaba entre el ejército romano. En su apogeo, el culto supuso un reto mayúsculo para otra religión que estaba ganando adeptos muy rápido: el cristianismo.

1 min  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas
National Geographic en Español


La facción judía de los fariseos operó en la Judea romana durante el periodo del Segundo Templo. Los Evangelios los suelen retratar como un grupo fundamentalmente opuesto a la obra religiosa de Jesús. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes muestran que esta sociedad de judíos piadosos tuvo más en común con las enseñanzas de Jesús de lo que se creía.

2 mins  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas
National Geographic en Español


El Oráculo de Delfos es uno de los primeros oráculos de la Antigüedad y el que funcionó más tiempo. De acuerdo con el mito griego, lo fundó Apolo después de matar a la serpiente Pitón, guardiana de la diosa Gaia. A partir del siglo XIV a.C., el sitio empezó a funcionar como oráculo, lo que les permitía a los peregrinos privilegiados consultar la sabiduría del dios a propósito de distintos temas.

2 mins  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas
National Geographic en Español


La literatura de ficción y las películas modernas han dado la impresión de que el grupo conocido como los lluminati o \"los iluminados\" fue una sociedad secreta con ideales nobles, pero de acciones siniestras. La realidad es que los Illuminati originales fueron una rama del movimiento de la llustración, como respuesta frente al papel dominante de la Iglesia en la sociedad europea.

2 mins  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas
National Geographic en Español


Entre estas búsquedas surgió una sociedad secreta que se denominó los rosacrucianos. Decían tener un conocimiento oculto \"basado en verdades esotéricas del pasado antiguo\" que podría revelar información asombrosa sobre el funcionamiento real del universo, así como del cuerpo humano.

1 min  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas
National Geographic en Español


Los misterios dionisíacos aún son uno de los rituales más enigmáticos del mundo antiguo y los estudiosos siguen debatiendo sus prácticas. Aunque hay mucha incertidumbre, lo que sí sabemos es que brindaban una oportunidad extraordinaria para que las mujeres tiraran por la borda los convencionalismos y se entregaran al éxtasis religioso y al placer sensual, libres de normas sociales.

2 mins  |
Especial - Sociedades Secretas