School official warns of phishing scam
BLUE HILL—School Union 93 is warning of a “phishing incident” involving their emails that occurred on Thursday, March 6.
A step toward effective climate strategy
As weather-related disasters ramp up around the state and the country, the most noticeable increase in public participation in these climate-related discussions is a demand for more government funding for repairs and adaptation, and yet pretty much zero discussion about decreasing the rate of climate warming. This is both unsurprising and a cause for deep concern.

Students to showcase independent study projects
On Wednesday, March 19, from 5 to 7 p.m., George Stevens Academy will host its annual Independent Study and Internship Program (ISIP) Student Exhibition.

Fisheries scientist with local ties nominated to lead DMR
Carl Wilson is state’s longtime lead lobster biologist
The importance of dynamic core strength for competitive cheerleaders
On our island, two things define us these days—lobsters and competitive cheering.
Default to cake
My husband called me from the grocery store recently to ask me what size tub of ricotta to purchase as I hadn't specified that information on the list.
Dam needs $400K in repairs plus $70K annually, committee says
Tax abatement concerns

After 50 years in education, Snow retiring from school board
After 12 years on the Blue Hill school board, chair Jan Snow will retire when her term expires in April.
Two-night tomato chicken
I made a chicken and tomato dish served over rice the other night, then reheated it and served it with hunks of Tinder Hearth French Batard the second night.
From bagel to biscuit
When I picked up my phone the other day, I found I had a slew of new text messages from my dear friend, Lauren, an accomplished cook who is my go-to source whenever I have extra bananas on hand.

Students to showcase independent study projects
The event, which will take place in the GSA gym, will showcase the program experiences of approximately 120 11th and 12th grade students. The event is open to the public, according to a press release, and community members are invited to see the exhibits and hear directly from the students about their projects.
Trump administration agrees to 'renegotiate' Maine's canceled Sea Grant funding
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will “renegotiate” the terms and conditions of the work to be performed by Maine Sea Grant “to ensure that it focuses on advancing Maine’s coastal economies, working waterfronts and sustainable fisheries,” U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Wednesday in a statement.

GSA and local boutique partner for prom 'shopping' experience
Donated attire will be free to local students
Grohoski appointed to the Maine Artificial Intelligence Task Force
AUGUSTA-On January 28, Sen. Nicole Grohoski, D-Ellsworth, was appointed to the Maine Artificial Intelligence Task Force by Senate President Mattie Daughtry, D-Brunswick.

All hands on deck for Blue Hill barn fire
A burning barn off Salt Pond Road in Blue Hill sent every Peninsula fire department racing to the scene on Tuesday, February 18.
Boys basketball falls in Class C North prelim game
The George Stevens Academy boys basketball team traveled to Calais for a Class C North prelim game contest against the Calais Blue Devils on February 12.
Coastline Physical Therapy, YMCA collaborate on fall prevention program
Coastline Physical Therapy has announced a new partnership with the Blue Hill YMCA, in collaboration with Healthy Island Project, Healthy Peninsula and Healthy Living for ME, to bring the nationally recognized Matter of Balance program to the Peninsula.
Another penny for your thoughts?
Last week I fell down a deep rabbit hole about pennies when I meant to be spring cleaning. (Did anyone use Sunday's snow day to do a major tidy up? No, of course not. Snow days are for movies, popcorn and perhaps day drinking.)
School garden and greenhouse project launched
The Petty Foundation has partnered with Healthy Peninsula to launch the School Gardens and Greenhouse Project.
GSA expects 221 students for next few years
George Stevens Academy’s anticipated enrollment for the next three years is around 221 students, Head of School Dan Welch said during a meeting with the Blue Hill Budget Committee on February 14. Currently enrollment stands at 229.
Milliken named to NCSL Opioid Policy Fellows program
Rep. Nina Milliken (D-Blue Hill) has been accepted to the Opioid Policy Fellows program established by the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Contested school board race in Surry
Nomination papers for Surry town offices are in.
Brooksville voters to decide on salt shed construction at town meeting
After many years in the making, the construction of a salt shed will be voted on at the Brooksville town meeting on Tuesday, March 4. On the warrant are articles to approve the construction of a salt shed building, allow the town to solicit bids, and enter into contract with a successful bidder.

Spofford Wanning House
One of the oldest houses in Blue Hill is located next door to the Congregational Church on Main Street, just up the hill from the library.
'Best pork tendy ever'
I know I have offered a recipe for pork tenderloin here before-one that I still use and love that involves a spicy dry rub-but I tried something different this past week, and my husband declared it the \"best pork tendy ever.\"
Third public hearing slated for March on Salt Pond subdivision prosposal
The nine-lot subdivision proposal located on the blueberry barrens on the Salt Pond road will have its third, and likely last, public hearing on Wednesday, March 12. The hearing will be limited to any new materials that have been submitted since the last public hearing in August, which include a third-party review of stormwater management, erosion control and sufficient water for wells.

Conversation with a prolific playwright who colors outside the lines
There's nothing \"average\" about Carolyn Gage, a Bar Harbor playwright who wrote The Anastasia Trials in the Court of Women, which opens at the New Surry Theatre in Blue Hill on Friday, March 14. She's an autistic, feminist lesbian, a national-award-winning author of 88 plays (so far), as well as essays and short stories. Calling her \"prolific\" understates the breadth of her reach, talent and creativity.
Who we are
I've been a math teacher for most of my career, and I am fascinated with numbers.

Holly Eaton announces candidacy for House District 15
DEER ISLE—Holly Eaton has announced her candidacy to represent House District 15 in the Maine House of Representatives, which includes Southwest Harbor, Tremont, Frenchboro, Swan’s Island, Isle au Haut, Brooklin, Deer Isle, Stonington and Vinalhaven, according to a press release.

Two from Ellsworth nominated for open Senate seat
McDonald opts out of race for family, law school