The Atlantic


From the outside it looks steady.

2 mins  |
January - February 2020
Retreat, Christian, Soldiers
The Atlantic

Retreat, Christian, Soldiers

Feeling out of step with the mores of contemporary American life, members of a conservative-Catholic group have built a thriving community in rural Kansas, one centered on faith and family. Could their flight from mainstream society be a harbinger for the nation?

10+ mins  |
January - February 2020
The Patron Saint of Complicated Women
The Atlantic

The Patron Saint of Complicated Women

Bombshell is Charlize Theron’s latest effort to subvert the typical Hollywood role.

10 mins  |
January - February 2020
The View From Inside the Bubble
The Atlantic

The View From Inside the Bubble

Drawn into the tech world, a 20-something watches herself get seduced by a myopic mission.

9 mins  |
January - February 2020
Before Zuckerberg, Gutenberg
The Atlantic

Before Zuckerberg, Gutenberg

Anyone who thinks we’ve now grasped what the internet has in store for us should revisit what the printing press unleashed.

8 mins  |
January - February 2020
The Woman Who Made Modern Journalism
The Atlantic

The Woman Who Made Modern Journalism

Ida Tarbell helped pioneer reportorial methods and investigative ambitions that are as potent today as ever.

10 mins  |
January - February 2020
The Myth Of Free Shipping
The Atlantic

The Myth Of Free Shipping

How retailers hide the costs of delivery—and why we’re such suckers for their ploys

7 mins  |
January - February 2020
Cool It, Krugman
The Atlantic

Cool It, Krugman

The self-sabotaging rage of the New York Times columnist

10 mins  |
January - February 2020
20,000 Feet Under The Sea
The Atlantic

20,000 Feet Under The Sea

The bottom of the ocean is as alien as Mars: a dark, mysterious place with purple octopuses, giant tube worms, and who knows what else. Mining companies are preparing to extract minerals that could wean the Earth from fossil fuels, but scientists have never explored many of the habitats they might destroy. The race between miners and scientists may determine the fate of the oceans, and the planet.

10+ mins  |
January - February 2020
What Art Can Do
The Atlantic

What Art Can Do

The power of stories that are unshakably true

6 mins  |
December 2019
The Atlantic

Against Reconciliation

The gravest danger to American Democracy isn't an excess of vitriol –It's the false promise of civility.

10+ mins  |
December 2019
Why It Feels Like Everything Is Going Haywire
The Atlantic

Why It Feels Like Everything Is Going Haywire

Social media rapidly changed how we communicate, in ways that destabilize democracy. What can we do about that?

10+ mins  |
December 2019
How America Ends
The Atlantic

How America Ends

A tectonic demographic shift is under way. Can the country hold together?

10+ mins  |
December 2019
Can This Marriage Be Saved?
The Atlantic

Can This Marriage Be Saved?

Applying the techniques of couples counseling to bring reds and blues back together again

10+ mins  |
December 2019
Jeff Bezos's Master Plan
The Atlantic

Jeff Bezos's Master Plan

What he wants for his empire and himself, and what that means for the rest of us

10+ mins  |
November 2019
Books – Boy, Uninterrupted
The Atlantic

Books – Boy, Uninterrupted

Ben Lerner, portraitist of talkative men, explores the roots of white male rage.

10 mins  |
October 2019
'Get a Weapon'
The Atlantic

'Get a Weapon'

When a veteran military man gave me that advice before I left to join U.S. forces in Baghdad, I thought he meant that I needed a way to protect myself from the enemy.

10+ mins  |
October 2019
Gen X May Never Produce A President!
The Atlantic

Gen X May Never Produce A President!

Gen X may never produce a president. That’s bad news for Americans of all ages.

10 mins  |
October 2019
Why James Mattis Quit?
The Atlantic

Why James Mattis Quit?

“I Had No Choice But To Leave,” General James Mattis says of his decision to resign as President Trump’s Secretary of Defense.

10+ mins  |
October 2019
Why Black Athletes Should Leave White Colleges
The Atlantic

Why Black Athletes Should Leave White Colleges

… and tear down the NCAA as we know it

10+ mins  |
October 2019
Who Will Control The Next Generation Of The Trump Dynasty?
The Atlantic

Who Will Control The Next Generation Of The Trump Dynasty?

Inside the battle to control the next generation of the Trump dynasty

10+ mins  |
October 2019
Misunderstanding Susan Sontag
The Atlantic

Misunderstanding Susan Sontag

Her beauty and celebrity eclipse the real source of her allure—her commitment to cool control.

10 mins  |
October 2019
Juanita Broaddrick, Found New Life As A Trump Defender
The Atlantic

Juanita Broaddrick, Found New Life As A Trump Defender

Juanita Broaddrick, who alleges that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, has found new life as a Trump defender.

10+ mins  |
October 2019
Can 5G Save The Planet?
The Atlantic

Can 5G Save The Planet?

Climate Change’s Unlikely Ally

2 mins  |
October 2019
The Secret Power Of Menopause
The Atlantic

The Secret Power Of Menopause

The end of fertility doesn’t mark the start of decline

10 mins  |
October 2019
When Medicaid Takes Everything You Own
The Atlantic

When Medicaid Takes Everything You Own

For many participants, The program that provides Health care To Millions of Low-Income Americans Isn't free. It's a loan. And the Government expects to be repaid.

10+ mins  |
October 2019
In The Fall Of Rome, Good News For America
The Atlantic

In The Fall Of Rome, Good News For America

Why the decline of the federal government might not be such a bad thing

9 mins  |
October 2019
Broken Spies For A Broken
The Atlantic

Broken Spies For A Broken

Mick Herron is the John le Carré of the Brexit era.

6 mins  |
October 2019
It's Time For Congress To Judge The President's Fitness To Serve
The Atlantic

It's Time For Congress To Judge The President's Fitness To Serve

Starting the process will rein in a president who is undermining American ideals— and bring the debate about his fitness for office into Congress, where it belongs.

10+ mins  |
March 2019
The Atlantic

Will Donald Trump Destroy The Presidency

He disdains the rule of law, He's trampling norms of presidential behavior. And he's bringing vital institutions down with him

10+ mins  |
October 2017