A Visit Home
High in the tree branches an Easter surprise was waiting
He Makes Winds His Messengers
My husband owned a truck and trailer, so when my son was giving away a mattress and box spring I volunteered to help with the transport. The guys tied everything down tightly and tested the knots to make sure they wouldn’t come undone. I drove carefully, taking my time and giving the other cars a wide berth.
Customer Service At Its Best
Try standing on the other side of the counter
Heirloom From An Angel
I had plenty of stories about my family’s roots. What I didn’t have was something tangible
Dr. Michael Plumley has served as consultant for accreditation for three universities. He has served on the Accreditation Councils for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Council for Accreditation of Professional Educators (CAEP) in Washington, DC. He holds a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Trevecca Nazarene University. Dr. Plumley has been a member of the Church of God of Prophecy for more than 50 years and currently serves the Peerless Road Church on the Finance and Administrative committee.
The God of Mission and the People of God
Brian Sutton has served in many roles for the Church of God of Prophecy, including as senior pastor for 25 years and executive director of Leadership Development and Discipleship at the International Offices. He currently serves as the state bishop of Alabama. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in Global Pentecostalism from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is the author of four books, including his most recent work, Practice These Things: Mentored Ministry Workbook, published by White Wing Publishing House.
Ministering to the PRODIGALS
Susie Hamilton is a lay minister and certified local church chaplain. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. She has a sincere desire to tell every person she comes in contact with, “God loves you.”
What Have You Done For The Lord Lately?
Dr. Phillip Davis is a third generation COGOP member. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Christian Leadership from Christian Leadership University, is a certified “How to Hear God’s Voice” facilitator, and also publishes a weekly blog entitled “5 Minutes With Jesus.” He is an ordained minister and serves as pastor of Covenant Faith Ministry in Holly Springs, North Carolina.
Michelle Brooks-Young forma parte del personal del estado de Tenesí como coordinadora del Tennessee Missions Connections. [Este ministerio] que conecta las necesidades de la visión con los fondos y apoya el valor de las misiones, tanto a nivel estatal como mundial. Ella ha viajado internacionalmente por más de 20 años proclamando el Evangelio por diferentes medios. Michelle asiste a la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía Restoration Fellowship en Murfreesboro, Tenesí.
Una busqueda conproposito del Espiritu Santo
Granville Estep nació en las colinas de Kentucky en 1912.
El obispo Eric Washburn sirve como pastor principal de la iglesia Hickory Valley Community Church en Chattanooga, Tenesí. Él es egresado de la Universidad Lee con un título en Biblia y Teología, y actualmente se encuentra cursando su maestría en el Serminario Teológico Pentecostal. Él y su esposa, Lori, tienen cinco hijos. Eric disfruta pasar tiempo en las montañas con su familia.
Nota de la editora administrativa: La edición de septiembre/ octubre del Mensajero Ala Blanca se centró en Jesús como nuestro Sanador. Recibimos muchos artículos buenos, más que suficiente para una sola edición. Por favor, disfrute este artículo escrito por el obispo Milton Gordon, pastor de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía La Roca en Big Sandy, Tenesí.
Dr. Fred Lawson ha estado activo en el ministerio por más de 42 años. Junto a su esposa, Judy, han servido en nombramientos generales por 26 de esos 42 años. Ha servido como pastor y supervisor, y como instructor en el Colegio Tomlinson. El Dr. Lawson se jubiló en 2017 y actualmente él y Judy residen en Cleveland, Tenesí, donde disfrutan estar cerca de sus hijos y nietos.
Angela Woods es graduada con un título de asociado en Negocios/e-commerce/mercadeo y Administración de la Universidad del estado de Portland. A nivel nacional, ella junto a su esposo viajan a tiempo completo dando campañas de avivamiento durante el año. Como pianista de la música clásica, ella les enseña a sus cuatro hijos pequeños quienes también viajan con ellos en sus giras evangelísticas anuales. Para más información sobre el libro, envíe un correo electrónico a
El pacto matrimonial
Fred S. Fisher, padre, fungió como el cuarto supervisor general de la Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía, también sirvió en las capacidades de evangelista, supervisor estatal, presbítero general y pastor. Tiene un bachillerato (licenciatura) en Historia y Religión y una maestría en Consejería Pública. Junto a su esposa, Betty, residen en Carolina del Sur.
Uno de los actos más maravillosos de un Dios autosuficiente es que Él llama.
Heartful Communication
LIZ KINGSNORTH introduces Marshall Rosenberg’s practical approach of Nonviolent Communication, and how it is integrating with Heartfulness into Heartful Communication.
The Art Of Authentic Communication And Listening - A Journey Through Music
PETER KATER is a Grammy Award-winning musician and author, who also conducts musical, healing and creative retreats in beautiful natural settings. Here he talks with MEGHANA ANAND about communicating feelings and ideas through music.
Principles Of Conversation
Back at the turn of the 20th century, the great yogi RAM CHANDRA OF FATEHGARH (LALAJI) shared some tips about communication with his associates in a small town of northern India. Today these principles are even more relevant in corporate boardrooms, parliaments, universities and school classrooms the world over. Imagine if we could all follow this approach to communicating with others! The world would be transformed.
Inner Dimensions
Artist BRONWYN CALEY speaks with ROSALIND PEARMAIN about her work and her philosophy of life, and shares some of her paintings.
European Youth At Heartfulness Headquarters
ALESSANDRA VEGLIA is a second year student from the University of Trieste, Italy. She is doing a Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and Development Cooperation, and is currently doing an internship at Kanha Shanti Vanam, the Heartfulness Center near Hyderabad in India, as part of her degree. She has been interacting with other visiting fellows and interns from around the world, who are currently also training and volunteering in various capacities in the campus, and took this opportunity to interview them.
A User's Guide To Living
Daaji introduces us to a user’s guide to daily living and human transformation. This series is based on a book written more than 75 years ago, by Ram Chandra, called Commentary on the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg, which is entirely relevant for anyone wishing to evolve to their highest potential in today’s world.
Part 2 - Where History Intersects With Myth
Ashwin Sanghi is an Indian author in the intersecting genre of mythology, fiction and thriller. In this second part of his interview with Rudy Singh, he speaks about mythology, history, his approach to writing and his upcoming books. Ashwin continues the conversation from where he left off.
Focus - Do We Understand Each Other?
Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet.
Weight of the World
I stood near the railing of the ferry as it skimmed over Lake Erie toward the small island of Put-in-Bay.
The Toothache
The pain was sharp and sudden.
Heavenly Scent
It was a Saturday afternoon.
I drove slowly back from the store, content to go below the speed limit.
Garage Sale Treasure
“Please help, Mom,” I whispered.
Helping Hands
I sat on the bed with a handful of my mother’s drugs. Little white pills cupped in my 12-year-old hand.