Optical Sensing Of Soil Nutrients For 'Smart Farming'
Over the years, chemical fertilisers have been applied to soil in order to increase their fertility. However over or under application of fertilisers can damage the crop yield and also cause serious ecological concerns. Soil testing thus acquires an important place in farming, specifically in site specific crop management. Non-destructive in-situ measurements of soil nutrients with cost effective optical sensing methods can help in determining and monitoring the nutrient levels in the soil.
The GM Food Imbroglio
Genetically modified crops have been under scrutiny for being unhealthy, destroying the traditional cropping practices and yet they seem to be providing answers to burgeoning food requirements. A careful system of scientific monitoring has to be in place prior to the induction of such endeavours in India.
India's World Class TSunami Warning Services
India was a late starter in developing an early warning system for tsunamis. But ever since it became operational, the Indian Tsunami Warning System has developed into a world class platform to serve the entire Indian ocean region.
Seeding Clouds to Spout Rain
The Ministry of Earth Sciences’ ongoing Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX) is proving to be a welcome method for mitigating extreme drought conditions. It will also pave the way for a new cloud seeding protocol that can be followed in keeping with Indian conditions in future.
Mission Mode Projects for Oceans and Coastal and Zones
Shailesh Nayak led from the front for a major part of the ten years that the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) completed on July 27, 2016. As secretary to the Government of India from 2008 to 2015, the distinguished scientist formulated innovative projects that made science part of a common man’s life. In his illustrious career he integrated new initiatives such as the monsoon mission, seismological and cryospheric research, to name a few. Talking with Sulagna Chat topadhyay, the gifted gentleman outlined his vision for the dazzling future of the MoES.
High Altitude Cloud Physics Laboratory
Observations made by the High Altitude Cloud Physics Laboratory (HACPL) at Mahabaleshwar shall assist in the understanding of the southwest monsoon and its anomalies, and reduce risks to life and property from extreme weather events.
Monsoon Mission
The National Monsoon Mission successfully achieved its projected objective of developing a dynamic framework for operational forecasts. It is currently working on developing an indigenous Indian model that can accurately predict monsoon variability in all its aspects.
Farmers' Suicide
Prior to the economic liberalisation during 1991-96, farmers’ suicide was unheard of.
Forest Stewardship CounCil
The forest certification systems by the Forest Stewardship Council is reflective of an emergent need, intertwining business and ethics. Its guidelines have setup a benchmark against which the modus operandi of timber corporations and plantations can be examined.
The Doomsday Vault - Conservation For The World's Crops
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault or the Doomsday Vault is a seed storage facility for the world’s agricultural crops that can help in combating the effects of climate change, population growth, extinction of crop species and destruction of gene banks.
Women In Agriculture
Majority of women workforce in India is engaged in the agricultural sector and this domain could not have sustained this far without the seminal role played by them.
Changing Cold Chain Technology
A cold chain for perishable foods is the uninterrupted handling of produce within a low temperature environment which includes harvest, collection, packing, processing, storage, transport and marketing until it reaches the final consumers.
Genetically Modified Technology