Estilo de vida

Letting My Feelings Show
The beloved Today show weatherman and cohost on turning 70 and how he approaches life a little differently after his 2022 health scare

My health was failing. So was my marriage. I didn't want to live like this anymore

Hawaii 5-0
My son said I didn't understand him. He was right. Then came my birthday trip

My Brownie Breakthrough
We'd lived in our new neighborhood for a whole month, and I still didn't know anyone. What did I have to do to make friends?

One Last Glimpse
Daddy was gone so suddenly, I didn't feel as if I had even said goodbye

Then Came Terry
I was a workaholic, and everything else in my life took a back seat. Even my faith

High Fidelity
On Sundays when my great-grandmother could no longer make it to church, she cranked up Tennessee Ernie Ford's All-Time Greatest Hymns. And it wasn't because she was hard of hearing

The Offering
Church was the last place I wanted to be

Where the Light Enters
An unusual way to heal a broken heart

Remember the Love
There's nothing sweeter than an old dog.That's why saying goodbye is so hard. Here are eight ways to find healing, from our resident pet expert

A Beautiful Thing
How Lisa Brom's own family tragedy and her love of Guideposts inspired her to reach out to homeless men in her community

What Will People Think of Me?
No one likes being judged, but sometimes the fear of judgment goes so deep that it holds us back from living life to the fullest

What prayer can do

Rejoice in All Things
My husband and I had an annual tradition of celebrating the high points of the year. This time, he wanted to try something different

Special Delivery
A month after my wife died and my life felt so empty, the only thing I had to look forward to was Amazon

A Prayer for Cullen
Even in a family crisis, I had trouble quieting my mind enough to listen for God

Blackie & Rosebud
What would happen to my friend's cats now that she was gone?

The Kids Are Alright
My twin boys and I had always been close. I thought they needed me. Now I wasn't so sure

Kindred Spirits
I thought the nose ring gave it away—she was just another teenager. I couldn't imagine how she could help me

A Boy Named Sue
In 1969, Johnny Cash and his wife, June, threw a party at their house in Hendersonville, Tennessee, a “guitar pull,” where guests passed around a guitar and tried out new songs.

Active Duty
I'd tried everything for my knee - physical therapy, gel injections, a cumbersome brace. Everything except prayer

Living an Abundant Life
A conversation with spirituality and health researcher Harold G. Koenig, M.D., on what makes people truly happy

What could be worse for a young newlywed than to lose his wedding ring? Risking his life to find it

Not So Different After All
The last time I was in a prison was to visit my father. I swore I would never go back. Years later, something was pulling me to San Quentin to finally share my story

His Own Path
My son Tim was a lot like me. And maybe that's why I worried about him

Lucky Chuck
The patient in trauma room six looked up at me, smiled and said, \"What's the difference between God and a brain surgeon?\"

Stronger Than Ever
The pandemic, job loss, grief...that would test any marriage. How this couple found their way back to each other

In the Everyday
Cooking, cleaning, breaking up the kids’ fights... If only I had a few minutes for myself!

Worst-Case Scenario?
I’d had nagging injuries before and always recovered. Why wasn’t I confident that I would get better this time?

Honor Thy Son
I was a Marine officer, a lifer—or so I thought. Then came Patrick