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Socially Distant Summer Fun in PBC
Palm Beach Parenting

Socially Distant Summer Fun in PBC

Summer has been extended! We are getting three extra weeks before public school starts here in Palm Beach County! What are some fun things to do while maintaining CDC recommendations for social distancing? PB Parenting has some great recommendations on what to do these final weeks of Summer!

4 mins  |
August 2020
Virtual Distance Learning School Setup and Supply Checklist
Palm Beach Parenting

Virtual Distance Learning School Setup and Supply Checklist

Back to school is going to look a little different this year.

3 mins  |
August 2020
Learning a New Skill or Hobby During the Pandemic
Palm Beach Parenting

Learning a New Skill or Hobby During the Pandemic

Are your kids constantly singing a chorus of “I am bored”? Instead of focusing on the (very long) list of what you can’t do, here are some things they’ll love doing. Now that we are staying home more, it is a great time to pick up a new skill or hobby.

1 min  |
August 2020
PB Picks: Mother's Day
Palm Beach Parenting

PB Picks: Mother's Day

Give Mom (or yourself ) a spa-like experience at home with Soon Skincare!

2 mins  |
May 2020
Happy Virtually Stay at Home Mother's Day
Palm Beach Parenting

Happy Virtually Stay at Home Mother's Day

Mother’s Day 2020. This certainly wasn’t the Mother’s Day I was expecting this year with South Florida at the moment still under Stay at Home orders. I can promise you that I won’t be heading out to my favorite brunch spot on Mother’s Day or maybe getting pampered with a pedicure at my favorite nail spa.

5 mins  |
May 2020
Community Cares: Water Safety Raises Awareness to Prevent Childhood Drowning.
Palm Beach Parenting

Community Cares: Water Safety Raises Awareness to Prevent Childhood Drowning.

In the time it takes to throw in a load of dirty laundry...

4 mins  |
May 2020

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