Banking Frontiers - May 2023

Banking Frontiers - May 2023

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In this issue
Other key features include:
CRM integration with AI and ML improves CX - featuring Aalesh Avlani
Revelations from a leadership conversation - featuring Shantanu Rege
RXIL targets state govts & international business - featuring Ketan Gaikwad
CTO is the new vice-captain of the compliance team -
featuring Arun Poddar & Vikas Gupta
Financial wrap-around for electric vehicles -
featuring Sumeru Shah & Sivaprasad Patnaikuni
Digital onboarding boosts sales efficiency 5X - featuring Aditya Damani
Fruits of Technology: Reach 10X, Speed 10X - featuring Anya Birla
Kotak adds branches to boost gold loans - featuring Manish Kothari
Banking Frontiers Magazine Description:
Publisher: glocal infomart pvt ltd
Category: Business
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
Banking Frontiers is a monthly B2B magazine that covers the activities of the finance sector in India. It covers their activities in the areas of Technology, Security, HR, Marketing, Growth, Expansion, Risk Management, Compliance, Tie-ups, etc.The Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, or BFSI, sector is today the most happening sector - be it the excitement of challenging business models, or products and services or mergers and acquisitions or pure organic growth or the response to globalization.
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