Island Ad-Vantages - February 20, 2025

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In this issue
We cover several major stories this week. A recent "Meet the Candidates" forum features candidates for contested races on the CSD 13 school board and Deer Isle select board. After listening to opposing testimony at a public hearing on proposed regulation of aquaculture sites in town waters, the Deer Isle select board votes to take the proposed ordinance off the warrant. We also offer an extensive article and historical graph on the Town of Deer Isle's expenditures in recent years.
Forum hosts Island school board, Deer Isle select board candidates
A Meet the Candidates event hosted by the Deer Isle Sunset Congregational Church provided an opportunity for the community to interact with two candidates running for one seat on the Deer Isle select board and four candidates vying for two Community School District 13 school board seats: three declared candidates and write-in Jessica Lynne Witham.

6 mins
Aquaculture taken off the warrant in Deer Isle
Select board pulls ordinance after public hearing debate

5 mins
Lawsuit over red listing of Maine lobster allowed to continue
A federal judge is allowing a lawsuit filed by a group of Maine lobster businesses against a California aquarium to go forward.
1 min
Who we are
I've been a math teacher for most of my career, and I am fascinated with numbers. I love how they tell a story and line up in the most unusual ways. The Fibonacci sequence is one of my favorite math topics. But here is another cool concept: if we could travel back in time, tracing the branches of our family trees, the number of our ancestors doubles with each generation.
2 mins
'Tur-a-ling' goes the Red-winged Blackbird, ‘tur-a-ling'
I write these words on the eve of Groundhog Day, the vernal milestone that marks the mid-point between the first days of winter and spring.
3 mins
Simmer down or sit down
If you're a fan of high school sports, we need to talk.
1 min
Were winters worse?
Maybe, in some ways, when they didn't receive weather reports on the radio, TV, phone, internet, etc. Farmers and mariners used natural signs. Last winter there wasn't that much snow; January was quite warm in 2024.
4 mins
Dewey-Wood Scholarship Fund applications now available
The Dewey-Wood Scholarship Fund is now accepting 2025 applications. Applicants must be a DISHS graduating senior and/or nontraditional student with an educational goal, which may include travel, and who has a commitment to lifelong learning and a sense of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
1 min
Back-and forth against Narraguagus a season best, despite the loss
The girls basketball team lost to number one Bangor Christian in Bangor 44-20 on February 5.
2 mins
Honk's Island sold, building demolished
Honk's Island, the small rocky outcropping west of the Stonington Fish Pier, has been sold.

1 min
Winter souping
I make a version of this soup every year, when soup season strikes and I am craving something hot, substantial and aromatic.
1 min
Witham announces write-in candidacy for CSD 13 school board
Jessica Lynne Witham has announced her write-in candidacy for the Deer Isle-Stonington Community School District 13 school board, bringing nearly 30 years of educational experience and leadership to the race.
1 min
School garden and greenhouse project launched
The Petty Foundation has partnered with Healthy Peninsula to launch the School Gardens and Greenhouse Project.
1 min
Coastline Physical Therapy, YMCA collaborate on fall prevention program
Coastline Physical Therapy has announced a new partnership with the Blue Hill YMCA, in collaboration with Healthy Island Project, Healthy Peninsula and Healthy Living for ME, to bring the nationally recognized Matter of Balance program to the Peninsula.
1 min
Grohoski appointed to the Maine Artificial Intelligence Task Force
On January 28, Sen. Nicole Grohoski, D-Ellsworth, was appointed to the Maine Artificial Intelligence Task Force by Senate President Mattie Daughtry, D-Brunswick.
1 min
Deer Isle budget down as town meeting approaches
Deer Isle residents are set to vote on a town budget that is 7 percent smaller than last year, according to Town Manager Jim Fisher.
3 mins
Island Ad-Vantages Newspaper Description:
Publisher: Penobscot Bay Press
Category: Newspaper
Language: English
Frequency: Weekly
Island Ad-Vantages, based in Stonington, Maine traces its history through weekly papers published on Deer Isle from 1882. Serving the island towns of Deer Isle, Isle au Haut and Stonington, the Island Ad-Vantages provides a comprehensive offering of the news and events of the area, while paying special attention to the people, institutions and the natural beauty that make the community the place it is. From lobster fishing and the impact a $46 million a year that industry has on the community to annual events such as graduations, local sports coverage and a vibrant creative economy, the Ad-Vantages combines words and images to deliver a picture of an area that is as much about its beauty as it is about its ethic of hard work, determination and dedication.
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