
Learning To Speak Maneuver
I am not what you would consider to be a “car person” which means that I usually pay for maintenance and don’t look under the hood unless I see smoke.

The 2017 Knox, Hamilton And Gruber Awards
The U.S. Army Field Artillery School has announced the winners of the 2017 Knox, Hamilton and Gruber awards for excellence within the field artillery branch. These awards are presented annually and recognize excellence by unit (active and National Guard) and individual. Congratulations to the 2017 award winners.

Head, Heart, Gut
A personal, ethical decisionmaking methodology

E-62nd Thaad And Patriot Interop Success
During their first ever Missile Defense Agency Flight Test, Soldiers from Battery E, 62nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade and 4th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade conducted a Congressionally mandated interoperability test between the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense and Patriot weapons at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico April 6, 2018.

Paratroopers Train To Jumpwith Stinger Missiles, Defend Against Air Threats
FORT BRAGG, N.C. – Conducting static-line airborne operations with non-typical weapons systems requires specialized training and equipment due to their large size.

ADA Modernization Team Seeks ‘Quick Wins' On Goals
Two of the six modernization priorities that Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley set forth last October directly affect Fort Sill and the Fires Center of Excellence.

Air Defense Artillery In World War I
This year marks the 100-year anniversary of the U.S. participation in World War I. It was in 1917 that Gen. John Pershing and his American Expeditionary Force embarked onto the shores of France to begin training and readiness into what became known globally as The Great War. As America entered World War I, new technologies from the Industrial Age were introduced into combat.

What Is Old Is New Again
Field artillery in megacities

Emerging Air Defense Challenges
Unmanned aerial systems

Hello From The 53rd Commandant Of The U.S. Army Field Artillery School
Never for a second did I ever expect to become the 53rd Chief of the Field Artillery and Commandant of the United States Field Artillery School. Having said that, I am thrilled and humbled to serve our Army and our branch in this capacity.
Accelerating Multi-domain Operations
Evolution of an idea
Fires Battle Lab Leads Multi-Domain Experiment
The Fires Battle Lab is going to war. The enemy is uncertainty.

The Future Of Field Artillery
Merging with air defense

The Right Way To Rehearse At NTC
For years, observer coach trainers (OC/ Ts) at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif., have been giving units the same feedback after their rehearsals, “That was a pretty good back-brief, but it sure wasn’t a rehearsal.”

Air Defense Artillery School House Changes Leadership, McIntire Continues To Serve ADA
Fort Sill welcomed a newcomer to a top post July 26 and wished another the best of luck in an on-post assignment. In a ceremony in front of post headquarters, Brig. Gen. Randall McIntire stepped down as the Air Defense Artillery commandant and Chief of Air Defense.

Winter Warfare
Supporting maneuver in ice, snow, cold

Yuma Proving Ground Remains On Artillery Cutting Edge
For most of its history, artillery testing has been Yuma Proving Ground’s core mission.

Enabling A Force Field Artillery
The necessity of protection

Letterkenny Army Depot Overhauls Avenger system
Letterkenny Army Depot Overhauls Avenger system

Fires Supporting Maneuver
The need for an update

Resurrecting The Light Cavalry's Fire Support
Restructuring the IBCT squadron fire support teams to maximize capability

Artillery's Role In Sea-based Expeditionary Fires
Fire support and maritime history was made in late October 2017 during exercise Dawn Blitz2017.

Brigade Deep Battle 2.0
UAV-Fires teaming in support of the brigade deep fight

US Air Defense Artillery Foreign Advising
The strategic NCO leveraging the operational art

Going The Extra 1,000 Miles
Preparing a field artillery brigade for a near-peer adversary

The Fires complex
Organizing to win in largescale combat operations

Shaping The Division Fight
Targeting Doctrine Reapplied

Multi-domain Operations
Communicate First, Shoot, Then Move

Increasing Multi-domain Capability
Joint force training approach to third offset strategy

Integrating Offensive And Defensive Fires To Defeat Indirect Fire Attacks
Integrating Offensive And Defensive Fires To Defeat Indirect Fire Attacks