The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Yoga and Total Health

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Perceiving imperfections of the body through Saucha

1 min  |
January 2023
Yoga and Total Health


Do you fancy a glass of cold buttermilk (Takra) during the summer? If so then Ayurveda has some bad news for you. According to Bhavprakash, Takra is hot in potency and should not be consumed during the hot season. On the contrary, it describes Takra as 'nectar' during the cold season!

1 min  |
January 2023
Distinctive Features of Saintly and Wicked Persons - Part II
Yoga and Total Health

Distinctive Features of Saintly and Wicked Persons - Part II

Six features to avoid

3 mins  |
January 2023
A Walk to Recollect
Yoga and Total Health

A Walk to Recollect

All I wanted to do is stand there and admire the length of those mountains,  Never did I imagine the silence and serenity of these ice-covered terrains. Divided by the fast-flowing Sutlej River, I stood there, admiring nature’s pure art.

1 min  |
January 2023
The Greatness Code
Yoga and Total Health

The Greatness Code

Making most of the codes we are dealt with

4 mins  |
January 2023
Desire's Bow and Destiny's Noose
Yoga and Total Health

Desire's Bow and Destiny's Noose

Choosing desires wisely to shape our destiny

2 mins  |
January 2023
"Happy New Year"
Yoga and Total Health

"Happy New Year"

Let the magic of appreciation into your life

3 mins  |
January 2023
Faith from Religion and Religion from Ritualism
Yoga and Total Health

Faith from Religion and Religion from Ritualism

Bridging the ethnocentric divide

4 mins  |
January 2023
Bhava Training at The Yoga Institute
Yoga and Total Health

Bhava Training at The Yoga Institute

Sowing the seeds of a positive attitude

1 min  |
January 2023
When More Is Less
Yoga and Total Health

When More Is Less

Are we fooling ourselves with New Year's resolutions?

2 mins  |
January 2023
Accepting and Overcoming Negativity
Yoga and Total Health

Accepting and Overcoming Negativity

Yoga teaches to accept and do your best

2 mins  |
January 2023
Be Curious About The World But Have A Purpose
Yoga and Total Health

Be Curious About The World But Have A Purpose

How a little inquisitiveness goes a long way

2 mins  |
December 2022
Absentminded! Who? Me!
Yoga and Total Health

Absentminded! Who? Me!

When nothing gets done despite being busy all day

2 mins  |
December 2022
How To Charge Your Neurotransmitter Or Boost Dopamine level: Numerology
Yoga and Total Health

How To Charge Your Neurotransmitter Or Boost Dopamine level: Numerology

Know your birth number and boost your energy levels

3 mins  |
December 2022
बेहतर स्वास्थ्य के लिए जरूरी हैं बेहतर नींद
Yoga and Total Health

बेहतर स्वास्थ्य के लिए जरूरी हैं बेहतर नींद

स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाए रखने के लिए पर्याप्त नींद स्वा बहुत आवश्यक है। अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए नींद उतनी ही महत्वपूर्ण है जितना नियमित व्यायाम और संतुलित आहार ।

2 mins  |
December 2022
Yoga and Total Health


भा\"रत की सबसे प्राचीन चिकित्सा पद्धति है आयुर्वेद । इस पद्धति का प्रयोग 2000 से 5000 वर्ष से भी पूर्व से हो रहा है। आयुर्वेद के अनुसार हमारा शरीर पंच महाभूतों भा से बना है - आकाश, वायु, अग्नि, पृथ्वी और जल ।

1 min  |
December 2022
असफल तब तक नहीं होंगे....जब तक हार न मान लें...
Yoga and Total Health

असफल तब तक नहीं होंगे....जब तक हार न मान लें...

हम कोई भी कार्य करें हमारी इंद्रियों या कर्मेन्द्रियों की मदद के बगैर नहीं हो सकता है, साथ ही मन का होना अनिवार्य है परंतु यदि मन का साथ न हो तो कोई भी इंद्रिय अपना काम निभा नहीं पाएगी। आशय यह है कि हमारी समस्त गतिविधियों की धूरी मन ही है।

3 mins  |
December 2022
योग एक व्यावहारिक दृष्टिकोण
Yoga and Total Health

योग एक व्यावहारिक दृष्टिकोण

बदलाव हमारे अस्तित्व का वास्तविक मूलममन्त्र है। हम नईनई योजना बनाते हैं और सावधानीपूर्वक उसका प्रबंध भी करते हैं मगर अमल करते समय योजना व कार्यक्रम वैसे नहीं रहते हैं, जैसे कि प्रारम्भ में अनुमान लगाये जाते हैं।

1 min  |
December 2022
प्रकृति जड़ होती है, उसमें चेतना नहीं होती फिर ऐसी अचेतन प्रकृति चेतनवत् की तरह कैसे कार्य करती है ?
Yoga and Total Health

प्रकृति जड़ होती है, उसमें चेतना नहीं होती फिर ऐसी अचेतन प्रकृति चेतनवत् की तरह कैसे कार्य करती है ?

वक्लविवृद्धिनिमित्तं पुरुषविमोक्षनिमित्तं क्षीरस्य यथा प्रवृत्तिज्ञस्य J तथा प्रवृत्तिः प्रधानस्य ।।

1 min  |
December 2022
सूत्र - हेयं दुःखमनागतम् ।।2.16।।
Yoga and Total Health

सूत्र - हेयं दुःखमनागतम् ।।2.16।।

सू पार्थ- आने वाले दुःख त्यागने योग्य हैं।

2 mins  |
December 2022
Thoughts on the Gita
Yoga and Total Health

Thoughts on the Gita

I radiate heat as the sun, and hold back as well as send forth rain;

1 min  |
December 2022
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Yoga and Total Health

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Gaining knowedge of past lives

1 min  |
December 2022
Yoga and Total Health


For the winter, let's turn to a fruit best suited to the season - dates. According to Bhavmishra, the foods during winter should have the qualities of being nutritive, digestive and strength giving.

1 min  |
December 2022
Distinctive Features of Saintly and Wicked Persons Part 1
Yoga and Total Health

Distinctive Features of Saintly and Wicked Persons Part 1

Beneficial qualities

4 mins  |
December 2022
Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana
Yoga and Total Health

Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana

The Truth The God

4 mins  |
December 2022
Comparison of Hatha and Raja Yoga
Yoga and Total Health

Comparison of Hatha and Raja Yoga

How Hatha Yoga Became More Popular

1 min  |
December 2022
Vishranti, That State of Repose
Yoga and Total Health

Vishranti, That State of Repose

Discovering the power of true rest

2 mins  |
December 2022
Healthy Happy Hours
Yoga and Total Health

Healthy Happy Hours

Finding true hours of happiness during the day

4 mins  |
December 2022
The Art of Journaling
Yoga and Total Health

The Art of Journaling

The benefits of expressive writing

2 mins  |
December 2022
900 Hours of Re-Discovery A Memoir of My Yoga Experience - Part 1
Yoga and Total Health

900 Hours of Re-Discovery A Memoir of My Yoga Experience - Part 1

Learnings at The Yoga Institute

4 mins  |
December 2022